January 2022
What we have been up to:

Congratulations to I2D2 Co-Director Cassandra Dorius and Assistant Director of Data and Analytics Todd Abraham! They were recently awarded the Interdisciplinary Team Research Award by Iowa State University for their work with Data Science for the Public Good. The award recognizes an interdisciplinary team of two or more faculty researchers with outstanding achievements who have made a significant contribution to the university’s research and scholarship mission through successful interdisciplinary collaborations. Read more about their award HERE
11 Iowa counties have a ratio over 10:1 for available infant and toddler child care slots. This means that for every 10 children under the age of 3, there is only 1 available slot. Read more about child care deserts HERE
Every participant interviewed in the mixed-methods study examining substance use in Iowa identified at least one or more experiences of severe trauma in their lives. I2D2 is using integrated data and qualitative analysis to inform policy and practice surrounding substance use in the state. See the full report: READ
There are gaps in communications which limit the ability to foster systems-wide change. I2D2 is working with ECI and other early childhood programs to generate and improve bi-directional feedback loops with families and providers, as well as strategies to improve the content of communications. CONTINUE
What is Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness? Administration for Children and Families: A new round of research on home visiting effectiveness was released by HomVEE. Here you can read about model reports, outcome domain reports, implementation profiles and more for home visiting models across the country.

AISP Working Paper: Addressing Racial and Ethnic Inequities in Human Service Provision. Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy: In response to the signing of the Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, AISP prepared a working paper to help human service agencies estimate and respond to racial and ethnic inequities in their service provision.

COVID-19 Research, Evaluation, and Data Agenda for Child Care and Early Education. Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation: OPRE released an agenda to plan for research, evaluation, and data for early childhood programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines major priorities including: (1) alert decision makers to racial and economic inequities in outcomes and promote tracking of key equity indicators, (2) encourage the development of new projects and data initiatives, (3) support the synthesis of information across projects, (4) identify key topics for consideration that may be otherwise overlooked, and (5) promote the application of knowledge to planning and development.