Coos Coalition Workgroup Updates - December

Did you know that the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families has over 9 workgroups that meet regularly to push their collective impact work forward?

Find quick update about the various Coalition groups in this one-stop newsletter.


Community Building Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb Dunlap

Last Meeting 11/27/23

We are hoping to figure out how various groups that are working on community building can best collaborate. This group is made up of family leaders but other groups such as Community Stewards and Statewide Family Engagement Center have been invited in as we strategize how to best use our time together for the most impact. The community building efforts have focused on how to make all people feel they are welcomed and belong in our community; from the folks that typically attend such events to people who have never participated. Discussions include what barriers exist that prevent people from participating and the importance of creating "with" people and not designing "for" people without their input and involvement.

FMI on Family Leadership  

Family Leadership Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb Dunlap

Last Meeting 12/11/23

Family Leaders have had the opportunity to attend Whole Family Partner meetings as well as more recently attend a Coalition Leadership Meeting where they presented on parent / caregiver perspectives. This was a rich conversation between caregivers and providers and a theme that emerged was that we were "better together" and it is not constructive when either side holds an "us versus them" mentality. If we are going to make an impact we need to continue to figure out how to work alongside each other; valuing personal / lived experience as much (if not more than) professional perspectives. Family Leaders are eager to be more involved in the broader Coos Coalition work and are starting to be included in discussions for designing the Coalition's next strategic planning sessions.

FMI on Communications 

Communications Workgroup

Facilitator: Jen Buteau

Last Meeting 12/6/23

This group is finalizing a brand new recognition program called Coos Coalition Champions of Children & Family. In 2024 they will solicit applications for individuals, organizations, and businesses that are area champions of children and families. Jumping off of the "We Are the North Country" campaign, this new program will continue to build awareness of the work being done by the Coalition and also lift up the many people and businesses that are already supporting this important work. We hope highlighting positive elements of our community will promote community spirit and pride.

FMI on Funder & Policy

Policy and Funder Workgroup

Facilitator: T.B.D.

Will Meet Quarterly

With lots of momentum, this version of the Policy and Funder Group has moved under the Directors Network, under the leadership of Airole Warden. As a result of this change, we will have to discuss the composition of group that remains.

FMI on Screening & Referral

Screening & Referral Workgroup

Facilitator: Mollie White

Last Meeting 9/11/23

FMI on Professional Development

Professional Development Workgroup

Facilitator: Andrea Muller

Last Meeting 12/13/23

Representatives from many organizations serving children and families continue to get together to discuss what their individual organizations are doing for professional development (PD) as well as talking about alignment across organizations / community as applicable. For example, several programs and initiatives are offering, supporting, and taking advantage of the Social Emotional Learning program; Conscious Discipline (CD). CD is available to both early educators and to parents / caregivers. NCES has been supporting various SEL programs; including CD and have recently connected with the Statewide Family Engagement Center to fund more CD series. Several early childcare center staff have been through the series as well as some home visitors and NHS - Infant Mental Health staff. Discussion about parents and professionals taking it alongside each other in the future was had.

FMI on Raising Strong Families 

Raising Strong Families Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb Dunlap

This cross-sector (Head Start, FRC, Gorham School, NHS, CCFHS, NH Food Bank) group continues to meet monthly to provide intensive wrap-around services to 5 families with complex needs in the Berlin / Gorham area. Group is currently writing a manual and being evaluated by Pear Associates.

FMI on Leadership Team 

Leadership Team Workgroup

Facilitator: Debra Dunlap

Last Meeting 12/14/23

The Leadership Team has formed a steering committee to start planning their strategic planning sessions (slated to start in Jan 2024). Team will meet with Family Leaders to discuss integrating family voice and next steps. Family Leaders will attend next meeting and have been asked to share with providers examples of missteps and recommendations for genuinely engaging caregivers. Also, a Childcare Task Force has been formed and hope to be action oriented and identify / build solutions to the issues in childcare.

FMI on Fun With Data

Fun With Data Workgroup

Facilitator: Mollie White

Last Meeting 6/20/23

Stay tuned for data from Insight Vision!

Early Childhood Connects Facilitator Workgroup

Facilitator: Andrea Mueller

ECE Summit 11/30/23

Our six regional Early Childhood Connects came together for the Fall ECE Summit; focusing on family engagement. Over 50 people were in attendance and represented area schools, childcare centers, and social service organizations. Between summits (twice a year) these groups meet monthly to work on smooth transitions and school readiness for children entering kindergarten.


Have you seen the We Are the North Country video? Help families get connected to the resources they need and share the video on your social media. Video here

CCYCF website has been relaunched. Check it out and remember this is where you can quickly and easily refer families to get connected to ALL community resources that are available to them.

And check out our new CCYCF LinkedIn Page. Consider following it and feel free to send Jen any data, reports, etc. you would like posted on the page.

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