Lutheran Church of the Covenant
May 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to the May monthly news highlighting what God is up to at LCOC! You are invited to share this news with new neighbors and others who may be interested in hearing what God is doing through the people and ministry of LCOC. Also invite others to come and be a part of these various ministry opportunities!

GATHER          GROW         GIVE         GO
Pastor Darcy 

God is good...all the time...all the time...God is Good!

As you read through the May newsletter, you will note that there is a lot of ministry happening at LCOC!   I invite you to take a moment to pray for the ministry and people of LCOC and to take a moment to be reminded of the why and what of the ministry that God is calling us into at this time.  

Purpose:   To build a Christian community that is inviting and encourages and equips people to grow as committed disciples of Christ.

Vision:  A community that is focused on:   knowing, living, and telling the story of God's covenant relationship with us.

Mission:  To strengthen our relationship with God and all people as we:   Gather, Grow, Give, Go
  • Gather to worship God and fellowship with the community
  • Grow in our relationship with God through prayer, Bible Study, and service                                                                                                    
  • Give of our resources, time, and talents in response to God's extravagant generosity towards us
  • Go forth to serve others and share the story of God's love for all
I give thanks to God for using the people and ministry of LCOC to make an impact on and to transform people's lives.   I give thanks to God for YOU!

Council President
Sharing in God's Mission 
at  Lutheran Church of the Covenant

Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ,
                 As we continue live into Easter, we have numerous chances at LCOC to build on our relationship with our Lord Jesus, our community, and with one another.  Some of these opportunities are: Helping with Cloverdale Cleanup Day on May 6th; participating in Dinner and a Family Movie on May 13th; CPR Training on May 20th; attending a very Special Musical Performance: Brass Quintet on June 4th; Volunteering at Vacation Bible School (behind the scenes or at the program) each evening June 19th-23rd; joining in on our Annual Church Picnic on June 25th.  Please consider one or more of these great events wherein you can serve our Lord, the community and one another.  
Please know that I will continue to pray for all of you, and I ask that you pray daily for all your brothers and sisters here at LCOC and that we are carrying out God's will for us in this place, in the community, and in the world.  I ask that if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, etc. that you feel free to talk to me (in person, by phone (703-670-8365), or through email  But more than anything, I ask that we all remember never to limit what God can do through us in carrying out our mutual missions!  
May God bless you all as you are a blessing to me and many others.

Jo Ann Rudy

to worship God and fellowship with the community
Thanksgiving Service 2016
Many thanks to all who helped to make the Lent, Holy Week and Easter services meaningful.  Check out the Lenten monologues and services on  LCOC's YouTube Channel.

The Organist search team has been busy interviewing some strong and diverse candidates.  Stay tuned for more details
Mark your calendar:
Special Musical Event - June 4 - 3PM
We will welcome Mike Bellinger and his Brass Quintet!  Come and enjoy some wonderful music!

                      Worship - 10:00 am

Easter Flowers
Our Annual Easter Brunch was wonderful again this year. Thank you to everyone who brought something to share! 

This month we are planning a Dinner Out & Family Movie Night for Saturday, May 13th. Watch for details to come.

Mark your calendar: Church Picnic June 25th

Prayer Breakfast
Men's Prayer Breakfast   

Our next meeting is May 13th 
at 7:30 am  in the DFH. 

LCOC Prayer Garden
Community Prayer Group
The LCOC community prayer group meets the second Saturday of each month from 7:30 am to 9 am in the Work Room. We share prayers of concern and numerous praises along with a strong cup of coffee. We offer this time to the community and congregation to join us for prayer, openly or privately. We will meet again on May 13 at 7:30 am.

Matt. 21:13 - my house will be called a house of prayer,.....

in our relationship with God through prayer, Bible Study, and service

Adult Education

Joins us in the Upper Fellowship Hall 
every Sunday at 9:45 am.

We switch to 9:00 am Adult Education beginning June 4th through September 10th.

May 7
Getting to know our Muslim neighbors:
Special Guest:  Hafiz Tarbal
Come and meet our special guest and learn more about the Muslim Faith.  Hafiz Tarbal was born in Khartoum, Sudan.  He studied in Germany, taught German at the University of Khartoum, and taught Arabic in public and private schools in Washington DC and Virginia. 
May 14
Small Catechism:
       The Ten Commandments
May 21
Thrivent Celebration - Live Generously
Special Guest:  Marty Cox
Through the generosity of the Thrivent Action Teams, LCOC has received seed money to help fund mission and ministry opportunities such as Rise Against Hunger, Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus and with the Easter Bunny and more.  Come and learn more about how to be a part of an Action Team and/or how to use your Thrivent monies to sponsor a team and how to allocate your Thrivent Choice Dollars.
May 28
NO EDUCATION - Memorial Day

Join us, the coffee is ready!

