AHCCCS Opens Public Comment Period Regarding Caregiver Benefits for Parents
The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) opened a public comment period through August 21, 2023 to solicit input on the request for federal approval to extend Medicaid reimbursement to parents who provide caregiver services to their minor children.

To gather feedback on this proposal, AHCCCS will hold two virtual public forums, 2:00 p.m., July 18, 2023 and 1:00 p.m., August 2, 2023. See the forum flier and register in advance for either forum using the link on the Parents as Paid Caregivers web page.
Public comments may also be submitted by email to or by mail to the address on the Parents as Paid Caregivers web page.

healthy arizona worksites logo
AHCCCS Earns Healthy Arizona Worksite Platinum Award for Fifth Consecutive Year
AHCCCS received the Healthy Arizona Worksite Platinum Award for the fifth consecutive year for demonstrating efforts to positively affect the health of its employees.

The Platinum level award is given to organizations that properly identify health challenges among their employees and actively work to overcome them.

“We are honored to receive this award for a fifth time, which is a testament to the value AHCCCS places on employee work/life balance and well-being, ” said Carmen Heredia, AHCCCS director. “With a majority remote workforce, maintaining that focus in a virtual environment is even more challenging. We have shifted the focus from in-office events to supporting a healthy workplace, whether in office or remote, for all employees.”

AHCCCS Changes Enrollment Procedures for the American Indian Health Program
AHCCCS will no longer accept requests for enrollment into the American Indian Health Program (AIHP) over the phone. This is a change to the enrollment procedures for individuals selecting AIHP as their assigned Medicaid health plan, and is an additional measure to prevent fraudulent enrollment.

The American Indian Health Program Change Request Form on the American Indian Health Program web page now reflects this change, and all new enrollment requests must be submitted in writing to AHCCCS by fax or email by an Indian Health Service (IHS), Tribally owned/and or operated 638 facility, or Urban Indian Health Organization on behalf of a member.

Changes to AHCCCS Provider Enrollment and Billing System Close Ability for Fraudulent Behavioral Health Claims Payments
In response to the discovery of significant fraudulent Medicaid behavioral health billing in Arizona, AHCCCS has made numerous system changes to stop deceptive providers who bill for services that are or were not provided, not appropriate, or not necessary. 
Some of the holistic, system-wide improvements to the Medicaid payment system include:

  • Added ability to flag concerning claims,
  • Ended ability for providers to bill on behalf of others, and
  • Imposed prepayment review for various scenarios including multiple providers billing the same client on the same day for similar services, excessive number of hours per day, and the age of patients.

A few of the changes to the AHCCCS provider enrollment process include:

  • Moved three behavioral health provider types to the high risk category which requires a Fingerprint Clearance Background Check and site visit, and
  • Received federal approval for a 6-month moratorium on all new provider enrollments for Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinics, Integrated Clinics, Non-Emergency Transportation providers, Behavioral Health Residential Facilities, and Community Service Agencies providers.

AHCCCS tours TCH group photo
AHCCCS Director Tours The Centers for Habilitation 
Director Heredia had the chance to tour the Centers for Habilitation last month to learn more about their day and employment services for individuals with developmental or physical disabilities. She also met with providers of services for people with disabilities to learn more about their essential work in Arizona.
AHCCCS Encourages Members to Respond to Renewal Requests 
AHCCCS encourages members to complete their annual renewal even if they do not believe they will meet Medicaid eligibility criteria. This is important for two reasons: 

  1. Individuals may qualify for other Medicaid program categories. For example, children may still qualify for KidsCare, even if a parent does not qualify for Medicaid, and
  2. Members who no longer meet financial Medicaid eligibility may be automatically referred to the Healthcare Marketplace at, but only if their renewal has been completed. AHCCCS cannot refer members who do not complete their renewal.

Members can find their renewal date once they login to by clicking on “My Medical Assistance."

Make a Well-Care Visit Part of Your Child’s Back-to-School Plan
AHCCCS members ages 3-19 who complete their first well-care visit this summer can receive a $25 gift card

As you check off the list of your child’s back-to-school items, AHCCCS encourages parents to schedule a well-care visit for health screenings and routine vaccines. AHCCCS or KidsCare members, ages 3-19, and who complete their first well-care visit of 2023 between June 5 and Sept. 5 are eligible to receive a $25 gift card from their health plan.

“Well-care visits are a vital tool to screen for health conditions and preventable diseases,” said Dr. Sara Salek, chief medical officer at AHCCCS. “We want to help children get a healthy start this school year.”

AHCCCS Community Forum
Mon., July 17, 10:00 a.m.—noon, online on Zoom.
Topics for this month’s forum include Parents as Paid Caregivers, Member Exploitation and Behavioral Health Fraud Response from AHCCCS, Solari SMI/SED Eligibility Determination Process, Office of Human Rights (OHR) Training Overview, and more.

Parents as Paid Caregivers Waiver Public Forum #1
Tues., July 18, 2:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m., online on Zoom
In a proposal to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), AHCCCS is requesting the authority to permanently extend the Parents as Paid Caregivers Program that is currently allowable through a temporary COVID-19 flexibility. AHCCCS is also requesting to add extended family supports to preserve a supportive home environment and mitigate access to care challenges for the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) population. Those who would like to provide their input on this proposal are encouraged to attend.

Office of Human Rights Training: Covered Behavioral Health Services
Wed., July 19, 10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m., online on Zoom.
This training will discuss covered behavioral health services specifically for those individuals with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) designation.

Jacob’s Law Training 
Thurs., July 20, 10:00 a.m.—noon, online on Zoom.
This training will cover Jacob’s Law, the DCS placement packet, legal rights and protections of children and resource parents, and covered services. 

OIFA Health Care Navigation: Funding and Oversight  
Tues., July 25, noon—12:30 p.m., online on Zoom.
Join us to learn about Behavioral Support Services and how they can support members with a behavioral health condition.

Parents as Paid Caregivers Waiver Public Forum #2
Wed., Aug. 2, 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m., online on Zoom

See the AHCCCS Calendar for events in August.