May 20, 2022

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Middle School Division Director

Mr. Ron Hamilton


It has been a glorious week here in Kodiakland. The pull to be away from my desk and to join in with Seminar III is a big influence on me during this time of the year. From checking in with our traveling scholars and their guides to driving our students to music studios and watching their presentations of learning, there is much to be excited about as we enter our final week of school. 

Middle School, in particular, can be full of ups and downs and new experiences, and most of us will never forget what it felt like to be 12-years-old. That’s what makes this time with our children so magical. It is a bittersweet time for me and for others, I’m sure. I look at how our students have grown, and I’m so proud of the people they are becoming. As teachers and leaders, we watch this progression, and it brings such joy and nostalgia for those students we’ve helped before. 

Now, we are approaching summer break when students’ growth and learning will look different once again. Summer learning can be life-changing for students, whether through travels to faraway places or by walking one block further from home than they’ve ever walked before. How will you engage your child academically this summer? We believe in courage at comfort level, so let them try something new! I don’t mean through tutors or formal lessons, though summer can be a good time for keeping our minds stimulated. I’m referring to other kinds of learning; learning that happens on the porch at dusk or from a mountain trail at dawn. Growth can occur while lying poolside. It’s sitting up all night reading a captivating book and then sleeping in the following day. 

I finish off every school year with the same old request to students: READ. (The CSS Summer Reading List will be shared some time over the next two weeks.) Listen to books in the car and on planes; read aloud while sharing a funny anecdote or story from a magazine; encourage reading before bed. Summer is a time to explore with the mind, and we can travel much further in our imaginations that we can on foot alone.

In addition to encouraging self-directed learning, structured programs are another way to support our students and foster discovery and curiosity throughout the summer season. As we wrap up this school year and finalize plans for kicking off 2022-2023, I wanted to share with you the following list of local summer learning opportunities that might be right for your family: 

  • Pikes Peak Library District (PPLD) Programs >>
  • Summer Camp Offerings at The Colorado Springs School >>
  • Colorado Springs Kids Summer Camp Directory >> 
  • Concrete Couch Programs >> 
  • Colorado State University Summer Programs >> 
  • Catamount Institute Summer Programs >>
  • Flying Pig Farms Social Happenings >>

Finally, play can be a great way to help our students learn about ourselves and others, without even realizing it. Whether on a team or in the yard – letting the imagination roam and the mind breathe in all that fresh mountain air – remember to play. Whatever your plans for summer, I wish all of our learners, young and old, in the Kodiak family a restful three months filled with fireflies, bombpops, and discovery. And, don’t be afraid to email me with pictures and updates. I love to see our students adventuring!

As ever,

Ron Hamilton, M.A.Ed. Leadership

Middle School Division Director

Middle School Selfie Station

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Earlier this week, our Seminar III: Arts – Music Production students visited the CO.A.T.I. food hall on Tejon Street while taking a break from laying down some beats and tracks at the Colorado Springs Conservatory!

The Samich Shack made us some great sammies and fries, and we had delicious juice from La Paleta. Paleta, in Spanish, means "lollipop" or “popsicle!"

On the day between the end of their last final and the beginning of Seminar III - when all of our 8th graders were traveling to their Walkabout in Utah - 6th and 7th graders worked in the school garden, reduced the turbidity of the creek that runs through campus, and refinished our last set of picnic tables. Afterwards, we relaxed with Otter Pops and watched Ms. Pratt and her troupe of thespian friends from the University of Colorado Colorado Springs' Theaterworks program perform The Tempest in an outdoor, theater-in-the-round style.

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Bonus pic!

8th graders chucking eggs at Mr. Johnson from the Trianon roof. No direct hits on the science guru, but look at that bluebird sky!

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The Colorado Springs School

21 Broadmoor Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Work: (719)434-3537, ext.550 |