Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to give thanks to our wonderful Monterey community! The support for our Library and Museums here in Monterey is truly special. I want to thank you for being a part of the library.

November is also Native American Heritage Month and I want us all to recognize that our first people of the Ohlone Rumsen and Esselen communities continue to live and thrive in the Monterey region. We live in an area of abundance, and the recipes of our Rumsen and Esselen neighbors of the Monterey area represent our landscape. There are numerous Ohlone tribes throughout the region, and the SF Bay Area Muwekma Ohlone (also from my hometown of Fremont, CA) shared a wonderful recipe for Ohlone salad. I have also included a fabulous recipe for Bay Nuts - or Sokkoch - from Linda Yamane, Rumsen Ohlone Artist, Historian, and Tribal scholar, included in the slide below.

How can we continue to learn more and celebrate?
  • Learn more about tribal populations and make personal connections
  • Don't talk about tribes as only existing in the past tense
  • Share warmth, care, and compassion with your loved ones during the holidays
  • Reach out to the community for strength and support
  • Look at recipes that highlight healthy, local, and sustainable ingredients
  • Continue to learn, ask questions, and attend programs that celebrate everyone in our community

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and spread thanks to those who impact you! Library services happen due to the hands of many caring people - I am thankful for our wonderful library staff, volunteers, donors, Board of Library Trustees and Friends & Foundation.

Bay Nuts are the fruit from the California Bay Laurel or Sokkoch in the Rumsen language. The tree is also known as Pepperwood. You will find these trees throughout the region.

Note that you will need to dry harvested nuts for up to two weeks prior to cooking.

The artwork, recipe content, and design are by Linda Yamane.

Please note the Monterey Public Library will be closed on:

Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th
in celebration of Thanksgiving.

The Holiday Bookdrop will be open to return materials near the Pacific Street entrance.
MPL Hours of Service:
Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Wednesdays: 12:30 PM - 5:45 PM,
Thursday: 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Call (831) 646-3710 or click Bookmobile for details.
Monterey Public Library | (831) 646-3933 |