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Prayers for November

Prayer Suggestions:  

    Pray FOR Common Sense
Pray for eyes to be opened and hidden agendas to be exposed
Pray for provision for the Kingdom of God
Stand against the
Spirit of Anti-Christ
Stand FOR Jesus  

Deliver us from all evil and lead us not into Temptation, and in every temptation, make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Pray for Discernment in ALL choices we face
Pray for protection for all our family members and all leaders 
Pray for God's government:  
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven  


Faith Vitamins

when prophetic Words are fulfilled it increases our Faith
Check out these prophecies fulfilled in History
regarding  Israel & Jerusalem's Neighbors
(some would do well to recall)

Destruction of those Neighbors who said "Aha" (schadenfreude) 
and rejoiced at Israel's troubles
descendants of Lot  
Ezekiel 25:9-11 prophesied around 587 BC 
Fulfilled in 332 by Alexander the Great

descendants of Lot  who Helped Israel's enemies
Ezekiel 25:9-11 prophesied around 587 BC, and Zephaniah 2:8-11
 Fulfilled 582 BC :
Wikipedia states: Sometime during the Persian period 6th century BC, Moab disappears from the extant historical record. Its territory was subsequently overrun by waves of tribes from northern Arabia, including the Kedarites and (later) the Nabataeans

descendants of Esau-bitter vengeful enemies of the Jews
Helped Babylon plunder Jerusalem
Fulfilled thus: Babylonian general Sargon invaded Arabia in 716 BC- Fulfilled in 582 BC by the hands of the same ones they helped- Further subdued by Maccabeans in 126 BC and with the death of Herod at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 their lineage was obliterated from history

prophesied against for vengence, 
a despiteful heart and to desrtoy Israel for the old hatred 
Fulfilled thus: subdued when Nebuchadnezzar took Judah Fulfilled 586 BC 

Isaiah 23:14-18 and Ezekiel Chpts 26 to 28 prophesied in 586 BC
Babylon conquered 1 year later in 585 BC

because they would not help Israel- Ez 29:6-7
Isaiah 20: prophesied in 713 BC 
Fulfilled 12 yrs later in 701 BC by the Assyrians
Jeremiah 43:7-13 and  Ezekiel 29:10-15 prophesied in 586 BC
Fulfilled 19 yrs later in 567 BC and ongoing through present day

Please note: All Isaiah chpts. 1-39 prophecies between 740 Bc to 686 BC

10th Century BC to 300 BC
Present day

American MidTERM Elections NOVEMBER 6   
Proverbs 29:2 (KJV)
When the righteous are in authority,
the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule,
the people mourn.

Here are some links to help you do some research before you VOTE

USA Facts- VOTER CENTER - More story centered

BALLOT- PEDIA -more research centered- with full wording of all Amendments Nationwide

Links to conservative News Services:

Drudge Report - List of links to thousands of other news sources - updated by the minute 

News for Christians - has a huge list of links- scroll down

Watchdog Groups

Judicial Watch -watchdog group  that files Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to investigate alleged misconduct by government officials

Project Veritas  "Veritas" means TRUTH - mission is exposing the truth in the midst of corruption - links to You Tube postings
Donate to Jesus Is Ministry Training Camp
Links to Prophetic Words & Sermons from Jesus Is! Ministries

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We continue to support the Training Camp at Jesus Is Ministries, reconciling lives to Jesus by feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, housing those outcast, loosing the bands of wickedness and letting the oppressed go free.  
(Not supported by any government assistance)

Join us in getting these funds to where they are MOST NEEDED!

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