Help us reach our Goal

We are so close, help get us there!

Today is the last day of the month and we are only $8,500 away from our monthly goal! Please help us reach our goal by making a contribution to help our campaign unseat a 32 year Career Politician

Richard Neal has hitched his wagon to President Biden and Nancy Pelosi. He can try all he wants to portray himself as a moderate, but he votes with Nancy Pelosi 96% of the time. 

As the Chair of House Ways and Means, he is responsible for writing legislation to find the money to pay for the radical spending policies coming from the Democrats in DC. Newly armed with 87,000 new IRS agents, he will be coming for us, not the billionaires, but the hard working poor, middle class, and the small businesses of our great country.

Together we can put an end to these policies that continue to hurt our economy, hurt our jobs, and drive the country even further into debt.

Together we can win.

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