Inspiration for the Month
Inspiration: A Thanksgiving for the Elements
A Thanksgiving for the Elements
By Eric Williams

The strength of the Earth is the stones
And the same is the source of our bones.

The Water flows across the ground
And within our blood.

The Air blows around the world
And brings us our breath.

The Fire streams forth from the Sun without ceasing
And sustains our lives.

By these elements
We are formed.

By our voices
The beauty of the Creation is sung.
Helping Your Fellow Members: Membership
Ways to Help with Membership

"The welcoming church is more of an attitude or disposition. It represents the mindset of an outward focus rather than an inward focus. It is about serving rather than being served." from Becoming a Welcoming Church by Thom S. Rainer

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Helping Our Community: Giving Tree
Virtual Holiday Giving Tree 2021

Our Giving Tree Ministry Team serves eight agencies, and up until 2020, our Holiday Giving Tree project meant our agencies provided us with a list of needed gifts for the folks they served.

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For A Little Fun: I'm Thankful for....
What are you thankful for? Share with us your thanks and we will share them all in an email on Thanksgiving. Fill out this form with your answer!
Nicole Duff, Director of Membership Development | East Shore Unitarian Church |