Chairman's Corner

The Stand with Israel rally on Nov. 4th was a great success! Thank you to Luci and all who helped organize and get the word out. There is a great video link and photos in a later section.

The Flag Waving events will continue at the Prescott Square on the following dates: 11/14, 11/21, 11/28, 12/5, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.


Decline To Sign

Arizona’s election processes are under attack!

We’ve told you what’s wrong with Ranked Choice Voting in past Stampede editions. Rep Austin Smith sponsored HCR 2033 that prohibits any election law in Arizona that is contrary to the direct primary election in the Arizona state constitution. That will be on the ballot in 2024.

Voter Choice Arizona Website
Better Ballot Arizona Application
Make Elections Fair
Make Elections Fair Arizona PAC
Concurrent House Resolution HCR 2033

Representatives Update from LD-1 

Nguyen and Bliss

Nguyen stalling bill enacting exceptions to confession disclosures

By Howard Fischer, For Prescott News Network |  azcapmedia

PHOENIX — A first-term Democratic lawmaker wants to enact an exception to state laws that allow clergy to refuse to disclose what was told to them in confession or similar confidential communication.

But Rep. Stacey Travers of Phoenix has so far run into a procedural wall. Rep. Quang Nguyen, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, where her bill was assigned earlier this year, refused to even give it a hearing.

And the Prescott Valley Republican told Capitol Media Services that he’s not prepared to allow the bill to proceed in 2024, even if it deals only with cases of child abuse and neglect.

“The seal of confession is a sacred, sacred part of the Catholic church,’’ said Nguyen who is Catholic. “The seal of confession is never to be broken,’’ he said. “And priests will go to jail for it.’’

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YavGOP Legislative Committee Chair

Cathy Messinger

11/7/23 Election Results

Election Results are in!!

 City of Prescott using polling platform Polco to participate in the National Community Survey (NCS)

The City of Prescott has contracted with polling platform Polco to participate in the National Community Survey (NCS), a community-wide survey designed to identify clear priorities for use in strategic planning and budget setting.

“There will be an open survey, available on the city’s website, with a link active starting on Monday, Nov. 6,” stated an Oct. 31 news release from the city. “Go to, and look for the link on the homepage, or go directly to to learn more and take the survey beginning Nov. 6.”

Earlier this month, 3,000 citizens were randomly selected to receive a mailed survey. The mail survey will be open for response through Nov. 21. The news release notes that those residents who received a mailed survey should complete that one, while other residents can complete the survey online.

“If you did not receive a mailed survey, or you were not the person to respond to the survey in your household, please complete the online survey,” the news release adds.

Polco is an online community engagement polling platform that is conducting the NCS. Polco launches surveys and analyzes the data, providing local governments and other public sector leaders with important information needed to make decisions within the community. Hundreds of organizations nationwide use Polco for strategic planning, budgeting, and empowering resident voices, says the news release.

The Polco survey is separate from other surveys the city is currently conducting, including one on the General Plan update and another on the Highway 89 improvements.

Participate in Poll

Yavapai County Board of Supervisors

Meeting Schedule URL
Next meeting agenda 11/15/23 not posted yet
11/1/23 BOS video

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Trunk 'N' Tusk (TNT)

TNT is the primary fundraising arm of the Yavapai County Republican Committee. Donations stay in Yavapai and go to candidates or support our county operations and voter education about Republican values.

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Kristin Baumgartner, Election Oversight Committee Chair

The best option to secure our elections is to have poll observers for early voting, election-day voting, and post-election central count observation. Sue Unverricht will be reaching out to PCs in 4th quarter to secure volunteers and training will be provided in early 2024 in preparation for the Presidential Preference Election (PPE) scheduled for March 19.

The County is also recruiting poll workers and that is another way that we can keep a watchful eye on the vote centers.

Recruiting Poll Workers

Please consider volunteering as a poll observer or poll worker!


Did You Know?

Recently election integrity groups are advocating the use of apps to record and report unlawful or suspicious activities during an election. One app is called VotifyNow.

