January 2024

937-426-3988 / www.aley.org

Something to think about…   


       Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should! What you do affects others, so use your gifts wisely each day… 


       Are you being Christ to others or just showing off? The Bible tells us to put down our nets and follow Christ, which means? For us to put us aside all the things that are important to this world and pick up our relationship with Christ and follow the example He gave… We are to be fishers of men and women, to do this we must be the best of ourselves and use our gifts in such a way that is a reflection of Christ. And Christ is who we as modern day or from the time of first century use as our guide, but God revealed God’s self all throughout scripture for the people to have as an example of how to live. 

Moses, and there are so many other examples of those that used their gifts and were, a true reflection of God in God’s world. The mere concept of the parting of the Red Sea blows my mind. If you can imagine yourself standing on the sand facing the great body of water that Moses faced with thousands counting on him and thousands more coming after him, then I would imagine that his first thoughts were something that would be similar to mine. This is hopeless, or impossible, or both. But was it? Moses didn’t have a self-imposed idea to part the sea, or even to walk across on the dry ground, I’m pretty sure. But what he had was a faith in God so powerful that he knew that all he was capable of and all he had done came in the form of gifts given by God. Moses faced obstacles with God’s help, and not relying on his own powers or understanding. He never once said, (at least I’m pretty sure he never said) “God, I got this…” never assume that all you’ve been given is yours to use as you see fit.  

See I think there are two HUGE issues with the institution of church today. (1) Is the “we’ve ALWAYS done it this way” approach year in and year out, forgetting that the world changes. That doesn’t mean tossing the baby out with the baptismal water, just that God calls us to reach others and to do that means we are willing to step back and look at how we are living out the ministry of GOD’s church. That said, it is also not a free pass to “conform” to the world; in fact, Romans 12:2 says just the opposite of that… take time to read it. But, in order to be the best Church we can be in this time, we have to be more authentic in our worship, intentional in our prayer practice, generous in our giving and fearless in our acts of service. And number (2) is… SEE NUMBER ONE! It’s that important.    

So, pray, and then pray some more for God to say to you… “Hey, I got this…'' decide if you are ready… Are you? Because I am personally tired of church being a bad taste in the mouths of those that are dry, parched and need the living water that is Jesus Christ. I get excited about all God is planning for us together, but I truly pray that we are ready for the places He will part the waters for us to cross. Or better yet, keep your feet dry and let's go through the doors God opens. (Have you heard that somewhere recently?).  

By the way, I’ve been to the Red Sea, stood in the sand with a large stick, stretched out my arms and waited… It was a profound moment of clarity as to what my gifts are and what they are not. I am humbled by the gift of serving as your Pastor.    


Serving an Awesome God! 

Pastor Laurie 

Study on This….  “The word on Worship” 

What kind of worshipers does God seek?  John 4:1-26  

What is the outcome of Worship?  Romans 12:1-2; 1 Peter 2:4-10  

How did Biblical characters demonstrate a lifestyle of worship? 2 Samuel 6:12-23; Psalm 100  

How does the authenticity of my worship influence other people? Romans 3  


Study on This….  “The word on Prayer” 

What confidence do you have in prayer?  1 John 5:14-15 

Do you truly believe you are forgiven?  2 Chronicles 6:21 

Are you praying that others may see? Ephesians 1:15-19 

Are your prayers ones of faith? James 5:13-20 


Study on This….  “The word on Giving” 

What does your heart say about giving?  Matthew 6:20-21 

How much are you to bring to God? Malachi 3:10 

What does your giving say about who you serve? Matthew 6:24 


Study on This….  “The word on Serving” 

Do you serve like Jesus served?  Mark 10:45 

What are we commissioned by Christ to do?  Matthew 28:18-20 

How does that connect to who we are as United Methodist?  

What does it really mean to be the light of the world? 2 Corinthians 4:4-7 

What does being free really mean? Galatians 5:13-15 


If you are looking for a way to add some devotion time to your day, here is a great way to do that.

Pastor Laurie does a daily devotion on Facebook for a half hour, Monday-Friday @ 9:00am.

click the link to get connected!

Then you have an informal devotion to use throughout your week.

If you have questions, contact Pastor Laurie for more information at pastorlaurie@aleyumc.org


Are you in a small group? Should you be? 

Yes, and here’s an option. Pastor Laurie is Leading a small group this winter called “Simon Peter - an ordinary fisherman who heard an extraordinary call” (Hamilton). 

Starting Thursday, January 4, 2024 and running through February 8, 2024 @ 7:00pm. We will gather to connect and grow together and maybe discover the extraordinary way’s God uses us.  

The book is available on Amazon (in Hardback, Kindle or Audible) You may also find it in other places. There is a video each week done by Adam Hamilton so the book is not required for the small group. 

Sign up here at Aley Small Group Sign-ups or if you have questions contact Pastor Laurie. pastorlaurie@aleyumc.org. Do you need child care at the church on small group nights? Let us know. 

Visit our Website

Membership 2024 “Get into the story here at Aley UMC” 

Getting connected is important as a Christ-Follower, and being in the story of God’s church is a great way to grow in your personal relationship and to serve all of God’s people.

So the new year means it is time to do a new thing, or maybe just the next thing. Pastor Laurie will offer an opportunity to become a growing and active member of Aley UMC starting January 28, 2024 @ 1:00pm, with 2 additional gather dates of February 11, 2024 and February 25, 2024 and joining the church on March 3, 2024. This is for those looking to step into the story for the first time or those that want to transfer a membership because this is where the story continues for them. We can’t wait to join you in the story. 

