Job Postings |
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The following positions have been posted in the last month:
- Regional Marketing Director for Retirement Connection
- Wellness Director - Community Info Specialist
- Home Health Administrator - Registered Nurse x 3
- Clinical Social Worker
Retirement Connection has a section of our website dedicated to Job Opportunities for the NW Region? Most postings are a professional or management level position.
Take advantage of this free exposure and post your open positions today.
Hot Tip For Managing Your Calendar |  |
Having a hard time managing all of the events and networking opportunities you attend? Well, there may be an easier way to populate and update your calendar using the resources already posted on Retirement Connection's website - here's how:
- Go to the Networking Page
- Click on the button for the Events Calendar at the top of that page.
- Once the calendar opens, on the bottom right, click the button for "Google Calendar".
- This will add this calendar and all supporting info to your calendar page if you use Google Calendar.
- You can then also sync Google Calendar with Outlook, smart phones and other applications.
What's so great about this? As meeting locations or topics change- your calendar is automatically updated as we receive the updated details. We also provide a web link to more information for your calendar. The networking calendar remains independent from your personal entries for quick viewing. (you will need a FREE google email account to do this)
We are happy to assist you in setting this up - call Amy
Retirement Connection October Marketing Update - Salem (Serving Marion, Polk & Yamhill Counties) |
The Annual Edition of Retirement Connection is hot of the press and Lyman is busy delivering guides. All of the sponsors should have received a full box of the new guides. All hospitals, libraries, area agencies on aging, senior centers, and meals on wheels sites will have their guides by the end of the week. We also mail a few copies to every physician office and every listing address.
We hope to see you at the ANNUAL Release Party (that's right- Annual- last party for a YEAR, so don't miss it!)
October 17, 4-7pm
Retirement Connection Salem Retirement Party
Willamette Heritage Center - Dye House
Address: 1313 Mill Street SE - Salem, OR
Download Flyer RSVP
But enough about us, here's the Networking Info:
In this newsletter, you will find information about: networking, CEU training, Event Sponsorship, Web Advertising, and more.
Remember, at any time, you may Unsubscribe, Update Your Preferences or Forward to a Friend.
Build your referral network with Retirement Connection!
Greater Salem Groups
October 9, 9am
Senior Lifestyles
Location: Marian Estates Address:390 SE Church St - Sublimity, OR
October 17, 9am Yamhill County Networking Group Location: Chehalem Springs Senior Living Address: 3802 Hay St - Newberg, OR Topic: Marketing to Baby Boomers
October 23, (no meeting due to Salem Health Vendor Fair)Senior Service Network of Salem (SSN-Salem)
Save the Date for Bi-Monthly Meetings
November 20, 9:30am Senior Network Topic: Make a Wish Program
Marketing & Development
October 17, 9am
Marketing to the Baby Boomers
Location: Chehalem Springs
Address: 3802 Hayes St - Newberg, OR
October 17, 4-7pm
Retirement Connection Salem Retirement Party
Location: Willamette Heritage Center - Dye House Address: 1313 Mill Street SE - Salem, OR Please join us in celebrating the release of the newest issue of Salem Retirement Connection Guide and enjoy great wines, networking, and hors d'oeuvres. With over 200 guests expected this is a networking event you won't want to miss! This is an open event and all are welcome to attend so please feel free to invite your referral sources and other guests. Flyer RSVP
October 18 & 19
Become A Certified Geriatric Wellness Instructor Location: Willson House Address: 1625 Center St NE- Salem, OR
October 23, 10:30am - 1:30pm Salem Health CEU Resource Fair Info & Registration Location: Salem Health Address: 890 Oak St SE, Salem, 97301 Room: Building C, COM A/B/C Event Fee: $100-$200 Flyer
October 29, 8:30-10am Sponsor Breakfast Location: Portland Providence Medical Center- Social Room Address: 4805 NE Glisan St- Portland Retirement Connection sponsors are invited to attend this networking breakfast. We will discuss upcoming events, introduce our new staff and showcase our new website features and case manager pages. Please RSVP to Amy for food count.
Community events that are open to the public:
Salem News & Events
Portland News & Events
Vancouver News & Events
Southern OR News & Events
Case Management Week, October 14-19
Case Management Treat Cart
The Case managers at Salem Health will be distributing gift bags to all case management staff with "treats" during CM week (October 14-19). If any of the vendors would like to donate any "treats" for the care managers, it would be allowed as this would be for all of the department to share. The hospital recommends- if vendors choose donate their items, they should be shared by all, rather than to bring a single gift basket to the floor. When things are brought to the individual floors, not all staff can appreciate your gift, and it may be disruptive to their jobs at the time you visit.
Retirement Connection has donated the bags for case management staff, and these will be filled with any goodies then delivered to EVERY case management staff member.
There are 80 staff members in the department. We understand that not everyone can contribute a huge item to 80 people, so do what is best for your company- or simply send 80 hand written thank you cards.
Here are some suggestions from me: (just to give ideas)
- 80 hand written notes of appreciation
- 20 x $5 starbucks gift cards
- 80 granola bars with your sticker on the back
- 40 travel coffee mugs filled with jolly ranchers
- Ideas may be: chocolate, granola bars, smoothy packets, etc.. Maybe add a sticker/business card to your "treats".
Try to include at least 20 of an item please!
Here are the drop off times if you wish to participate:
Tuesday, October 8th, 9am-4pm
Location: Dale's Remodeling, 5514 Commercial St SE, Salem, 97306
Wednesday, October 9th 9-10:30 at the Lifestyles Meeting
Location: Marian Estates, 390 SE Church St - Sublimity, OR
Wednesday, October 9th 11am-1pm at the Hospital
Location: Salem Health, Building B, 5th Floor
Nuggets of Knowledge
"In all activity practice Calmness." To remain calm amidst the chaos of life requires a tremendous amount of focused energy. Be calmly active and actively calm." - Chinese Proverb After just going to print for the Salem edition, prepping for Southern Oregon and beginning the wrap up for Portland/Vancouver- all while planning 6 hospital vendor fairs and 3 release parties...Chaos is an understatement of our present office dynamic. There is a lot of energy running amuck, which doesn't always translate to productivity. Focusing that energy is where the magic happens. - Amy
Thank you for your continued support, we are truly grateful. You are the reason we continue to grow with each edition. Let us know if you would like a media kit sent to you.
Please contact us if you need additional copies of the Guide. They are available at no cost, and are the perfect resource for health fairs, workshops and your marketing packets.
Amy Schmidt Retirement Connection 503-505-5865