  • Congratulations to Cole M. and Kaley P. upon receiving their First Communion on Sunday, April 23nd /30th, and to Jean Zamora for her dedicated service as First Communion teacher. 
  • Through Easter the youth education classes continued to follow the Gospel of John series by Rev Adam Hamilton. Until the summer break on May 21st the High School  class will pick up where we left off at Lent with the Life Guide study of the Gospel of Matthew.
Preparations continue for this year's Vacation Bible School (VBS):
Dear Lutheran Church of the Covenant Family
There are many rewarding opportunities to serve the Lord
Preparing For and/or Assisting Vacation Bible School 
June 19-23, 2017 (6:00PM to 8:30PM)
Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time and/or talents
Next planning meeting is Sunday April 30 after late service
The "Hero Central"  VBS program of five nightly sessions will begin with a free supper meal for children and parents, include opening and closing assemblies in the LCOC sanctuary with nightly themes:
  • Monday- God's Heroes Have Heart (Samuel anoints David)
  • Tuesday - God's Heroes Have Courage  (Abigail saves the day)
  • Wednesday- God's Heroes Have Wisdom (Jesus goes to the Temple)
  • Thursday- God's Heroes Have Hope (Beatitudes)
  • Friday- God's Heroes Have Power (Pentecost)
  • And daily storytelling, craft making, and science activities
Volunteer Needs
VBS Directors- Diane DeGroodt and Stacey Rosenquist
Opening and Closing Assembly Players-  (5-20 lines of dialogue each session)
  • Captain Shield - Facilitator of each assembly (adult role)
  • Flame - Puppet - need puppeteer (teenage or adult role)
  • Commander Zander (authoritative captain) (teenage or adult role)
  • Agent Eagle (teenage or adult role)
  • Agent Falcon (teenage or adult role)
  • Song leader (using music CD) (teenage or adult role)
Activity Leaders
  • Storyteller- Jo Ann Rudy and (adult assistants)
  • Crafts- Patti Beatty and (adult assistants)
  • Science- Kristi Stoller and (adult assistants)
Meal Preparers (Dave Zamora, Harriet Richards, Mark Gimmi, Roger Rudy)
"Do good! Seek peace and go after it!
Questions? Respond to the VBS Team at  

Open this link to view projects and materials required for VBS: 

Shekinah 2017
Confirmation Corner
Our confirmation class has been busy studying and just finishing the Gospel of John along with the Adult and High School classes.  In addition, we helped with the Easter Egg hunt by stuffing and hiding 400 eggs!  We participated in Palm Sunday, and Easter brunch.  Hopefully you've noticed the confirmands helping out in our congregation.

I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that this will be my last year as your confirmation teacher.  I've been teaching for 8 years and would like to step down and give someone else the opportunity to have a religious influence on our youth. Please consider this unique opportunity.  I bet you're saying, "I don't know enough about the bible to teach the confirmand students!"  Well, that's what I said when I started teaching.  However, the lesson plans you follow have a Teacher's edition with all the answers :) You will learn more teaching than you will ever imagine just by following the laid out curriculum. Using the lesson plan as a guide and throwing in your own creativity and voila, you've taught a class.  Prayerfully consider and let me, the Pastor or Wilbur Snyder know.
I hope you'll mark your calendar for 4 June and join us as Sarah Gimmi, Sarah and Seth Sutton are confirmed during the first service.
Please find attached our classes last two book reports from Michael E.and Jillian R. 

             Thomas Cranmer by Jillian R.                 Michal Servetus by Michael E.

Ray Sutton

Prayer Opportunities

              Prayer List Ministry                 

Prayer Chain Ministry: 
Please send an email to 
or call the Prayer Chain Lead at 571-210-1979      
Free Ceaseless Prayer App:   

Breakfast with 
the Easter Bunny 2017
 Youth Group

of our resources, time, and talents in response to God's extravagant generosity towards us

