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Weekly Cues

Come check out our new virtual classroom.  Our link goes LIVE on September 13th.  Simply check out our entry way or any upcoming announcements on www.catchthespirit.org under KidVenture/Children's Ministry.

Week One

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Two people are better than on



What makes someone a good friend?


Week Two

1 Samuel 20

David and Jonathan 



How can you show your friends they're important?

Week Three

1 Kings 19:14-21; 2 Kings 2:1-15

Elijah and Elisha



When has someone encouraged you?


Week Four

John 21:1-19

Jesus Forgives Peter



How do you react when a friend hurts you?


Friendship is using your words and actions to show others you care.


“A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes.”

Proverbs 17:17, NIrV

Daily Cues

Morning Time

Write the verse of the month in a spot where everyone will see it. Encourage your preteen to memorize the verse and live it out by being a helper to their friends.

Drive Time

Plan a time when you will be close to a friends house and drop something special off for them! You can write a card or make a special treat. This is a great way to show you care.

Meal Time

Q&A for Kids: Who is your best friend? Why do you think you’re such good friends?

Q&A for Parents: Who was your best friend when you were little? How did you meet them? Are you still friends?

Bed Time

Take a few minutes to share how you have been encouraged by someone else. Now, brainstorm some ways that you could encourage a friend this week. It might be drawing a card, taking an extra treat in your lunch to share, or just giving them a big smile. Pray that God would show you creative ways to encourage your friends this week.

For more parenting resources visit TheParentCue.org 
and follow
@parentcue on Instagram.
Download the Parent Cue App - Available for Android and iOS devices.
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