In 2021, AHCCCS Focused on Strategic Goals and Made Significant Strides in Health Care Innovation

Although the COVID-19 public health emergency continued to be an overarching priority in 2021, AHCCCS achieved significant innovations in technology, policy, and service delivery that will streamline business processes and improve care coordination.

AHCCCS Awards Medicaid School-Based Claiming Contract to Public Consulting Group

AHCCCS has awarded a new contract to Public Consulting Group (PCG) to administer the Medicaid School-Based Claiming (MSBC) Program from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2025. The initial term of the contract is three years with two one-year options to extend, not to exceed a total contracting period of five years.

Through this program, AHCCCS provides direct Medicaid reimbursement for certain health care services delivered to Medicaid-enrolled students and provided by a participating Arizona Local Education Agency (LEA). LEAs include public school districts, charter schools not sponsored by a school district, and the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind.

PCG is the current contractor and has served as a third party administrator for the MSBC Program for the past 11 years. AHCCCS looks forward to continuing the program under PCG’s newly awarded contract.

For more information about the contract award see the YH21-0007 Medicaid School Based Claiming RFP procurement documentation.
AHCCCS Providers Who Do Not Bill Medicaid Will Be Able to Use a Streamlined Registration Application This Fall

All health care providers who refer AHCCCS members for an item or service, who order non-physician services for members, who prescribe medications to members, and who attend/certify medical necessity for services and/or who take primary responsibility for members’ medical care must be registered as AHCCCS providers. AHCCCS calls this initiative, and these providers, "ROPA.”

Federal ROPA requirements stipulate that any provider (with some exceptions) who serves Medicaid beneficiaries must register with AHCCCS. 

To make the ROPA registration process as simple as possible, AHCCCS will develop a streamlined application for ROPA providers who meet all of the following criteria: 
  • Have a National Provider Identifier (NPI) from the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES),
  • Already fully enrolled in Medicare or another state’s Medicaid program, and 
  • Do not intend to bill AHCCCS for services. 

The streamlined registration application is expected to be available in late 2022.

State Medicaid Advisory Committee
Wed., Jan. 12, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The State Medicaid Advisory Committee (SMAC) meets quarterly to review and advise the Medicaid agency on the operations, programs, and planning for Arizona's Medicaid program. Learn more about SMAC.

Building Partnerships Community Policy Meeting
Mon., Jan. 24, noon – 1:00 p.m.
Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to learn about the AHCCCS Tribal Consultation/Public Comment process on AHCCCS Policy Review and how to provide direct input into AHCCCS policies that are open for comment.
Meeting ID: 920 1601 6542
Passcode: +7gHz?tu
Numerical Passcode: 93010636

AHCCCS Community Forum
Tues., Jan. 25, 10:00 a.m. – noon
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The AHCCCS community forum includes discussion on upcoming AHCCCS initiatives, which may include services for Individuals with ASD, telehealth, crisis services, criminal justice, and competitive contract expansion. Members, family members, advocates, community members, providers, and stakeholders are encouraged to attend.

Healthcare Navigation: Using OIFA Empowerment Tools to Navigate the Healthcare System
Tues., Jan. 25, noon – 12:30 p.m.
The Office of Individual and Family Affairs (OIFA) will demonstrate their empowerment tools and answer questions you may have about accessing your healthcare. Topics may include appointment standards, services for members without a Serious Mental Illness (SMI), and OIFA at AHCCCS. All AHCCCS members, family members, and stakeholders are welcome to attend.