December 2022

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What we have been up to:

  • I2D2 just released a new data brief from the Early Childhood Iowa Longitudinal Study's Head Start addendum. Read about how Iowa's Head Start and Statewide Voluntary Preschool programs are partnering in this new brief and find the full technical report HERE.

  • We would like to congratulate I2D2 data analyst Cora Herbkersman on successfully defending her Master's thesis and graduating next week with her Master of Science in Rural Sociology.

Congratulations, Cora!

Children born to mothers with less than a high school education have more than 1.5x the rate of inadequate prenatal care in comparison to mothers who graduated from high school. See the full data brief on Program Outcomes and Birth Risks in Home Visiting HERE.

Only 52% of Iowa's Head Start children are enrolled in both Head Start and Statewide Voluntary Preschool to provide a full day of care. Of these families, Head Start families with lower income and Black or multiracial families were less likely to attend both. This could demonstrate a lack of equity in accessing state programs and provides an actionable point of intervention for these programs and their outreach efforts. See the brief on Success in Head Start HERE

State(s) of Head Start and Early Head Start: Looking at Equity This report from the National Institute for Early Education Research focuses on equity of access to Head Start, asking questions like "Are some children more (or less) likely to enroll in Head Start? Does Enrollment vary by race, ethnicity, or geographic location?" and more. The individual state profiles are to be released soon.

Expanding TANF Program Insights: A Toolkit for State and Local Agencies on how to Access, Link, and analyze Unemployment Insurance Wage Data. State leaders in TANF have begun to access administrative data from TANF and other agencies to better assess programs and inform practice and policy. This toolkit includes resources to help TANF professionals develop data-driven practice using administrative data on earning.

What Can We Learn About the Incidence of Foster Care Placement from Birth Records? Findings from the Cross Jurisdiction Model Replication Project. This brief reports on a risk prediction model which was build from population-level, anonymized birth records to assess population-level differences in the risk of being placed in foster care across states.

We wish you all a happy, restful holiday season. We will see you again in 2023 and look forward to another exciting year!

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