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4 Pathways to Immunity hidden in Psalm 91

And my friend said, "how odd that the 19 in COVID-19 is the reverse of 91" (Psalm 91)

 Here are the promises/ benefits:

1.) Deliverance - verses 3, 14 & 15
2.) No evil shall befall you- vs. 10
3.) No plague shall come near your dwelling- vs. 10
4.) It will not come near you - vs. 7
5.) You shall not be afraid- vs. 5 & 6
6.) Set on high -vs.14
7.) Long Life & Salvation- vs. 15

Here is how the immunity can be activated in your life:

1.) Say...In Him (God) will I trust - vs. 2
2.) Make Him (God) your habitation (your home, your dwelling, Live IN Him- IN JESUS) - vs. 2 & 9
3.) Set your Love upon Him(God) (cling to him, delight in Him, be attached to Him) - vs. 14
4.) Know His Name (The Name of Jesus), a definitive, conspicuous position, or a mark signifying honor, authority and character- vs. 14

Start taking your vaccine today!!!


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(includes song service)


Prayer Suggestions for March:  

Thank you Lord for Freedom from Fear
Bear us up in your angels' hands

Deliver us from battle weariness by your quickening Spirit

Fill us with resurrection power

Thank you Lord for the wonders in your Word

Open our understanding so that we can receive greater revelation

Thank you for ALL the sacrifices you made for us

Teach us to guard our hearts

Thank you for interceding for us Holy Spirit

Give us what we need this day

Open our spiritual ears so we can follow Your voice

Fill us with your Light to be like Springtime to those in darkness

We claim Psalm 91 promises for all believers exposed to the virus

Prepare us to be a strong and overcoming army

Grant your perfect wisdom to all leaders and let them to be guided by the Holy Spirit only

We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Thank you Lord that all your ways are good and just and right


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NEW CLASSES ON DELIVERANCE , Tuesdays 10 am- taught by Gloria Adams 
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