Lutheran Church of the Covenant
DECEMBER 2017 Newsletter
Welcome to the December monthly news highlighting what God is up to at LCOC! You are invited to share this news with new neighbors and others who may be interested in hearing what God is doing through the people and ministry of LCOC. Also invite others to come and be a part of these various ministry opportunities!

GATHER          GROW         GIVE         GO
Pastor Darcy 
"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.  
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."  
                                                      (Matthew 11:28-30)

Each year, as I decorate for Christmas, I remember the stories of the people and experiences behind each of the ornaments that I place on the tree and around my house.  My heart is filled with gratitude as I treasure these memories and my heart also grieves as I remember the hurts and losses that are also a part of these stories. 

As we enter this season of Advent and Christmas, LCOC has planned various worship services to acknowledge both the gratitude and also the grieving that this season brings.  The promise that God gives and keeps is that through the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ, we are given hope and joy in the peaks and valleys of all of life's experiences. 

Please read through this newsletter for more details on these services and other fellowship and service opportunities that offer God's hope, peace, joy, and love!
God's peace be with you!

Council President

Sharing in God's Mission 
at Lutheran Church of the Covenant

Dear brothers-and -sisters-in-Christ ~
In our Gospel lesson for Christ the King Sunday, Jesus shares that when we feed, clothe, welcome, visit, etc., those in need, we do the same for Him.  We are provided numerous opportunities at LCOC to care for others in a variety of ways.  Thank you so much for living generously by buying gifts for the children in our Un-Trim-A-Tree; getting coloring books, crayons, and candies for the children who will come to our Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus; bringing in food for ACTS and Neabsco Elementary; continuing to give money to the Rise Against Hunger Project, etc.  As we continue to serve God through giving, I ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your offering. This will help us to fulfill God's mission through the LCOC ministry and you will experience the joy that this provides.
Please know that I will continue to pray for all of you, and I ask that you pray daily for all your brothers and sisters here at LCOC and that we are carrying out God's will for us in this place, in the community, and in the world.  I ask that if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, etc. that you feel free to talk to me (in person, by phone (703-670-8365), or through email ).  But more than anything, I ask that we all remember never to limit what God can do through us in carrying out our mutual missions!  
May God bless you all as you are a blessing to me and many others.
Jo Ann Rudy

to worship God and fellowship with the community

Here is a summary of the Advent and Christmas Services:

Dec 13  - 7:00 pm  special service designed for those for whom the holidays might be difficult because of a difficult loss, transition, or life change. This service is also meaningful as opportunity to simply be still in the midst of a busy season.
Dec 3, 10, 17,  - Advent services at 8:30 and 11  with our special Advent Coffees 
at 9:45
Dec 24 - 10:00 am - Advent Service 
Christmas Eve, Dec 24 - Worship at 5:00 and 8:00 pm with a dinner in between the services
December 31 - 10:00 am - Lessons and Carols

Harvest Brunch , Thanksgiving 
We hosted the Pizza/Salad Lunch for the Annual Meeting on November 12th. We thank Phil Overholt for the funding to purchase the food so that the freewill offering could go to the Youth Gathering.

Our Harvest Brunch on Sunday, Nov. 19th was a fun event and our table runneth  over with wonderful harvest foods.

We hope you will sign up for one of our Advent Teas beginning on December 3rd with wonderful German treats, then on the 10th some Scandinavian delights & on the 17th a  Melting Pot of fabulous fair!

Watch the bulletin board for a sign up sheet for our Christmas Dinner to be served between services on Christmas Eve. Join us for some  delicious  food from Boston Market. A Thrivent Action Team will fund the food so that we may collect a free will offering to go toward our Rise Against Hunger Event in March.

Tricia, Ray & Cindi

Prayer Breakfast
Men's Prayer Breakfast   

Our next meeting is December 9th
at 7:30 am  in the DFH. 

LCOC Prayer Garden
Community Prayer Group
The LCOC community prayer group meets the second Saturday of each month from 7:30 am to 9 am in the Work Room. We share prayers of concern and numerous praises along with a strong cup of coffee. We offer this time to the community and congregation to join us for prayer, openly or privately. We will meet again on December 9th  at 7:30 am.

