October 2023

This is Monthly Newsletter of the Spiritual Life & Learning Center.

We are a life-long learning community nurturing mind, heart and body. The Center engages individuals through programs, conversations and practices for people of all faiths and none. SLLC is the Adult Learning Ministry of First Community, where all are welcome.

Included are our current offerings and gatherings. Please click on the image of the event that interests you for more information and to register.





Featured Center Events

More Information and Registration
More Information and Registration

Commentary from our Co-Chairs

by Jerry Browning and Jayne Kaylor

Co-Chairs of the Spiritual Life & Learning Center Council

As Co-Chairs of the Spiritual Life & Learning Center, we Jerry and Jayne, are excited for the upcoming events and programs the Center is providing in 2023–2024. Specifics for the various offerings can be found by clicking on the graphics in this newsletter and by visiting our website by clicking here.

One new program “Holding Hope” is a gathering for book discussions of a wide array of subjects and varied titles once a month throughout the year. Hosted by different volunteers where all are invited and welcome to attend. More information about the next offering, Design for Belonging, is in this newsletter.

We found much encouragement from the work of the Sacred Design Lab that is, "devoted to understanding and designing for 21st century spiritual wellbeing". We recognized that these words that guided their work, are also fitting for all of us at SLLC as we plan our events and participate together in our sacred spaces of learning. Please consider these words and how they might be fitting for you and your life:

We envision a world in which every person is connected

to their inherent goodness, known and loved in communities of care,

and bountifully giving their gifts toward beauty, justice, and wholeness.

And yet

interlocking systems of oppression pull us apart.

Unmet needs for meaning and connection play out in the way we live,

love, work, and lead.

The problem is soul-deep.

So too, must be our response.

While we will share other findings from this relevant work in the future, it seems very fitting for us that the number #1 finding from the Sacred Design Lab was the need for:

BELONGING – Knowing and being known, loving and being loved.

We sense belonging with each of you as we come together to learn and enhance our spiritual journey through offerings of the Spiritual Life & Learning Center. 

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Warmth and peace,

Jerry and Jayne


Tuesdays and Thursdays

Special Event

United Church of Christ presents the Installation Service of

Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson.

Spiritual Life & Learning Center is proud to host Rev. Thompson in January as one of our 2024 Spiritual Searchers. Watch for more details on that event and click on the graphic above to sign up to watch Rev. Thompson's installation service.

Coming Next Month

Spiritual Searchers 2024


click on any image for more information

You are invited to join us for this five-week overview of the Gospel According to John. We will encounter both the mystical and the practical aspects of Jesus' life and teaching. John's gospel has been the source of both inspiration and misinterpretation across the centuries. In this study, we will seek to get to the heart of John's message as we listen to the text, the spirit, and each other.


To register, please email Shelly to get on the list. (

Read the latest First Community Stay Connected


The Power of Dreamwork
Sunday at the Mounds October 8
Everyday Mysticism
Living Faith Awards
Pathways to the Interior

Enneagram Institute of Ohio

The Journey of Growth-In November


Help us keep the programs you cherish

Your tax-deductible gift supports our goal of creating safe and sacred spaces where each person, unconditionally accepted, may rise to the fullest expression of themselves.

Please join others in pledging a donation to support the Spiritual Life & Learning Center. We thank you.

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