June 2016 

A Note from Jay
Sustainable Economic Development

Every year, at about this time, local campgrounds start to fill up, not only with visitors, but with local workers who have vacated a winter rental and need a place to live.  At the same time, postings on Facebook or ads on Craigslist feature employers looking for housing for their employees and employees looking for housing.  This year, the demand and desperation seems to be the most acute it has ever been.

"In my view, the lack of affordable housing on the Lower Cape is the greatest challenge to sustainable economic development in our region," said Matt Cole.  Cole is the President and CEO of Cape Associates, a full service custom home builder headquartered in Eastham.  He recently joined the CDP Board of Directors.  Matt says that the biggest barrier to growing his family business is the scarcity of available employees, primarily due to the lack of affordable homes in our community.  Cape Associates is not alone and we hear time and time again from small businesses poised for growth that their employees can't afford to live in our community.

It is for these reasons that the CDP works on both economic development and affordable housing.  Small businesses can't grow without employees who have a safe, stable, year-round place to live.  And local families will have an easier time finding a place to live if they have a good, well-paying job.

As always, thank you for your interest and support,
Thank You
To Our Supporters 
  •  CCYP Giving Circle Fund for a grant to support the expansion of our First Time Home Buyer Education
  • Supporters of our recent Summer Kick-Off Celebration  - click here
  • The Sponsors of our team for the Bob Murray Housing With Love Walk - click here
We couldn't do the work we do without these investments from our community and we thank them!

Safe, Stable & Affordable Housing
Video Sheds Light on Challenges & Opportunities
TCP August

A panel of experts in the field of affordable housing development joined us at our Annual Meeting in April.  They shared their knowledge about the challenges and opportunities of creating affordable housing on the Lower Cape.  Led by MACDC President, Joe Kriesberg, the conversation focused on the following:
  • Managing affordable housing
  • Rental and construction subsidies
  • Funding mechanisms
  • Development size
  • Lessons from other regions
  • Plans for the future
The conversation provided participants the opportunity to gain a greater understanding for what can be a complex issue. In case you missed it, you can view a video of the conversation by following this link - http://bit.ly/CDPAffordableHousingVideo.  
Strong Local Businesses
Growing a Successful Business Together  
Native Cape Codders, Chris and Virginia Smith, have found a way to grow a successful business on Cape Cod-by doing it together.  The business, full-service landscaping, started as a "side business" for Chris who has a horticulture degree.  In 2008 he transitioned it into a full time business-- Cape Cod Tree and Landscape.  Within a few years, it became clear more hands were needed in the day-to-day operations.  Virginia, who was working as a teacher at the time and caring for their young child, decided to join her husband and the rapidly growing business.  They incorporated in 2013 and have been on an upward trajectory since, now employing 9 individuals.

The Smiths' customer base is primarily on the Lower Cape.  They provide their customers with a wide range of complementary services, including landscaping, mowing and yard maintenance, tree work, gardening, and plowing.  According to the Smiths, the business has grown via word of mouth, Virginia's efforts with online marketing, and Chris's networking skills through his BNI group.  A cloud-based contact management system has also been critical, creating greater efficiency within the business.  But with this rapid growth, challenges surfaced.  K eep Reading 

 A Sustainable Future   
Shopping Locally Grown
Now that summer Farmers' Markets are in full swing, we wanted to share some tips we've collected. We thought these were useful to consider to help support our local farmers and regional food systems: 
  • Go to the market often! The more regular shoppers there are at a market, the more likely vendors are to come back week after week and year after year.
  • Buy a chest freezer. Humanely raised meat is generally produced on such a small scale that the farmer only slaughters once or twice a year. Support them all year by filling your freezer when they have availability. Build relationships with your farmers so you can ask them to raise a set quantity of meat specifically for you.
  • Go to the market on rainy days. Farmers take huge hits on rainy days when people don't want to get out. The farmers who do show up on rainy days are the ones that farm for a living and who rely on your business and depend on your sale to sustain themselves all year.
  • Talk to your farmer! This can be hard if there is a line of customers, but farmers love to tell you about their operations if there is a lull in traffic. Many will even have certain days of the year where you can visit if you want to see food production in action.
  • Many markets accept EBT cards, and in some states significant coupons or incentives are offered to make fresh local food available to folks who may not be in a position to pay face value.

Click here for a list of Summer Farmers Markets on Cape Cod provided by Buy Fresh Buy Local Cape Cod. 

upcomingongoingUpcoming and Ongoing

Bob Murray Housing With Love Walk
July 11th-17th marks the 24th Annual Bob Murray Housing With Love Walk. The Walk brings to gether advocates for a ff o r dable housing on Cape Cod to walk from Provincetown to F a l mouth--raising awareness and funds for eleven housing agenci es on the Cape

CDP Staff, Board Members and supporters will
be walking from Provincetown to Harwich on Monday, Tuesda y a nd Wednesday,
July 11th-13th.  If you'd like to join us for a morning, an aftern oon or all three days, contact Moira. We would be delighted to have you on our team, and help you secure pledges to support the important housing programs at the CDP.  You can find out more about the walk here
With great appreciation to all of the local businesses who are sponsoring our participation in the Walk this year!  Click here for full list.

Monday, July 11th - Wednesday, July 13th / Times and walk lengths vary each day.   
More Information: Contact Moira at 508-240-7873 x25 or by email.

SCORE Individual Business Counseling
Could your business use some extra guidance? Want to bounce business ideas off of someone? The CDP has arranged with Cape Cod SCORE to offer Individual Business Counseling with SCORE counselors right here in Eastham. Sign up today! 

Wednesdays, July 20th and August 24th from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (1 hour sessions).  
Where: CDP Conference Room  3 Main Street Mercantile, Unit 8 in Eastham
Sign Up: capecdp.org
More Information: Contact Pam at 508-240-7873 x18 or by email

Affordable Housing Opportunities
                                                  Thankful Chases Pathway  
Affordable Rentals 
We manage 75 rental homes throughout the Lower Cape. Availability changes on a regular basis. Please contact our Director of Property Management at 508.240.7873 ×17 or email alice@capecdp.org. If you have questions and for more information. You can also find out more on our website.   
Housing Rehabilitation Program
Attention homeowners and landlords! Receive up to $35,000 for critical repairs to your home. Repairs include, but are not limited to roofing, heat, windows, siding, septic, lead paint abatement and energy efficiency upgrades. Get expert assistance on planning the work and work with quality licensed and insured contractors. Funding is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis.

Opportunities in Dennis, Harwich, Eastham,
Wellfleet, Truro and Provincetown.  
You can find out more at our website or by contacting our Housing Rehab Program Manager, Jean Stanley at (508) 240-7873 x14 or by email.   

Radio Show
                     Tune In to This Place Matters
       92.1 WOMR & 91.3 WFMR   
 Wednesdays 12:30pm  
Also on Lower Cape TV 

Join host Susan Lindquist & her guests for a lunchtime
talk about life on Lower Cape Cod.

June 29th: Rebecca Yavner-Westgate from Buy Fresh Buy Local Cape Cod talks about what's fresh, local and in-season on Cape Cod.

July 6th: Hal Minis from the Brewster Conservation Commission shares information about what they have planned for this year's Brewster Conservation Day (which is on Monday, July 11th).

July 13th: Elizabeth Gawron, Executive Director of Helping Our Women (HOW) discusses the Outer Cape Home Share Program.

  Click Here to Listen to or Watch Past Shows  

If you have an idea for a guest or topic - Contact us 

E-newsletter Photo Credits to Abigail Chapman

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