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Update on New Mandatory Bylaw Changes from Board President Mike Pereira


All Local REALTOR® Associations across the country recently updated their Bylaws with mandatory changes required by the National Association of REALTORS®. They center on the privileges and obligations of members to uphold the highest standards of professionalism in the real estate industry and to protect the integrity of the REALTOR® brand. You can view changes to the following Articles at the link below.

Article VI, Section 6: Privileges of REALTOR® Members.

Article VII, Section 2: Obligations of REALTOR® Members.

Click here to view updates

NAR's 2022 Snapshot of Race and Home Buying in America 

From the NAR newsroom, analysis finds U.S. homeownership rate experiences largest annual increase on record, though Black homeownership remains lower than a decade ago. Read the article here.

Read the full report here

No Joke! Be a part of the largest day of giving in Rhode Island.


Join the giving beginning at 6 a.m. on April 1st and help support the important work of the GPBOR charitable arm, GPBOR C.A.R.E. is a statewide day of giving and is a program of the United Way of Rhode island.

401Gives GPBOR C.A.R.E. Giving Page

Help combat discrimination in America's real estate market by taking NAR's FREE interactive training program at FAIRHAVEN.REALTOR

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Final month! Donate to the GPBOR C.A.R.E. charity drive for The Refugee Dream Center. Drop-off your donations today or visit our Amazon Wish List.

Yes! I want to help

Important Dates:

March 8: Code of Ethics Zoom class

March 10: Home Inspections 101 Zoom class

March 22: Fair Housing Zoom class

March 24: Selling Commercial Real Estate (in-person), free class

April 1: 401GIVES Day

April 12: Condominium Law for REALTORS® Zoom class

April 21: Lunch 'n Learn: Home Staging (in-person, details soon!)

April 26: Code of Ethics Zoom class

April 28: New member orientation program (in-person, details soon!)

April 28: Fair Housing Zoom class

GPBOR Calendar
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Learn more about the C2EX challenge here

Market Trends

Median Sales Price:

$370,000 (up 10.8% YoY)

Number of Sales

758 (up 5.4% YoY)

January 2022, Rhode Island Single Family

Unexpected Surge in R.I. Home Sales in January. More at

Celebrating Women's History Month

This month GPBOR will be highlighting women trailblazers who have inspired us through their leadership in the real estate industry. To learn more, follow us on Facebook or Instagram.

Join us on Facebook!
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REALTOR Emeritus Application Deadline

REALTOR® Emeritus status may be awarded to a REALTOR® with forty years or more consecutive membership PLUS one (1) year of demonstrated service to the National Association of REALTORS®. The application must be filed through our office and there are 2 opportunities per year. The spring deadline is 4/2/22. For more information contact our Membership Director Erin Herzog.

Apply to serve on NAR Committee in 2023

From 3/1 – 5/13, NAR will be accepting submissions from members interested in serving on a NAR committee in 2023. The site can be accessed here. Interested members will need to complete or update their expertise profile and then submit applications including three (3) endorsements per application. For more information, please contact Suzanne Silva, CAE, RCE.

Sponsor Spotlight: Movement Mortgage


Marc Almeida

Branch Manager - Providence


Part of a paid sponsorship. This ad does not imply endorsement by the association.

GPBOR Welcomes Movement Mortgage as a 2022 Platinum Sponsor

Movement Mortgage provides an array of home loan and refinance options and underwrites every loan at the beginning of the loan process. From the company, 'We get it home loans can be confusing and stressful – But they don’t have to be. And we work to make sure they aren’t. It all comes back to our mission, to love and value people in everything we do.'

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