I2D2's Data Stewardship Committee (Click Here) is forming a subgroup to consider integrated data analytics to inform state priorities addressing Iowa's childcare workforce challenges.
Findings from our Early Childhood Iowa Longitudinal Study (Found Here) focusing on the multiple experiences of children attending Head Start are in preliminary sharing with I2D2 Community Advisory Groups.
The next phase of analysis with Iowa's home visiting data (Click Here) is underway with a focus on prenatal enrollment and understanding child and caregiver assessment outcomes.
For every four infants and toddlers enrolled in Iowa child care centers, there are three more on the waitlist. Centers cite issues like staff recruitment and retention, insufficient facility space, and costs associated with maintaining child to staff ratios as challenges they face. CLICK HERE
For families in home visiting, children born to mothers with low education are over 1.5 times as likely to also experience inadequate prenatal care. To learn more click MORE.
Across Iowa, there are gaps in access to preschool. I2D2 used integrated data to generate unduplicated counts of children in various preschool programs to find out what areas of the state are lacking services. CONTINUE
A Roadmap to Strengthen Your State's Prenatal-To-3 System of Care. Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center roadmap: The prenatal to age 3 period is the most rapid and sensitive period of development, and it sets the foundation for long-term health and wellbeing. All children deserve the opportunity to be born healthy and raised in nurturing, stimulating, stable, and secure care environments. Several states have lacked a clear guidance on how to effectively promote the environments in which children can thrive. This roadmap identifies the evidence-based investments that states can make to foster equitable opportunities for infants and toddlers.
Population Data Science for Covid-19. Publication from International Journal of Population Data Science Vol. 5 No. 4: We find ourselves in a global pandemic, referred to Covid-19. There is much research underway on all aspects of the pandemic, including to slow the spread, improve diagnostic tests and develop a vaccine. Population Data Science (i.e. the use of integrated data systems) has a unique part to play because of the availability of large-scale datasets on the general population or on specific cohorts, such as age groups, geographic regions, particular health conditions, or socio-economic levels. This work calls attention to the value of IDS to inform policies, governance, and expand programming for affected children and families.
Covid-19 Mortality At The Neighborhood Level: Racial And Ethnic Inequalities Deepened In Minnesota In 2020.Research Article from Health Affairs Vol. 40 No. 10: Substantial racial and ethnic disparities in COVID-19 mortality have been observed at the state and national levels. However, less is known about how race and ethnicity and neighborhood-level disadvantage may intersect to contribute to both Covid-19 mortality and excess mortality during the pandemic. To assess this potential interaction of race and ethnicity with neighborhood disadvantage, this study links death certificate data from Minnesota from the period 2017–20 to the Area Deprivation Index to examine hyperlocal disparities in mortality.
The ECI State Board will consider updates to the annual indicators tracked for early childhood in Iowa, including indicators specifically available because of the I2D2 resource.
The I2D2 team is working with ECI Administration to update the 2019 Statewide Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan to inform our statewide work into 2023 and beyond.