Monthly Notice of Memos Issued
This Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (the Department) newsletter is designed to inform county directors, management and staff about high-impact updates, important changes, county performance, new guidance, and program changes.
OM 22-055
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to provide guidance to county departments of human/social services (counties) on how to operationalize the FY 2022-23 County Incentives Program Accuracy Incentive. The County Incentives Program creates performance-based benchmarks and deliverables for county departments of human/social services to achieve certain performance standards related to County Administration and Medical Assistance Eligibility. The Accuracy Incentive states the Contractor shall comply with monthly Eligibility Quality Assurance (EQA) case reviews to monitor the accuracy and timeliness of eligibility determinations for Medical Assistance made by the Contractor, with cases pulled monthly for quality review. Results of the EQA reviews are displayed on the MAP Accuracy Dashboard.
OM 22-054
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to provide guidance to county departments of human/social services (counties) on how to operationalize the FY 2022-23 County Incentives Program Performance Compliance Incentive. The County Incentives Program creates performance-based benchmarks and deliverables for county departments of human/social services to achieve certain performance standards related to County Administration and Medical Assistance Eligibility. The Performance Compliance Incentives states the Contractor shall comply monthly with the Director-level MAP Dashboard measures. The performance measures include timeliness of applications/redeterminations, timeliness of long-term services and supports (LTSS) applications/redeterminations, timeliness of case changes, etc.
OM 22-053
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to promulgate sub-regulatory guidance requiring the implementation and alignment of Eligibility Site Quality Assurance Programs with the State Quality Assurance Program. In addition, this Operational Memo informs eligibility sites of operational instructions to meet regulatory requirements at 10 CCR 2505-5 regarding internal controls for quality and accuracy.
OM 22-052
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to provide case management agencies (CMAs) with an Individual Transition Plan (ITP) tool to support individuals who receive home and community-based services (HCBS) at settings that have been determined noncompliant with the HCBS Settings Final Rule. This memo also provides related guidance for CMAs and announces an associated technical assistance session. Case managers with Community Centered Boards (CCBs) and Single Entry Points (SEPs) may be affected by this memo.
OM 22-051
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to remind case managers of requirements relating to entering rights modification information into the Benefits Utilization System (BUS). This memo also announces an upcoming training for case managers on this subject. Case managers employed by a case management agency (CMA), including Community Centered Boards (CCBs) and Single Entry Points (SEPs), are required to review this memo and attend the training.
OM 22-050
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to provide updated information and guidance to Case Management Agencies (CMAs), providers, contractors, and interested stakeholders of changes to the process for submitting a home modification request and the documentation required for that submission. This memo outlines the changes that are being made to the process and the new forms that will be used.
OM 22-049
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to provide information about Private Duty Nursing (PDN) and the role of the Home Care agency and their responsibilities in the Prior Authorization Request (PAR) submission and service authorization process.
OM 22-048
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to provide information and guidance about the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing’s (HCPF or Department) Overflow Processing Center (OPC). The audience of this memo is all county departments of human/social services, Medical Assistance (MA) Sites and Eligibility Application Partners (EAP), collectively referenced throughout this memo as Eligibility Sites. This memo details processes for requesting assistance from the OPC and requirements for when a site will be required to partner with OPC as part of an Eligibility Site’s Improvement Action or Corrective Action Plan (IAP/CAP). An IAP or CAP is required if the Eligibility Site has been issued a Management Decision Letter (MDL) because of the site’s performance on the Medical Assistance Performance (MAP) Dashboards or through a regulatory compliance review as detailed in 10 CCR 2505-5 1.020.10 and 1.020.11.
OM 22-047
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to inform existing and prospective providers of the Home and Community-Based Services Children’s Habilitation Residential Services (HCBS-CHRP) waiver of the re-enrollment process all providers must follow to continue to serve members on the HCBS-CHRP waiver. These processes will be required for all newly enrolling providers as well.
OM 22-046
The purpose of this Operational Memo is to inform Case Management Agencies of a 1.7% rate increase for Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) for Homemaker, Personal Care, and Health Maintenance Activities effective Jan. 1, 2023.
IM 22-036
The purpose of this Informational Memo is to inform Case Managers, members, and providers of changes to the Personal Needs Allowance (PNA) and room and board amount in accordance with cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Old Age Pension (OAP). Additionally, the maximum PNA amount is increasing, the result from increased appropriations from the Joint Budget Committee (JBC).
The purpose of this Informational Memo is to notify Case Management Agencies (CMAs) of the training timeline for the launch of the Colorado Care and Case Management (CCM) operating system.
The purpose of this Informational Memo is to safeguard informed member choice, clear communication about Nursing Facility Level of Care, choice of participant-directed programs, and choice of community-based services. This Informational Memo will also address the purpose and use of Over Cost Containment reviews. The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (Department) requests that this memo be distributed to all case management administration, leadership, and staff who may not receive this memo through the Department’s memo distribution lists.
The purpose of this Informational Memo is to inform long-term services and supports (LTSS) members, families, case managers, providers and advocates that the National Core Indicators—Aging and Disabilities (NCI-AD) survey will soon be in the field. Members are selected randomly and asked to participate in the survey. The surveys will be conducted in person and remotely, using either video conferencing or through the telephone depending on member preference, from Nov. 1, 2022, through April 30, 2023.