Matt. 21:13 - my house will be called a house of prayer,.....

in our relationship with God through prayer, Bible Study, and service

Adult Education

Enjoy the Advent Teas this month. 
Adult education will resume in January. 
See you at the teas!


Wednesday Bible Study :

We will meet on December 6 and 13th and then resume on January 3rd

Not able to attend in person?  
You can now "dial in" and join the conversation.  
641.715.3580 code 333-631

Story Time VBS 2017

On Reformation Sunday, October 29th, all youth education classes discussed the impact of Luther and other Protestant Reformers on the Catholic Church and many attended the Reformation Service at the National Cathedral that afternoon.  The High School class has just completed the Living Simply series, and will begin a Sparkhouse Re-form series on contemporary Christian faith issues after the Holidays. The Confirmation class completed the Sparkhouse Collaborate module on Lutheran History and Catechism which had been begun last spring, and will is moving on to the New Testament module. 

Wilbur S.

Prayer Opportunities

              Prayer List Ministry                 

Prayer Chain Ministry: 
Please send an email to 
or call the Prayer Chain Lead at 571-210-1979      
Free Ceaseless Prayer App:   

 Youth Group

LCOC has registered for the gathering and will send 8 youth and 2 adults!  Please keep the gathering preparations in your prayers!

December 1-3 - LCOC youth go to Chrysalis 


LCOC expands our use of technology to support our ministry! 

Check out the television in the Entrance Hall where LCOC news will be posted.

The Downstairs Fellowship Hall ( DFH) now has an internet connection: fellownet
No password required.

of our resources, time, and talents in response to God's extravagant generosity towards us

Stop Hunger Now 2017
While we shouldn't reserve our caring, giving, and gratitude for a specific season, this is the season when all of that comes to the forefront. Please take advantage of the extra opportunities to care for each other and those around us; to give generously to the special projects and ministries such as Untrim-A-Tree gifts for children; and to take time to express extra thanks to God for His blessings and thanks to those who have lent us a hand.
Please join us in reaching out to the community and helping out at Breakfast with Santa on December 9th and by inviting others to the wonderfully meaningful holiday services.
As you shop for loved ones and the children we are gifting through Untrim-A-Tree, take advantage of signing up for Amazon Smile or Goodshop to benefit LCOC if you shop online. The links for those can be found at the below:

Amazon Smile:
Amazon members can help support LCOC while you shop! Click on the link below and pick Lutheran Church of the Covenant as your favorite organization and start shopping! We will receive a percentage of the sale.

Good shop:
Support Lutheran Church of the Covenant when you search the Web at or shop online with 

Consider this perspective on GIVING:

G ratitude

I nvesting in the community

V olunteering to make a better world

I nvolving yourself in ways to serve

N oticing the beauty around you and the gifts/kindness of others

G oing the extra mile
Blessings for an especially meaningful holiday season,
Patti Beattie

Thank you also for your generosity in your financial commitment and consider using the Vanco option which can be accessed online at:

Please consider becoming a Thrivent member as well and if you already are a member and use Thrivent products, make use of the Action Team funds that are available to help fund LCOC's ministry projects. This seed money really makes a difference and helps us increase the scope of our service projects. 

forth to serve others and share the story of God's love for all
Fall Festival 2017
LCOC continues to reach out to the neighborhood and had fun with the Fall Festival!  

Join us on Saturday, December 9th for a fun morning with Santa at our Annual Breakfast with Santa! Bring your friends and neighbors, all are welcome. Begins at 9:00 am. 

Welcome to our new members -  Jennifer Rice and  Shannon McMahon!  

LCOC will be feeding the homeless at the Hilda Barg Homeless Shelter on
Hilda Barg Shelter
February 4, 5, and 6. Our committee will purchase the food and prepare the meals for the residents.
Please consider a monetary donation to go toward the purchase of the food.  A menu and sign-up sheet will be posted in January. Envelopes will be provided for your donations.

Blessings, Sandy Strychowski, The Gimmis, and Carla Kreppein.