Spotlight in Ministry

Coming January 18-21, 2024 Men's Emmaus Walk

February 15-18, 2024 Women's Emmaus Walk...

Over 80 men and women from Aley have attended a Walk to Emmaus over the last 30+ years! Is the Lord tugging at your heart to deepen your personal relationship with Him? Both 3-day Walks are filling up with pilgrims. Ask a friend who has been on a Walk to be your Sponsor or contact: Kirk (937-426-6255, leave a message) or Susan Lehneis (937-901-4398, leave a message), or KLehneis@sbcglobal.net and get your application in this week!



and to do that sometimes we have to GO. Here is an opportunity for Aley UMC to be part of a team heading to Highgate in the beautiful mountains of Jamaica - Join Pastor Laurie and others on a CSI Ministries Team April 6 - 13, 2024 and cost is usually around $1500 (includes flight, lodging and food). 

For more information you can connect with Pastor Laurie (pastorlaurie@aleyumc.org), but first take time to pray about how God might be calling you to missions beyond our community. The applications and team meetings will begin soon. You can check out CSI on their web-site on the link below.

CSI Ministries


“Souper” Bowl Sunday 

UWF will again be collecting cans of soup for Souper Bowl Sunday, February 11, 2024.  The cans of soup we received will be given to St. Paul’s UMC. There is a box downstairs across from the Welcome Center marked, “Souper” Bowl Sunday. Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions contact Bonnie Essex at



2023 UWF Cookie Walk 

This year UWF made $1,789.83 at our recent Cookie Walk for our mission support. We thank you for your support not only by providing cookies, etc. but also your purchases.

God Bless You,

Bonnie Essex

Save the Date!

Our next hosting will be on January 9th & 11th, 2024. We will have online sign ups to provide the food and supplies we deliver. You will be able to sign up on the "Get Involved" page soon.

Aley UMC Website:


For any question, contact

Debi Heidrich #937-623-4624

Aley United Methodist Men's monthly meeting will be held on January 20th in the hospitality Center beginning at 8:30am. We'll enjoy breakfast and have a short business meeting. All men are invited to join us.

Youth Ministries at Aley

Youth At Aley

January 3 - No YAA 

Mini-Camp Grant Award

The Great Miami River District recently awarded Aley a $3,500 grant to increase our mini-camp ministry next year! This means we can connect with more kids, youth, and adults throughout the community and offer more opportunities for sharing our gifts and knowledge with others. Start thinking now about how you might be able to serve in this ministry for 2024!

Kids’ and Youth Ministry is GROWING!

Kids Ministries has a new space! Be sure to come take a look at the new, dedicated Kids space in the old preschool hallway off of the Hospitality Center. This winter we will be working (and inviting others to help) personalize the area for Aley Kids. This area will allow us to create bigger and better opportunities for Kids Ministries on Sunday mornings, after school, during school breaks, and through the summer. Stay tuned for all the great things to come!

Looking forward to February - Family roller skating party. Details will be available soon.

If you have questions, want more information, or are ready to serve, please contact Susan Grinkemeyer (kids@aleyumc.org)

for Kids’ ministry or Pastor Abby for Youth ministry (pastorabby@aleyumc.org

Great Miami River District News

Leadership Training Day : Sunday January 21 @ Mason UMC


The West Ohio Conference is planning leadership development events this winter, one in each of our 6 counties. The Great Miami River District's event will take place on Sunday, January 21 from 2:00-5:45pm at the Mason UMC building.


We encourage all clergy and laity to attend this day of learning, fellowship and collaboration. Doors will open at 1:30. Devotions will kick off the day at 2:00 followed by our keynote address from Rev. Sam Holmes. From there you'll attend 2 workshops of your choosing. Click here to download a complete list of workshops and descriptions. Click link below to register.

Register for Leadership Training Day

Sam Holmes is the Lead Pastor of The Point, a campus of the Gem City Collective in Montgomery county. He will teach us how to live "freely and lightly" based on Matthew 11:28-30


“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (MSG)


Of course the question is, how do we actually live this out? How do we step into the reality of spiritual renewal and total life transformation? How do we practically live in ways that allow us to discover the joy of following Christ in the midst of any season, any trial, any storm? Find out on January 21.


If unable to greet, please switch with someone; if that fails,

contact Fay Young at flyoung@sbcglobal.net

More servants are needed to greet on Sunday mornings.

8:30 am



10:30 am



Jan 7th




Jan 7th



Joanna Warner

Jan 14th




Jan 14th

Cheryl Skipper

Joanna Warner

Jan 21st

Jim & Jobie Dunham


Jan 21st

(Need Greeters)

Joanna Warner

Jan 28th

(Need Greeter)


Jan 28th

Carl Herting

Joanna Warner

Office Closings for the Holiday Season

January 1st - New Year's Day

January 15th - Martin Luther King Day

Sharon Diltz


Elizabeth Corcoran


Nicholas Oxner


Rodger Reedy


Radha Starr


Karen Corl


David Collins


Charles Sexton


Gregory Mannix


Melissa Chrisman


Matthew Warner


Cynthia Brubaker


Barbara Copher


Madelyn Skipper


Jeremy Wofford


Randy Frederick


Mike Derenzo


Jeffrey Rank


Ashley Decker


Kevin Shannon


Wretha Haines


Cameron Baird


Get In Touch
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