Stop Hunger Now 2017
I wanted to add my thanks to all those who helped to make the Breakfast with the Easter Bunny event such a resounding success. It was a great privilege to work with so many members and see the love and hospitality shown to those who attended. The creativity and commitment were awesome and all the hard work bore fruit as we saw the smiles on the faces of the children (and adults) as they enjoyed a hearty breakfast, hunted for eggs, made craft items, and received prizes. The love of Christ and spirit of service was truly evident and we ask the Lord to continue to bless these efforts in the lives of those who attended. Please continue to keep our ministries in your prayers and consider being part of the upcoming Vacation Bible School taking place the evenings of June 19-23. There will be plenty of opportunities to help with prep and behind the scenes aspects as well as during the actual sessions. Keep other ministries in mind as well and think about using your gifts to serve and help with the Backpack Drive, Operation Turkey and Christmas Gifts for those in need later in the year.  Time does fly by and those projects will be upon us before you know it.
Thank you also for your generosity in your financial commitment and consider using the Vanco option which can be accessed online at: if you haven't already done so. Please consider becoming a Thrivent member as well and if you already are a member and use Thrivent products, make use of the Action Plan funds that are available to help fund LCOC's ministry projects. This seed money really makes a difference and helps us increase the scope of our service projects.  There will be a get-together shortly to offer more information on this opportunity.
Finally, please enjoy and take a moment to think about these simple, but powerful quotes about gifts and talents-which we all have!
 "Work while you have light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."-Henri Frederick Amiel
"E raka te maui, raka te katau." - Maori proverb meaning "A community can use all the skills of its people."
"People of talent resemble a musical instrument more closely than they do a musician. Without outside help, they produce not a single sound, but given even the slightest touch, and a magnificent tune emanates from them." -Franz Grillparzer. Our help comes from the Creator of our gifts.
In love and peace,
Patti Beattie

          Stop Hunger Now                                               Gifts of Ministry
Amazon Smile:
Amazon members can help support LCOC while you shop! Click on the link below and pick Lutheran Church of the Covenant as your favorite organization and start shopping! We will receive a percentage of the sale.

Good shop:
Support Lutheran Church of the Covenant when you search the Web at or shop online with 


forth to serve others and share the story of God's love for all
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt

On Saturday, April 8, 2017, we opened our doors to our community and welcomed over 100 people to Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt. Twenty-three Action Team Members were involved in making this second annual event a huge success. The night before we decorated the Upstairs Fellowship Hall (UFH) and the Activity Room (AR) to make it look pretty and inviting for all attending, especially the children. Action Team Members also stuffed bags with candy that was donated by LCOC Members, and wrapped cutlery for breakfast. The next morning we all arrived early to prepare pancakes and sausage; and plan for and hide the eggs for two separate hunts (Preschool - 2nd Grade; and 3rd through 5th Grades). Action Team Members handed out raffle tickets for a variety of prizes (Easter Baskets filled with treats; Coupons for a free Happy Meal from McDonald's - one of our members secured these from a local store; a large chocolate Easter Bunny; two $5.00 gift cards and two $10.00 gift cards from McDonalds). Action Team Members served the breakfast and drinks to our guests. Action Team members hid eggs and managed the two hunts (the eggs for the hunt (200 each category) were stuffed with candy by our LCOC Confirmation Students the Sunday before the Hunt. Action Team Members assisted children in having fun in the Activity Room coloring, making crafts, reading, etc. prior to the hunts. The Easter Bunny was outdoors welcoming and inviting everyone into our UFH for breakfast and fun. After the activities (breakfast, crafts, hunt), everyone came back into the UFH for the drawings. The Easter Bunny handed out each prize as the numbers were drawn and the winners came forward. Everyone was thanked for coming and wished a blessed Easter. As our guests left, each child received a bag of Easter candy which members of our LCOC congregation purchased and brought in prior to the event. We also handed out information on our Holy Week Services, along with a flyer on our upcoming Vacation Bible School - these two items were stapled together along with a packet (made by an Action Team Member) containing the Jelly Bean Prayer with the corresponding colored candies. After cleaning up the UFH and AR, the Action Team had lunch together, celebrating a wonderful opportunity to live and give generously. As part of inspiring others to live generously, the congregation not only provided lots of candy for our event, but brought in their loose change and currency to purchase milk for the students at Neabsco Elementary. On Thursday the 6th, food and milk was delivered to those in need at the nearby school. As with the Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt, this was an act filled with love in being able to do "God's Work, Our Hands".
Jo Ann Rudy

Treasurers Report
This month at a glance
Happy Birthday to you!

               3   Wilbur S.
                4   Jessica R.
                5   Noah E.
              11    Scarlett C.
              17   Amy M.
              19   Joshua M.
              21   Kathy L .
              22   Alexandra M.
              22   Becky S.
              24   Nina K.
              27   Walter T.
              30   Kevin S.
              31   Brian W.
Happy Anniversary
Joey & Katie B.
May 3, 2014

Dave & Betty J.
May 29, 1989

Mike R. & Mickie K.
May 30, 1992

Ryan & Michelle L.
May 11, 2011

Wilbur & Gretchen S.
May 10, 1977

Kenneth & Rebecca S.
May 14, 1994

Fred & Georgiann T.
May 26, 1979
Baptism Anniversaries
Noah E.
Marie E.
William H.-B.
Meredith L.
Elliot O.
Kathleen P.
Rachel R.
Stacey R.
Jennifer S.
Jonathan S.
Hunter S.
Brielle W.
Homebound Members
Ruth J.
Jean J.
Mary S.
Virginia S.
Members in the Military
Tyler R.
Tom M.
Ryan L.
Samuel B.