Treasurers Report
This month at a glance
Happy Birthday to you!
                3    Willem S.
                   Ilse T.
                5    Cooper S.
                  Kristi S.
                6    Ethan D.
               6    Lorelei D.
                7    Mickie K.
                7    Kassidy R.
                7    Sydney R.
                  Jessica J.
                8    Reagan D.
              13    Marie E.
               15    John K.
              15     Nancy L.
              15    Karen S.
              16    Heather G.
              16    Angela Z.
              18    Clara C.
              18    JoAnn E.
              27    Jeffery M.
              27    Marlies S.
              30    Allison P.
Happy Anniversary

Patti & Randy B.
December 24, 1993

Karen & Les B.
December 30, 1967

JoAnn & Nate E.
December 19, 1987

Lilo & Doug S.
December 28, 1974

Ilse & Walter T.
December 6, 1960

Sonya & Roger W.
December 17, 1960
Baptism Anniversaries
Reagan D.
Diane D.
John E.
Gwyneth H. daughter
Jennifer H.
Blake J.
Ruth J.
Thomas M.
Britt P.
Tyker R.
Veronica W.
Alexa W.
Homebound Members
Ruth J.
Jean J.
Mary S.
Virginia S.
Members in the Military
Tyler R.
Tom M.
Ryan L.
Samuel B.

Please remember to keep our service members and their families in your prayers as they serve our country. If you have someone to add to this list, please contact the office.

Flower Calendar
The altar flowers for this month are given to the glory of God and contributed by:

December 3
Jon & Tricia S. in celebration of 
Cooper & Willem's birthdays

Lorelei D. in memory of mother, Pauline's life

December 10
Rita K. in celebrations of John's birthday

Richard S. in memory of Judy S.

December 17
Stacey R. in celebration of Mom's birthday

Roger & Sonya W. in celebration of 
their 57th anniversary

December 24
Kathy O. in honor of Margaret P.

December 31
Doug & Lilo S. in honor of 
their wedding anniversary
Les & Karen B. in celebration 
of their anniversary
Kids Page
We are fortunate to be able to use our gifts that God has provided us through a variety of ways.   When we choose to give our time, energy and talents to serve others, we are taking part in God's work to share the love of Christ and give God glory.  With God working in us and through us, we can make a difference!

OTLWB Book Club

December 11th at 12:00 pm:
The Elegance of the Hedgehog 
by Muriel Barbery

January 8th at 12:00 pm:

The Ninth Hour
 by Alice McDermott.

If you would like more information, 
please see Sandy S. or Diane D.
Project Mend-A-House  

Click to read:

Would you like to participate in the next project? 
contact Ralph M.

In Nature at LCOC

Dear LCOC Family Member ~
If you've never spent time in any of the outside sanctuaries surrounding our church, you are missing an opportunity to feel God's awesome peace and His presence.  Allow me to take you on a walk through some of the gardens as we explore what is happening on a breezy day just before Thanksgiving:
  • As we pass the Burning Bushes, it is as if they are aflame with their bright red leaves blowing in the wind.
  • The dogwoods have dropped their berries and many of them (berries) are laying in an area of the parking lot.  Dozens of Starlings fill the trees waiting for an opportunity to partake of these tasty treats.
  • We see many of the trees in the wooded area near the pond still adorned with their leaves of gold, red, and orange.
  • Yet, the trees that line the drive into the parking lot are naked, but seemed protected by the evergreens that have their backs.
  • Heavenly Bamboo are now really decked out for the winter with their beautiful clusters of red berries. 
  • The leaves of the Oakleaf Hydrangeas are a beautiful dark purple, wine color.
  • We see that the irises in the new gardens have been cut back and the beds appear to have gone to sleep for the winter.
  • As we continue our stroll, we see and feel a shower of leaves blowing across the lawn and parking lot.
  • Our final stop is by the back entrance to the inner sanctuary where we see lovely potted pansies with their smiling faces.  We know that deep in those pots are tulips that will emerge around the pansies in the coming spring.  
You are encouraged to take a self-guided tour through our wonderful landscape here at LCOC.  But be ready - you are going to experience God's peace and presence - so enjoy this special time with our Creator!  Next month as winter officially begins, we look forward to all the beauty and activity that we'll find on a walk through the gardens in this season. 
"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree".
-Emily Bronte

Contact Us
Take a look at our web site
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 
9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Ministry Quick Links
Metro DC Synod
DC Young Adults
Metro DC Youth