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In This Issue
Managing Your Calendar
Job Postings
Local Senior News
Monthly Network Meetings
Marketing & Development
Nuggets of Knowledge
Quick Links
Hot Tip For Managing Your Calendar
Retirement Connection Event Calendar

Having a hard time managing all of the events and networking opportunities you attend?  Well, there may be an easier way to populate and update your calendar using the resources already posted on Retirement Connection's website - here's how:

  1. Go to the Networking Page 
  2. Click on the button for the Events Calendar at the top of that page.
  3. Once the calendar opens, on the bottom right, click the button for "Google Calendar".
  4. This will add this calendar and all supporting info to your calendar page if you use Google Calendar. 
  5. You can then also sync Google Calendar with Outlook, smart phones and other applications.

What's so great about this? As meeting locations or topics change- your calendar is automatically updated as we receive the updated details. We also provide a web link to more information for your calendar. The networking calendar remains independent from your personal entries for quick viewing.
(you will need a FREE google email account to do this)


We are happy to assist you in setting this up - call Amy
Job Postings

View or Post



The following positions have been posted in the last month:


- Executive Director

- Resident Care Manager  
- Sales Representative
- Education Director
- Head Chef
- Volunteer Bookkeeper
- Recruitment  Coordinator
- Community Relations Director
- Director of Nursing   

Retirement Connection has  a section of our website dedicated to Job Opportunities for the NW Region?  Most postings are a professional or management level position.


Take advantage of this free exposure and post your open positions today. 
Local Senior News 
Submit your News & Events to be posted on RetirementConnection.com

Good examples to submit:
  • Open House
  • Holiday Bazaar  
  • Charity Event
  • New Services
  • Educational Seminars
  • Promotion or specials
View current postings:

Portland News & Events
Salem News & Events
Vancouver News & Events
Join Our Mailing List
Retirement Connection
August Marketing Update - Salem
(Serving Marion, Polk & Yamhill Counties)

Reserve your ad space for the October guide which will be the first ANNUAL issue for this publication - still printing 50,000 copies annually and will remain the official resource for Salem Health. Less than one month to reserve your ad space!

2 Important save the dates:
(details below)
  • October 17th- Retirement Connection Release Party
  • October 23rd- Salem health Vendor Fair (date changed) 


Find us on Facebook and "like" our page to receive weekly reminders about community events, articles, and other announcements for seniors in Oregon.


View our profile on LinkedIn to connect with other referral sources and stay up to date on upcoming professional events, Long Term Care related news, and pictures from events.

But enough about us, here's the Networking Info:

In this newsletter, you will find information about: networking, CEU training, Event Sponsorship, Web Advertising, and more.

Remember, at any time, you may Unsubscribe, Update Your Preferences or Forward to a Friend.


Build your referral network with Retirement Connection!
View our profile on LinkedIn Find us on Facebook
August Network Meetings
Meeting info available on the "Networking" page

Greater Salem Groups

August 14
, 9am 
Senior Lifestyles
  Location: United Methodist Retirement (Wilson House)
  Address: 1625 Center St. NE - Salem, OR

August 15, 9am
Yamhill County Networking Group  
    Location:  Wynwood, Brookdale Senior Living
  Address:  721 NE 27th St.  McMinnville, OR 97128            
  Topic: Counselor Sales Person Approach
  Speaker: Amy Schmidt, Retirement Connection

August 28, 9am
Senior Service Network of Salem (SSN-Salem)
  Location: Salem Hospital
  Address: 890 Oak Street SE, Salem, OR 97301- Bldg. D
  Meeting Room: Creekside Dining Overflow- first floor
  Topic: SEO - Building a Habit (Search Engine Optimization)
  Speaker: Scott Mills, Opt-E-Web

Save the Date for BiMonthly Meetings

September 18
 , 9:30am 
Senior Network
  Location: TBD
  Topic: Music Therapy in Hospice
  Speaker: Kristin Kuenze
Marketing & Development

The following is a preview of some of this month's upcoming professional events, check the Professional Events page for complete details and information on other future events.  UPDATED DAILY. Visit the Contact Us page, to submit events for posting.   

Mark Your Calendar & Save the dates
September 5, 11:30am - 1:30pm
OMCMG Monthly Meeting
(Oregon Medical Case Management Group)
Location: PeaceHealth SW Medical Center 
Address: 400 NE Mother Joseph Place-Health Education Center/Auditorium B- Vancouver, WA 

September 7, 10am - 12pm
A Gift of Time Resource Fair
Location: Macleay Christian Retreat
Address: 2887 74th Ave SE - Salem, OR

September 16 - 17
OHCA Annual Convention & Trade Show
Location: Oregon Convention Center
Address: 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd - Portland, OR
Topic: Play At Work: Unleashing Growth through Creativity

September 21, 9am (registration) 11am (walk)
A Walk to Remember 
Location: Riverfront Park
Address: 200 Water St NE - Salem, OR


October 17, 4 - 7pm 

Retirement Connection Salem Retirement Party    Location: Willamette Heritage Center - Dye House
Address: 1313 Mill Street SE - Salem, OR
Please join us in celebrating the release of the newest issue of Salem Retirement Connection Guide and enjoy great wines, networking, and hors d'oeuvres.  This is an open event and all are welcome to attend so please feel free to invite your referral sources and other guests.


October 23, 10:30am - 1:30pm   
(Date changed from August 27 to accommodate better attendance from Salem Health)
Salem Health CEU Resource Fair
Location: Salem Health 
Address: 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301
Room: Building C, COM A/B/C
Event Fee:
Save the date for our Salem Health CEU event! Due to space constraints -priority registration will be given to Retirement Connection sponsors who are providing CEU poster content. Information and Registration   


        Community events that are open to the public: 

Portland News & Events 

Vancouver News & Events


More events and additional details are available on  www.RetirementConnection.com/Networking

Nuggets of Knowledge  


"We tend to judge others by their behaviors and ourselves by our intentions."
- Albert F. Schlieder


We often excuse our own bad behavior because that is not how we "intended" to come across. We may be more forgiving if we remember that others may have "intended" a different outcome as well. Or better yet- try not to judge others, but instead take that effort to look more introspectively at ourselves. 

- Amy   

Thank you for your continued support, we are truly grateful. You are the reason we continue to grow with each edition. Let us know if you would like a media kit sent to you.

Please contact us if you need additional copies of the Guide. They are available at no cost, and are the perfect resource for health fairs, workshops and your marketing packets.


 amy signature
Amy Schmidt
Retirement Connection