Coos Coalition Workgroup Updates - August

We've got a lot going on!

Find quick updates in this one-stop newsletter. 

Visit our Newly Relaunched Website


CCYCF website has been relaunched. Check it out and remember this is where you can quickly and easily refer families to get connected to ALL community resources that are available to them.

And check out our new CCYCF LinkedIn Page. Consider following it and feel free to send Jen any data, reports, etc. you would like posted on the page.


Community Engagement Workgroup

This brand new group will have its first meeting on August 28th. It's headed by the Family Leaders and co-facilitated by Deb and Jen. Stay tuned for more information as this workgroup tackles the Coalition's strategic goals around increased community engagement.


Family Leadership Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb

Last Meeting 8/14/23

The Family Leaders have defined genuine family engagement. This group is only a few months old but they have defined their vision, mission, and goals. They will start working on establishing pathways for more family leaders to get involved in Coalition work as well as think about how to engage, recruit, and support more parents / caregivers, and youth to be an active part of this work.


Communications Workgroup

Facilitator: Jen

Last Meeting 8/02/23

This workgroup is working to ensure a diversity of perspectives are represented into the group. The "We are the North Country" campaign is underway and to compliment that the Coalition's website has been relaunched and now includes a quick referral form for families and / or referral partners to complete to be connected with a Resource Navigator (from FRC) who will support the family to be connected with ALL community resources they are eligible / interested in. There is also a new Coos Coalition LinkedIn page. This group is about to create their work plan for the next year to outline action steps to create a shared and coordinated communications system that propels the work of the entire Coalition forward.


Policy & Funder Priorities Workgroup

Facilitator: Airole

Last Meeting 7/24/2023

After the Childcare Roundtable Airole has been in touch with Councilor Kenny and each Representative in attendance has said they want to support our efforts. Group will propose "categorically eligible" status for NH childcare scholarship for ALL early childhood educators (in licensed facilities) in Coos County. "Shovel-ready" projects to be drafted. Work being done to help families maximize NH childcare scholarship (currently underutilized). Affordability pilot write-up has been completed. Kim Votta is working on a comprehensive report on all childcare related initiatives happening. Employer involvement info is being developed in collaboration with Ericka / CEDC.


Screening & Referrals Workgroup

Facilitator: Mollie

Last Meeting 7/10/23

The group is working on a closed loop referral process guide for partners. They continue to think about a sustainable and effective referral system amongst partners (that is not person dependent). New Coalition website has launched and there is a quick referral form that caregivers and / or referral partners can fill out that will go straight to FRC Resource Navigators who will then support the referred person with warm hand-offs and get them connected to all applicable community supports and services they are interested in.


Fun with Data Workgroup

Facilitator: Mollie

Last Meeting 6/20/23

Check out Mollie's Data Presentation!

Professional Development Workgroup

Facilitator: Andy

Last Meeting 8/2/23

The group is working to align professional development strategies with Coalition strategies. They are working on narrowing their What, Why, and For Whom down. They have a strong focus on COLLABORATION and are looking for efficient ways to offer trainings to the full cross sector of organizations and individuals involved with CCYCF.


Raising Strong Families Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb

There are families with multiple, complex needs who could benefit from a wraparound approach to engage and coordinate multiple services. Through CCFYCF, a pilot program offering this tertiary service has been established and is supporting 4-6 families in the Androscoggin Valley area. There is a customized team rallying around each family as well as an overarching steering committee who problem solve and leverage their relationships for the betterment of the children and families.


Leadership Team

Facilitator: Deb

Last Meeting 8/10/23

The Leadership Team acts as a board of directors for the Coös Coalition. The Leadership Team has been working on effectively structuring as the backbone facilitating organization for the Coalition. A new finance committee has started to meet to provide fiscal oversight. Contracts have been reviewed and roles for the various Strategy Managers and the Executive Manager have been defined.

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