One of the challenges in using these apps – or simply using your phone’s camera – is that it’s against the law to take photographs or videos within the 75-foot limit of a vote center or drop box. Any person violating this statute is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. ARS 16-515 (G) (H) 

Plan Prescott

Planning the Future/Preserving the Past

This website is a one-stop shop for information, data, and opportunities to get involved in the 2025 General Plan update process. Check back frequently for updates and new information.

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Precinct News


"It's an easy choice!" Prescott, Arizona, 4th November, 2023

Yavapai County GOP's Support for Israel Rally.

Music: Scott Holmes Video: Gerre Heron LGB Patriots Org. Israel Flag Video: www vecteezy com

Photos below: Ruth Ashkenazi

Watch Video

BUG Precinct is having a parade of flags and Voter registration welcome booth Saturday morning, November 11th. We will be driving around Cordes Lakes in honor of our Veterans as well as making our presence known. We will also be putting up the AZ51 Voter Registration Booth at Henry Cordes Park. At our last Flag Rally, we received one new voter and one new PC. We had a blast too. Contact Bug Captain Pam Knaack for information.

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News Articles & Opinion

Editorial Disclaimer

Articles contained this publication are from our volunteers and members; they are neither legal interpretations not statements of the Yavapai County Republican Committee. The content expressed is their own.

Stampede Readers respond:

Do you not realize the implications of "Stand with Israel"?

Stoppage of the oil supply from the Persian Gulf.

Great possibility of igniting WWIII

Implosion of the western financial system.

Chaos and most everything the Globalists are wishing for!!

Lets pray for peace and understanding in place of revenge.

Try to understand what you are wishing for!! -Daniel

Personally, having reconsidered and prayed🙏☝️, I am planning on going (as a grey-man, carrying concealed) to observe. If anything seriously comes of it, I will act accordingly.
Unfortunately now, I am convinced some of the warnings (gov't in particular) are coming to keep U.S. from various places, especially to keep the Conservatives and Christians fearful and unengaged.
Since the F-F baited J-6 incident, most of the sheople are following the rest of the fearful herd, not exercising their GOD-Given and Constitutional Rights as Free-Men and Free-Women.
The gov't and the leftists want U.S. that way, as we're easier to herd and 'con'trol, out of the fight. This is always the covert tactic of evil people, who are being controlled by the 'true enemies of our souls', satan.
All of U.S. are in a spiritual war, yet it appears still few truly recognize it, and are cravenly avoiding the fight. The devil wants U.S. to cower, complain, and cry. I choose not to.
The LORD Jesus Christ leaving U.S. the perfect example of leading from the front fearlessly in the face of adversity and absolute evil. I'm thinking, We The People would be wise to follow His perfect example.

PHOENIX — Gov. Katie Hobbs is claiming credit for a $260 million tax rebate to families that she didn’t want in the budget.

By Howard Fischer, For Prescott News Network |  azcapmedia

And she is doing so despite the fact that the law sending up to $750 back to Arizona taxpayers was crafted in a way designed to preclude her from doing so. The governor on Tuesday issued a press release announcing “Governor Hobbs puts money back into Arizonan’s pockets.’’

And there’s even a video of the governor talking about the rebate.

“I made a promise that when I took office, I would take every opportunity I had to make it easier for Arizonans to provide for their families,’’ Hobbs says in the 50-second message. “I am so pleased to deliver this relief.’’

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Some Things Never Change… HAMAS AND MORE: The Obama Files

By Jim Hoft Nov. 7, 2023 7:45 am

Last week Barack Obama announced that what Israel is doing is “intolerable” and Americans need “to look at the whole truth.”

Barack Hussein Obama also called for an independent state of Palestine – apparently with Hamas in a leadership role! After all, who is going to challenge them? For those who have been paying attention, this is nothing new for Barack Obama. He has always put the Palestinians before Israel.

Doug Ross reported on Barack Obama back in 2008 when he was running for president. We are republishing here with permission.

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t-shirts for $25. The t-shirt identifies your precinct on the back with the GOP Elephant on the front.

Mugs are $15, Coasters $5 and the political books are available at various prices. Voter Registrations forms are free!

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112B E. Union St. Prescott

(928) 776-4500

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Jana Kading -

Luci Wheat -

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Anne Roper -

Paul Messinger -

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