December 2024

This is the monthly newsletter of the Spiritual Life & Learning Center.

We are a life-long learning community nurturing mind, heart, and body. The Center engages individuals through programs, conversations, and practices for people of all faiths and none. SLLC is the Adult Learning Ministry of First Community, where all are welcome.

Included are our current offerings and gatherings. Please click on the image of the event that interests you for more information and to register.





Featured Event

Sunday Intersections

Sundays, 12:30-1:30 pm, FC North/Room 101 

This adult Sunday School gathering will explore a variety of issues through presentations, reflection, and discussion. Throughout December I will host a 4-week series on the book, How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns.


Greetings Beloved Community!

The slower paced Thanksgiving week has given me the opportunity to reflect with a grateful heart on the many wonderful experiences that we have had together just since September which marked the beginning of the program year. To learn more about each event, click on the highlighted titles. Those experiences include:

  • In partnership with the Spirituality Network and the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio we launched the Leaning In series. This four-part series focused on exploring a faith response to the election. The last of the series will take place on January 25th and will feature Mark Hiltz speaking on the theme of gratitude.

  • We kicked off our Contemplative Series that will meet monthly through the year to explore different types of contemplative experiences. In November we headed out to Marengo, Ohio to spend the morning with Beckie Boger who led us in a practice of presence with horses.

  • Judy and Dave Westman led another dynamic series of Bible 101. They will be leading another series during Lent on Peter.

  • Jodi Patton began another series of Group Spiritual Direction that will continue monthly throughout the year. What a blessing this offering is!

  • We offered morning (Zoom) and evening (in-person) opportunities to experience Centering Prayer.

  • We had the opportunity to present a three-part series at Wednesday’s Gathering throughout November titled “Bridging the Gap” based on Monica Guzman’s book, I Never Thought of It That Way.

When you include our ongoing programs including Tai Chi, Women Living the Questions, and Thursdays at 10 we have quite a full program year in motion. Be sure to save the date as we look forward to welcoming Jim Wallis, author of The False White Gospel, on February 1st and 2nd.

I am so grateful for those who are participating in these programs and for those who are sharing their talents with us in the leading of many of them. Many thanks to all of you!

As we move into the holiday season, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all a very blessed holiday season.

Grace and goodness,

Rev. Seth Stearns

Minister of Spiritual Life & Learning

Save the Dates

Ongoing Center Gatherings

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4th Sundays

More from SLLC

SLLC Community,

what are you reading?

Rev. Seth Stearns recommends our book for this month.

  • How the Bible Actually Works by Peter Enns

"This book is the focus of our December Sunday Intersections gatherings. It offers some brilliant insights and biblical scholarship that helps us to really understand what it means to take the Bible seriously because we don’t take it literally. Pete Enns writing style is light and humorous while offering a deep understanding of the ancient, ambiguous, and diverse nature of the Bible."

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Outside Partners

Keeping Watch: The Once and Always In-Breaking of Emmanuel

A Contemplative Advent Silent Retreat Day

Saturday, December 14, 2024,

9:30 am – 4:00 pm EST, On Zoom

Led By: Rev. Liz Forney 

More Information

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Enneagram Institute of Ohio

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Free Tours: Last Sunday of each month 11 am
Upcoming Programs
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