Coos Coalition Workgroup Updates - February

Congratulations, Ann Nolin; Our First

Coos Coalition Champion for Children & Families!

FMI on Communications 

Communications Workgroup

Facilitator: Jen Buteau

Last Meeting 2/7/24


Coos Coalition's

Champion for Children and Families Initiative.

To nominate an individual, organization, or business, please complete this form.

Did you know that the Coos Coalition for Young Children and Families has over 9 workgroups that meet regularly to push their collective impact work forward?

Find quick update about the various Coalition groups in this one-stop newsletter.


Community Building Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb Dunlap

Last Meeting 2/26/24

Family Leaders, Community Stewards, Statewide Family Engagement Center staff, along with the Community School Planning Project are working together to create a family day scheduled for June 1st in Berlin. Stay tuned for more information!

FMI on Family Leadership  

Family Leadership Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb Dunlap

Last Meeting 2/12/24

Family Leaders have been invited to be a part of the Coalition Strategic Leadership Planning. Two representatives will continue to attend those monthly meetings and help shape the Coalition's next strategic plan. Our Family Leaders have been selected to present in Kentucky in April for Partner's for Rural Impact's "Rural Summit: From Cradle to Career" where they will present on the work they have to more fully and genuinely center families in organizations / systems that serve families.

FMI on Professional Development

Professional Development Workgroup

Facilitator: Andrea Muller

Upcoming Events

Register Here for Play-Based Learning Workshop
Save the Date for Early Childhood Connections Summit, May 7, 2024

A Childcare Tactical Team:

Sooooooo much happening!

For More Information

and / or to Register

for next Regional Meeting,

Follow this link: and compelling headline

FMI on Leadership Team 

Leadership Team Workgroup

Facilitator: Debra Dunlap

Last Meeting 2/08/24

The Leadership Team is busy working on their next strategic plan that will guide the collective impact work. Currently, they are reviewing goals and action steps from the last plan. Strategy Managers have made some recommendations for goals to continue, maintain, and / or discontinue based on current status.

FMI on Raising Strong Families 

Raising Strong Families Workgroup

Facilitator: Deb Dunlap

This cross-sector (Head Start, FRC, Gorham School, NHS, CCFHS, NH Food Bank) group continues to meet monthly to provide intensive wrap-around services to 5 families with complex needs in the Berlin / Gorham area. Group is currently writing a manual and being evaluated by Pear Associates.

FMI on Funder & Policy

Policy and Funder Workgroup

Facilitator: T.B.D.

Will Meet Quarterly

With lots of momentum, this version of the Policy and Funder Group has moved under the Directors Network, under the leadership of Airole Warden. As a result of this change, we will have to discuss the composition of group that remains.

FMI on Fun With Data

Fun With Data Workgroup

Facilitator: Mollie White

Last Meeting 6/20/23

Stay tuned for data from Insight Vision!


Have you seen the We Are the North Country video? Help families get connected to the resources they need and share the video on your social media. Video here

CCYCF website has been relaunched. Check it out and remember this is where you can quickly and easily refer families to get connected to ALL community resources that are available to them.

And check out our CCYCF LinkedIn Page. Consider following it and feel free to send Jen any data, reports, etc. you would like posted on the page.

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