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Your Monthly News & Updates
How to
Be Safe in Perilous Times


1.) Be sure you are saved by the blood of Jesus

2.) Dwell in the secret place of the most High,  Make the Lord your refuge and your habitation ( Stay close and know He is there all day, every day)

3.) Endure in Love until the end

4.) Be prudent, see danger and take Shelter (Be Wise, discerning & walk circumspectly around trouble)

5.) S et your love upon the Lord (Make Him FIRST in your life)

6.) Call upon Him, He is an EVER PRESENT HELP when you are in trouble



Prayer Suggestions for September:  

Claim ALL your loved ones for the Kingdom of God

Pray for stronger faith
Pray for kindness to come to those who offend you
Pray for greater fervency for each person you are praying for 

Pray for all leaders

Pray for strengthening for all marriages

Pray that we will humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways and seek His face

Pray for those devastated and suffering loss from the Hurricane

Pray for all the elderly and infirm to receive the heartfelt care of their nurses, doctors and caregivers

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Donate to Jesus Is Ministry Training Camp
Links to Prophetic Words & Sermons from Jesus Is! Ministries

Give to God's Remnant Training Camp - NOW
Deliverance Prayer
Breaking Bondages Daily
Service Spotlight
We continue to support the Training Camp at Jesus Is Ministries, reconciling lives to Jesus by feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, housing those outcast, loosing the bands of wickedness and letting the oppressed go free.  
(Not supported by any government assistance)

Join us in getting these funds to where they are MOST NEEDED!

Cost free Residential Rehab with ongoing food and clothing support in huge quantities to a three county area in Florida - currently receiving over 5000 lbs of food per week
Download sermons- Listen on your phone-Free!

The Jesusis4 Foundation, Inc.| [email protected] |