March Is Women's History Month
Women's History Week first began in 1978 in California to celebrate and build awareness of women's accomplishments throughout history, in politics, the arts, and science. In 1981, Congress designated the first week of March to be a week to honor women's contributions to society, and the recognition spread and grew! The Library owns many books for kids and adults that provide fresh insight on women’s accomplishments. This month, we highlight a few you might like to check out... click on a book cover to put it on hold!
Virtual Chocolate & Wine Benefit A Success! 
Our sincere thanks to the 200-plus fans and champions of Monterey Public Library who attended the MPL Friends & Foundation’s 16th annual Chocolate & Wine benefit. Emceed by KSBW meteorologist Gina DeVecchio, the virtual event featured a cooking class with local author, chef, and blogger Caroline Chambers whose cookbook is available at MPL. Watch for news about more learning opportunities sponsored by the MPL Friends & Foundation in the coming weeks. 
Friends & Foundation Launches Major Campaign 
The Chocolate & Wine event included a celebration of MPL’s first major fundraising campaign: Monterey Learns! As most of you know, the pandemic’s impact on tourism and the local economy drastically reduced City revenue. As a result, the City reduced the Library’s budget by over 65%, cut staff by 80%, and eliminated the book budget. The Friends & Foundation’s campaign recognizes that the library is an essential service and a catalyst for learning. Find out more at investinMPL or call 831-646-5632. 
Free, Bilingual Tutoring Service
Need help with your homework? Use your MPL library card to sign on to HelpNow on our website for live tutoring assistance, 1 to 11 pm daily. Whether you are a kindergartener or a college student, expert assistance is available in English and Spanish on a wide range of topics and for every skill level.
Living History: S.F.B. Morse and Pebble Beach
Thurs. March 11, 2 - 3 pm
Join us for this engaging and informative first person living history performance by actor Howard Burnham: "S.F.B. Morse and Pebble Beach (as told by his publicity agent, Herb Cerwin)". The Living History Series explores key moments in Monterey’s rich history. Register now to hear about this legendary local figure.
2nd Annual Local History Slam!
April 10 from 10 am - 4 pm
Interested in presenting? Sign up to give a virtual 10–15 minute presentation by sending your idea to Emily Gottlieb at by March 15. Cash awards for the most creative, informative entries on a local history topic! For more information or to register, visit History Slam.
Winter Reading through March 9!
Last chance to pick up your reading log at the Monterey Public Library, and track your reading time. When you have read for six hours total, return your log to the curbside door to pick out your free prize book!
Ms. Orquidea’s Read & Sing Storytime
Saturday, March 13, 10:30 am
Let’s sing songs and read some stories! Join Ms. Orquidea’s live Storytime sessions on Zoom. Especially for ages 18 months to 5 years. Register here to join us on March 13. Can’t wait? Visit our Kids page for prerecorded storytimes – a new episode is posted every Friday.
Drop-in Mindfulness Practice
Pause mid-week with a gently guided mindfulness meditation session. All levels of experience welcome, led by experienced volunteer practitioners. For more information see mindfulness meditationWednesdays, 12:15 - 12:45 pm
Monterey Public Library | (831) 646-3933 |