January Newsletter

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Worship Schedule

7:45 AM & 10:00 AM 

Sunday School 8:45 AM

- Pastor's Posting -

Happy New Year!

We have had a wonderful Advent Season! With the closing of the Advent season, for 2024, and as we prepare for Epiphany 2025, I just want to say a special thank you for the verbal greetings, cards, and gifts that made this Advent season special for me. I love each of you; and I feel blessed, beyond measure, to serve as your pastor. I pray each of you enjoyed the Advent season, as well.

For those of you who may have lost loved ones and are still experiencing the grief and absence of their presence during this time, please know you are loved and being lifted in prayer. Also, know that if you need your pastor for ANY reason, please call me or reach out to Bev. Tuggle, who will inform me of your needs.

We still have many who are sick among us. The same is true for you and for your family members. If I am needed in any way, and at any time, please do NOT hesitate to reach out. You will not "disturb" me. THIS IS WHAT PASTORS ARE PRIVILEGED TO DO!!

I have high hopes, regarding God's blessings in the coming year, for you and for our church. Be sure to attend the Churchwide Reset Planning Session on Jan. 12, 2025, directly following our JOINT, 10:00 service. There will be a pot-luck meal to follow, so, please plan to attend.

As we embark upon a brand-new year, I am taking the time for a short fast, from Jan. 10-Jan. 12, 2025. I will be in deep, intentional prayer for our Churchwide Reset Planning Session on Jan. 12, 2025. I feel this is fitting, as we do some serious reflecting and perhaps consider hard “truths,” to help us move forward in our ministries here at FUMC, Killeen. I invite those of you who have no medical mandates, are physically able, and feel spiritually LED to do so, to join me in this fast. Those who are not able to fast, are invited to pray (without fasting). We are praying for the following things:

Pray that…

*…God will reveal to us what things we may need to change in our current “way of being.

 *…God will give us the courage (despite, the ways we may have done things in the past), to consider “new ways of being,” in specific areas.

*…God will enable us to keep the needs of children, youth, and young adults, in our hearts, as we reflect.

*…your hearts will be open, if God is calling YOU to serve, so that we have no “gaps” in meeting the needs of those who come to our church.

*…that I, as your pastor will have “open ears” to hear your hearts (even if the things you want to say, may be hard to say and to hear).

*…that each of us will do our part in evangelizing those who are outside the church; and that we will be faithful to discipling those who are in our “spiritual care,” inside the church.

*…that we will covenant to “build one another up” in all the ways we can. Let’s make 2025 a year of, “Building Up Believers!”

*…that we will TRUST God in ALL things.

Feel free to add other requests, as the Lord brings them to mind. If you are a part of a small group, and/or a Sunday School class, please begin praying for things NOW, before the Churchwide Reset Planning Session.

  Even those who are home-centered members can pray. If you are in a care facility or at home, join us in praying for FUMC, Killeen. Children and youth are also invited to “pray without ceasing” for our church.

With Sincere Love and Prayers,

"We pray our church will grow and thrive, in the year, 2-0-2-5!!"

- Care Ministry -

The current GriefShare Session began October 16th, at 1:00 PM.

Those interested in joining may contact Trudy Horridge (512-293-5453) for more information.  

- Opportunities at FUMC - Killeen -

Click to view the Church Calendar

Below is a list of highlighted events for the upcoming week. Items in italics indicate off-site events. Click on the link above to view the full church calendar.

Sunday, January 5

7:45 AM & 10:00 AM | Worship

9:00 AM | Guiding Young Minds (GYM) Sunday School Class

4:00 PM | Youth Group Meeting

Monday, January 6

8:30 AM | Frisch Park Workday

6:30 PM | Scouting America #2111 G Meeting

6:30 PM | Scouting America #211 B Meeting


Tuesday, January 7

10:00 AM | Domino Group

10:30 AM | Quilting Circle

Wednesday, January 8

9:00 AM | CDC Kinder Dance

10:30 AM | Morning Bible Study with Ken Smith

1:00 PM | Grief Share

5:00 PM | Deeper Waters Bible Study

7:00 PM | Chancel Choir Practice


Thursday, January 9

6:00 PM | Guitar Playing Group

6:30 PM | Cub Scout #211 den meetings

6:30 PM | Rainbow Emmaus Gathering


Friday, January 10

8:30 AM | Frisch Park Workday

Saturday, January 11

8:00 AM | United Methodist Men's Breakfast Meeting

10:00 AM | Retrieve wreaths from Veterans Cemetery

12:00 PM | Celebration of Citizenship for Dagmar Bain

Sunday, January 12

10:00 AM | Worship

11:00 AM | Churchwide Reset Planning Session

Save the Dates

January 20 | Church Office, CDC, and Building Closed

- January Altar Rail Offering -

Human Relations Day/ Peace with Justice

- January Food Pantry -

Canned/Dried Soups

- Giving and Attendance -

Month of December

General Fund/Building Fund Offering

Week of:

General Fund Offering

Building Fund Offering

Total General/Build Offering


3rd - 9th





10th - 16th





17th - 23rd





24th - 30th




**Note - Totals are tallied from Tuesday to Monday of the following week after the Sunday offering is reported. If there is a Monday holiday, the Sunday offering will be entered on Tuesday but the reporting will be added to the previous week's tally to ensure we always have a Sunday offering included in each week's totals.

Total Attendance for December



December 8th


December 15th


December 22nd


December 24th


December 29th


Please report all your small group attendance to the office after each meeting or email your attendance to the church office. Thank you!

- Community & Outreach -

- Feed The Need -

I am looking for church groups or families to help me with “Feed the Need in Killeen" on the first and third Saturdays each month in downtown Killeen. Please contact me if you are interested or want more information about this program. Thank you.

– John Karlik (315-744-2520).

- Gratitude -

Methodist Children's Home sends sincere gratitude for our donation of 20 gift bags to their children.

- FUMC Commercial -

In November, FUMC, Killeen joined several other UM churches in the Fort Cavazos area, to make a commercial recorded by Channel 6 News. Many of you have seen the commercial, if not, or if you want to see it again, click below.

Check out our commercial!

Something to crow about...

- Walk To Emmaus -

If you have experienced a Walk To Emmaus Weekend, we want to invite you to participate in our "Gatherings." You will experience community and enjoy the 4th Day Talks. Perhaps, you would like to share your own 4th Day testimony. The dates and locations for our "Gatherings" are listed below.

If you are interested in an Emmaus Walk please contact Lisa Kure or Dean Honchul (254-681-2323).

2nd Thursday 6:30 PM Potluck Fellowship/News/Worship/Holy Communion



*January 9

Killeen FUMC

*February 13

Killeen FUMC

March 13

Harker Heights MC

April 10

Harker Heights MC

May 8

Copperas Cove Grace UMC

June 12

Copperas Cove Grace UMC

July 10

Killeen St. Andrew UMC

August 14

Killeen St. Andrew UMC

September 11

Nolanville FUMC

October 9

Nolanville FUMC

*November 13

Killeen FUMC

*December 11

Killeen FUMC

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If you would like to get your event in the newsletter, put in a thank-you note, or any other submission, please send it to info@fumc-killeen.org by the Wednesday prior to the week you would like it to appear.

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