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Watch: GPBOR President Mike Pereira & President-Elect Rita Steele

Now accepting nominations for 2023 Officers & Directors through 5/13. Click here to view responsibilities of the positions.

2023 Board Nomination Forms
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Join the GPBOR Diversity, Equity & Inclusion committee, and our friends from RI WCR, RI YPN & NAHREP for an unforgettable evening on the rooftop of the Providence G on Wednesday, June 8. Ticket link coming soon!

Sponsorship Opportunities

GPBOR C.A.R.E. Update

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THANK YOU to everyone who donated items to the GPBOR C.A.R.E. charity drive for The Refugee Dream Center and to those who donated to the 401Gives Campaign drive on April 1. In total $485 was raised for our 2022 charities!

Grant applications for the 2023 year are now open through 6/30 to eligible RI nonprofits. Click below for details.


NAR Good Neighbor Awards

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5/2/22 is the filing deadline for the National Association of REALTORS® Good Neighbor Awards, which recognize REALTORS® who have made an extraordinary impact on their community, or on the national or world stage, through volunteer work. Five winners will be selected and receive $10,000 grants for their charities, plus travel expenses and recognition to the NAR Conference & Expo!

NAR Good Neighbor Awards

Members are encouraged to use the Fair Housing logo in all their advertising and to print and post the Fair Housing Declaration in their offices.

Fair Housing Resources for REALTORS®

Important Dates:

April 14: Board Certification forms due from Principals

April 17: Volunteer Appreciation Week

April 21: Lunch 'n Learn: Home Staging with Salt + Pine

April 26: Code of Ethics Zoom class

April 28: New member orientation program (in-person!) - required for new GPBOR Members

April 28: Fair Housing Zoom class

April 30: DBR License & CE Renewal deadline - details below

May: Lunch 'n Learn with Chopy Media (Date TBA, more details soon)

May 17: Code of Ethics Zoom class

June 4-11: National REALTOR® Volunteer Days

June 8: REALTORS® on the Rooftop - more details soon!

GPBOR Calendar
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Learn more about the C2EX challenge here

Market Trends

Median Sales Price:

$368,000 (up 15% YoY)

Number of Sales

555 (down 10.6% YoY)

February 2022, Rhode Island Single Family

Housing inventory falls to new record low. More at
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Special election to be held in Providence on 6/7/22

Pending approval by the State Legislature, the City of Providence will ask residents to weigh in on whether to issue a special bond totaling $515 million to help the city’s pension crises. Learn more: /


License Renewal & CE Deadline for most real estate licensees is 4/30/22 with the RI Department of Business Regulation. Online class options include: GPBOR classes, The CEShop, or McKissock. Not sure when your license renewal is due to DBR? Check the DBR website here.


Help combat discrimination in America's real estate market by taking NAR's FREE interactive training program at FAIRHAVEN.REALTOR

Sponsor Spotlight


Christian Blaney

Mortgage Loan Officer

NMLS 197909

(401) 263-6170

Part of a paid sponsorship. This ad does not imply endorsement by the association.

GPBOR Welcomes HarborOne Mortgage as a 2022 Platinum Sponsor

HarborOne Mortgage has been a leader in residential mortgage lending throughout the Northeast since 1983. According to the HarborOne website Area Sales Manager Christian Blaney has established a reputation for honesty, integrity and “5 Star Service”. Lending in CT, MA, NH, RI.

HarborOne Mortgage

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