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July 10, 2023

Message From the Associate Dean for Research

While the weather is doing all that it can to remind us that Summer is here, August is quickly approaching and with that, there is a lot to look forward to for the coming academic year. Most notably is the arrival of the College’s new DeanJennifer Malat, on August 21st. With her extensive leadership in community-engaged research and interdisciplinary approaches to inclusive education I am excited to welcome her and have no doubt that she will be an excellent addition to our community. I'd also like to extend a warm thank you to Janie Chermak for serving as our interim dean since March.

Many researchers are using the summer field season to interview respondents, collect samples or travel to primary sources, but many in the college are making an impact right here on campus by hosting students, community members, and scholars from throughout the world. For the third year in a row, the Center for Stable Isotopes held their internationally-renowned short course, IsoCamp which welcomed 50 students from 15 countries. The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, in partnership with the New Mexico Public Education department, also just completed their third year of the Research Opportunities for Science Educators (ROSE) program. Thanks to their leadership, 22 middle and high school science educators throughout New Mexico were able to participate in an immersive research experience that will have significant ripple effects for their students and our state. 

Last year, 17 College of Arts & Sciences faculty were able to benefit from the OVPR’s Fostering Research Expansion in the Social Sciences and Humanities (FRESSH) Program. Of those, eight have already submitted proposals to federal funding agencies and two of those proposals have been awarded. This year, another 13 A&S faculty will have the opportunity to develop their research concepts and proposals for funding opportunities from federal agencies and major foundations. I look forward to seeing what all of them are able to accomplish over this next year and extend my congratulations to the following:

Jessica Carey-Webb

Assistant Professor

Spanish & Portuguese

Adriana Molina Garzon

Assistant Professor

School of Public Administration

Cindy Gevarter

Associate Professor

Speech & Hearing Sciences

Wendy Greyeyes

Assistant Professor

Native American Studies

Carlos Irizarry

Assistant Professor

Speech & Hearing Sciences

Leola Paquin

Assistant Professor

Native American Studies

Daniel Ragan

Associate Professor

Sociology & Criminology

Eva Rodriguez

Associate Professor

Spanish & Portuguese

Alexander Severson

Sr. Research Scientist 1

Institute for Social Research

Roli Varma


School of Public Administration

Belinda Deneen Wallace

Associate Professor

English Language & Literature

Marygold Walsh-Dilley

Associate Professor

Geography & Environmental Studies

Eli Wilson

Assistant Professor

Sociology & Criminology

Until next month,

Christopher D. Lippitt, PhD

Associate Dean for Research

UNM College of Arts & Sciences

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Office of Research



Congratulations to the following who have been promoted to the rank of Distinguished Professor. This is the highest title that UNM bestows upon faculty who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and are nationally and internationally renowned scholars. Four out of the six faculty selected this year were from the College of Arts & Sciences.

Read more here

Ivan Deutsch, PhD

Distinguished Professor

Physics & Astronomy

Jennifer Rudgers, PhD

Distinguished Professor


Paul Lushnikov, PhD

Distinguished Professor

Mathematics & Statistics

Felisa Smith, PhD

Distinguished Professor


Lenny Ureña Valerio, PhD

Associate Professor

History, Latin American & Iberian Institute

Jewish Experiences across the Americas: Local Histories through Global Lenses (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2022) co-edited by Dr. Lenny Valerio has recently received the 2023 Best Edited Volume Award bestowed by the Latin American Jewish Studies Association (LAJSA).



Daniel Beene

PhD Student

Geography & Environmental Studies

Yanhong Huang

PhD Student

Geography & Environmental Studies

Congratulations to Geography & Environmental Studies PhD students, Yanhong Huang and Daniel Beene, who have been selected to participate in the Summer School 2023 hosted by I-GUIDE, the Institute for Geospatial Understanding through an Integrative Discovery Environment, funded by the National Science Foundation. 

Joseph Scala

PhD Student

Geography & Environmental Studies

Joseph Scala has earned his M.S in Geography & Environmental Studies here at UNM and is now a doctoral student here as well. He has won the Summer Research Scholarships from Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographers.


Applying for Programmatic Funding Lunch and Learn Series run by the Faculty Research Development Office (FRDO)

July 18th, 25th, and August 1st

Fulbright Application Cohort Workshops

June - August 2023

CETI 20th Anniversary Symposium

Friday, October 6th

9:00 - 5:00 PM

UNM SUB Ballroom B & C

View Upcoming Rainforest Innovations Events Here

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