Please remember to keep our service members and their families in your prayers as they serve our country. If you have someone to add to this list, please contact the office.

Flower Calendar
The altar flowers for this month are given to the glory of God and contributed by:

May 7
Stacey R. & family in celebration of Jessica's birthday

Roger & JoAnn R. in memory of John R.

May 14
Roger & JoAnn R. in memory of mom Lee S.

Diane D. in celebration of Grandmother Nellie H.'s 99th birthday

May 21
Roger & JoAnn R. in memory of Charles R.

Les & Karen B. in memory of their father's birthdays

May 28
Dave , Jean Z. & family in celebration of Clayton & Amelia's birthdays
Kids Page
We are fortunate to be able to use our gifts that God has provided us through a variety of ways.  Ongoing ways to use your gifts are to sign up to be a part of supporting Neabsco Elementary in many ways and in being a part of the gardening team at LCOC to help keep our landscape beautiful.  Future experiences involve Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus, Breakfast with the Easter Bunny, (If you have questions, please see Jo Ann Rudy), and helping with Vacation Bible School  - (all at LCOC). 
When we choose to give our time, energy and talents to serve others, we are taking part in God's work to share the love of Christ and give God glory.  With God working in us and through us, we can make a difference!

OTLWB Book Club

The Book Club is meeting on May 15th
(at 12:30 p.m. in the workroom)
 to discuss 
Abide with Me by Elizabeth Strout

Coming for June 12th meeting:
Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler

Summer 2017 Reads:
The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

If you would like more information, 
please see Sandy S. or Diane D.
Project Mend-A-House  

Would you like to participate in the next project? 
contact Ralph Morse  

NEWS & Notes

I would like to thank the LCOC congregation fo r your donations during my Acts Bake Sale that I 
h ad in the Narthex in March.  Because of your generous donations, I was able to donate $150 to Acts.  

Thank You - Sarah Sutton

In Nature at LCOC

Hellebore in Meditation Garden

 Dear LCOC Family Member ~
If you've never spent time in any of the outside sanctuaries surrounding our church, you are missing an opportunity to feel God's awesome peace and His presence. Allow me to take you on a walk through some of the gardens as we explore what is happening in early spring:
* As we begin our stroll today the weather seems more like summer than early spring as the sun is warmer than normal for an April morning. All the Daffodils have faded and are now only a pleasant memory.
* We notice that the Irises in the HT Memorial Garden are blooming (they may not know it, but they are about a month early). Everything in this garden is bursting through the ground (Liliums are standing tall; Coreopsis are blooming!; Pink Primroses are starting to bloom; purple and dark pink Tulips are not liking this hot weather, but are regal nonetheless; and Coneflowers are popping out of the earth).
* Nearing the new beds along Cloverdale Road, the neighborhood rooster lets us know he's ready for spring and is happy about this warm day. A couple of the new Irises in these gardens are blooming. We see "Autumn Surge", "Royal Majesty" and "Grape Harvest" have arrived early and are putting on a show. The Rev Darcy is really growing, but no blooms yet.
* Large bursts of pink and red catch our eye as we pass by the beautiful Azaleas in the terraced garden.
* The Children's Garden still has Scillia blooming and the Columbine is budded and ready to reveal their pretty spring colors.
* Wow! Orange and pink Tulips flank the roses and are gorgeous.
* As we round the corner, we see new additions to our entrances - pretty potted trees surrounded by pretty summer flowers. What a welcoming sight!
* We notice a Bluebird swooping down securing worms from the ground. We have to check the boxes to see if they have taken up residence and have laid eggs or already have babies. We'll keep you posted.
* Cardinals have built their nest and awaiting eggs to be laid. Meanwhile they are busy making sure the area is secure around their new home.
* Lots of other birds are flying to and fro in this inviting outdoor sanctuary. We look out for the Catbird as he is sure to be returning soon since his favorite shrub is bearing fruit (Mahonia - Oregon Grape).
* We also need to remember to put out a feeder for the Hummingbirds as it is time for their return.
You are encouraged to take a self-guided tour through our wonderful landscape here at LCOC. But be ready - you are going to experience God's peace and presence - so enjoy this special time with our Creator! Next month, we'll see what's happening as mid-Spring continues to unveil more and more of God's blessings.

"Our mind is a garden.
Our thoughts are the seeds.
You can either grow flowers.
Or you can grow weeds!"

Contact Us
Take a look at our web site
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Ministry Quick Links
Metro DC Synod
DC Young Adults
Metro DC Youth