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Your Monthly News & Updates
Worship God: For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy - Rev.19:10

Updated Link to Current Prophecy
Listen with the ears of your heart 

Prophecy given 3-14-18-  

Stay Tuned...  More Words are coming
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Prayer for April

Prayer Suggestions:
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem    

April 19, 2018 marks the anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence
 Pray that leaders all over the world would be guided by the fear of the Lord and the wisdom it brings
Hamas and Palestine Authority Arabs are organizing Million Man March  against Israeli Borders -
Pray they will not use women and children as their front line to storm the crossings

More Prayer Suggestions:

Help us to hold our hearts yielded unto you  

Plead the Blood of Jesus over all our family members 

Prepare Us
Fill us with Your unfailing love for others until the end

Funnel Funding out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of God 

Even so, Come Lord Jesus

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Deliverance Prayer
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We continue to support the Training Camp at Jesus Is Ministries, reconciling lives to Jesus by feeding the hungry, clothing the needy, housing those outcast, loosing the bands of wickedness and letting the oppressed go free.  
(Not supported by any government assistance)

Join us in getting these funds to where they are MOST NEEDED!
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