
I recently had the honor to moderate a panel at the Japanese American Citizens League as part of their film Enduring Democracy: The Monterey Petition. The film explores when 500+ people in Monterey gathered to place a full page ad in the Monterey Peninsula Herald to welcome back Japanese after internment. Prior to this an ad had been placed in the Herald that all persons of Japanese ancestry be sent back to Japan. Supporters of the Monterey Petition included Tony Jackson-Ricketts (Steinbeck's editor), Ed Ricketts (marine biologist), John Steinbeck (author), Edward Weston (photographer), Robinson Jeffers (poet), and others. The petition was circulated as a way to highlight that at the end of internment, that Monterey supported the constitution "by insuring the democractic way of life for ALL members of the community."

It's notable as the Issei (first generation) and Nisei (second generation) had contributed immensely to the Monterey Peninsula economy - strawberries, artichokes, salmon fishing, and abalone fishing had all been staples here. Due to long anti-Asian policies in California and United States, immigration policies, deed restrictions & business policies had removed many Chinese & Japanese from the ability to own land or immigrate. Quota immigration policies had removed them entirely from the ability to immigrate and become citizens; however their Nisei children were proud Japanese-Americans. Some of the most decorated soldiers in history served as part of the 442nd regiment were Nisei originally here from Monterey.

Today, as we discuss immigration policies and laws, I recommend watching this film (available at your library!), research more about the constitution and interpretation, visiting the JACL Heritage Museum, and learn more about the history of our country. One piece that has stuck out in my reading is the Japanese American Creed from 1941 by Mike Masaoka:

"I am proud that I am an American Citizen of Japanese ancestry, for my very background makes me appreciate more fully the wonderful advantages of this Nation. I believe in her institutions, ideal and traditions; I glory in her heritage; I boast of her history; I trust in her future. She has granted me liberties and opportunities such as no individual enjoys in this world today. She has given me an education befitting kings. She has entrusted me with the responsibilities of the franchise. She has permitted me to build a home, to earn a livelihood, to worship, think, speak and act as I please - as a free man equal to every other man.

Although some individuals may discriminate against me I shall never become bitter or lose faith, for I know such persons are not representative of the majority of the American people. True, I shall do all in my power to discourage such practices, but I shall do it in the American way; above board, in the open, through courts of law, by education, by proving myself to be worthy of equal treatment and consideration. I am firm in my belief that American sportsmanship and attitude of fair play will judge citizenship and patriotism on the basis of action and achievement, and not on the basis of physical characteristics.

Because I believe in American, and I trust she believes in me, and because I have received innumerable benefits from her I pledge myself to do honor to her at all times and in all places, to support her Constitution, to obey her laws, to respect her Flag, to defend her against all enemies, foreign or domestic, to actively assume my duties and obligations as a citizen, cheerfully and without reservations whatsoever in the hope that I may become a better American in a great America."

You can view all of the signatures of the Monterey Petition on the CSUMB digital library.




We are so excited to announce the 2025 Winter Reading Challenge is back!

Now through March 15th, read a total

of five hours and earn a free book.

It’s that easy!

Winter Reading Challenge

Now - Saturday, March 15th 

Reading logs can be picked up at the MPL Help Desk or MPL Bookmobile.

All ages are welcome to participate. 

All completed logs returned by March 15th

will be entered into the Winter Prize Drawing.


Have you heard of Mary Anning?

Born in 1799, she was a pioneer paleontologist

who collected and studied fossils.

Join us to learn about how fossils are formed

and learn to excavate and identify fossils.

STEAM in the Park

Saturday, January 25th

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Montecito Park Bookmobile Stop -

220 Montecito Ave.


Top reasons to do puzzles:

-Puzzles increase your brain’s ability to think critically

-Puzzles reduce stress levels by calming and refocusing efforts

-Puzzles encourage creativity

-Puzzles are just fun

Join MPL’s Winter Puzzle Exchange!

Winter Puzzle Exchange

Saturday, January 25th

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

MPL Community Room

Gently used puzzles are acceptable but please make sure puzzles

contain all of the pieces and are securely packaged. 


The ancient Greek Philosopher Plato

once wrote “Astronomy compels the

soul to look upwards and leads us

from this world to another.” 

MPL is now offering two new stargazing

kits available for checkout!

Each kit contains:

a refractor telescope


high and low power eyepieces

a star finder

a folding stool

a flashlight

a compass

2 booklets

an instruction sheet

carrying case

Note: Kits must be checked out and returned to MPL’s Help Desk.

Please fill out a release form prior to checkout.

"Check" it out!


This Chocolate and “Whine” event is for KIDS! 

Maybe you've heard about the Monterey Public Library Friends & Foundation's (MPLF&F) Annual Chocolate and Wine Fundraiser for the 21+ crowd scheduled for February 22nd.

But this year, kids can get in on the chocolate action during our chocolate STEAM fair!

Chocolate and Whine: for Kids!

Saturday, February 8th 

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

MPL Community Room

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for each child participant

No whining allowed!


A huge thank you to the many generous donors that supported

Monterey Public Library Friends and Foundation’s (MPLF&F)

during the Monterey County Gives! Campaign

With nearly $55,000 raised, funding will be used for MPL's California

History Room resources, including Monterey's historical collections.

In addition, a "Memory Lab" will be developed to allow library

patrons to digitize their own memories. 


ABC’s and 123’s - it’s a Kinder Roundup! 

Is your child entering TK or Kindergarten soon?

Want to learn about local school options? 

Join educators from public, charter, and private schools in

presenting Kindergarten Roundup! Following a brief presentation

by each school, educators will be available at designated tables to provide additional information and or answer questions.

Confirmed schools include:

Bay View Academy

Big Sur Charter School

Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula

International School of Monterey (25/26 lottery closes 1/31)

Monterey Bay Charter School 

Monterey Peninsula Unified School District 

San Carlos School

Kinder Roundup!

Wednesday, February 12th

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 

MPL Community Room 


This program is free and open to all, but please

RSVP for the total number of attendees.

For questions, please contact Kim Smith, Public Services Manager

at 831-646-2093 or

MPL Hours of Service:

Monday: 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Bookmobile Information:

Call (831) 646-3710 or click Bookmobile for detailed hours and locations.

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Monterey Public Library | (831) 646-3933 |