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Employee Wellness Newsletter
November 2020: Inform and Empower - Men's Health Month 
Men die an average six years younger than women. Why? For reasons that are largely preventable: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health & suicide prevention. Let’s focus November on Men’s Health and utilize these tips and resources below to help men live healthier, happier, and longer lives!
Live Well
What can men do to reduce risk factors? Utilize these tips and resources below to help our fathers, partners, sons, brothers, and friends.

  1. Spend Time with Good People: Stay connected to friends and family.
  2. Talk & Listen, More: Globally, every minute, a man dies by suicide. In the US, 75% of suicides are men. Just being there for someone - listening & giving your time – can be lifesaving. If you feel that someone’s life (or your life) is in danger, call 911 or go directly to available services:
  3. Know The Numbers & Be Aware: Early detection can be life-saving for prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Read the links below.
  4. Move More: Get up and get movin’ as every step matters! Try ideas such as taking the stairs, parking further from the building entrance, getting off the bus a stop or two early, and walking at work or at home with friends/family.

Eat Well
Food is fuel, but it also is information for our cells, DNA, and organs. The components in our food talk directly to everything inside us – this is powerful. Listed here are simple swaps to increase your consumption of vitamins, minerals and polyphenols. These swaps have disease fighting nutrients, are antioxidant rich, and can have anti-inflammatory effects.
*PLUS* Enhance your meal with these powerful herbs and spices: Rosemary, turmeric, peppermint, cloves, cocoa powder, cilantro, thyme, parsley, oregano, ginger, cinnamon, black cumin, tarragon, sage, cayenne pepper, nutmeg, fennel and celery seed.
Be Well
Want to make an impact together? Here is what we can do to support Men’s Health this month
  • Wear Blue – to help raise awareness about the importance of men’s health education & prevention
  • Take Part in Movember -
- You can grow a mustache, move for Movember, and more!
*Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended to treat, diagnose, or replace your healthcare professional. Always seek medical advice for your specific circumstance as needed for any questions and concerns. This information provided is for educational purposes only. 
In Good Health,
Looking for Additional Well-Being Tools to Thrive?
Check out our Wellness Page which features Wellness Seminars, Mindful Moments, and much more!

Kayla Isaacs, CHES, CWWS 630.737.9383 |

Madeline Engelking, MBA, RDN 630.737.9356 | 
About the Monthly Wellness Newsletter
The everyday choices we make can help us live healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives. The CGO Employee Wellness Newsletter provides monthly resources and education on a variety of topics like nutrition, exercise, emotional health and resilience, prevention and more. Our hope is that this information empowers you to incorporate sustainable healthy habits for a lifetime of good health and well-being.

Always consult with your physician before beginning any wellness program. This general information is not intended to replace your healthcare professional.  

Sources: Zywave,

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