September, 2021
I2D2 is being recognized...
  • The recent Home Visiting report was featured in the July Newsletter for AISP (Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy). CLICK HERE

  • The federal Administration for Children and Families is working with WestStat to document case studies showcasing expert approaches in integrated data systems. I2D2 was identified as one of these systems, and interviews with key leaders across Iowa are underway. Stay tuned for more information.
The child care shortage is hitting Iowa hard, costing parents, businesses, and taxpayers a total of $369 million dollars annually. Check out the I2D2 report examining how the child care crisis is impacting Iowans. CLICK HERE
All children in Iowa do not have equal access to preschool education.
Findings from I2D2 are helping programs target state funds towards areas that lack access and find opportunities to connect with underserved or at-risk populations. MORE
Iowa children in families with a substance use history have significantly more risks compared to children without such history. Of children participating in home visiting, nearly 64% of them have 3 or more compared to 44% with no substance use history. Early childhood programs like home visiting are using this information to better tailor services to the needs of these families. CONTINUE
Raising the Future: News Hour Article: An examination of the nation's fractured child care system and it's impact on women, children, people of color, and the economy.

Mapping State and Local Coordinated Services Approach: Publication from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services- Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation: A growing group of coordinated services approaches seeks to combine funding streams and coordinate services to families in an effort to move families out of poverty in the short-term and decrease the chance that poverty will continue into the next generation.

Do No Harm Guide: Urban Institute Research Report: Through rigorous, data-based analysis, researchers and analysts can add to our understanding of societal shortcomings and point toward evidence-based actions to address them. But when data are collected and communicated carelessly, data analysis and data visualizations have an outsize capacity to mislead, misrepresent, and harm communities that already experience inequity and discrimination.