Volume 19 April 2022
A few things to share as we really get rolling into spring and summer. We had our mid-year meeting as part of the Industrial Group with Rick in late April. Tyler shared our successes in our pursuit of work and new work kicking off. These successes are apparent at Coeur, where we started construction, and with the award of the Limited Notice to Proceed on Enviva Epes, with engineering starting immediately and some field work to follow in early summer. 

Part of our discussions were our anticipated work load a year from now. As I have shared previously, we will go from 140 or so staff on projects to needing over 320 if things hold steady on converting more of the FEEDs and early works we are already engaged in. That along with some questions from our Future Leaders on how we are faring in a very competitive labor market has led to some great discussion and efforts. We are looking to welcome new hires to the company in June and are expecting a greater number of interns than the last couple of years on our jobs as well. 

There are a number of initiatives coming that we will share, but one that I ask you all to participate in now is to refer anyone with the aptitude and interest in pursuing a career in our industry and in our great company. We are looking to boost the hiring rates of experienced people as well as welcoming back those that left and wish to rejoin us. That also includes focusing more attention on craft to staff conversions for supervisory and field engineering roles. 

Exciting times ahead.
Until next time, Michael 
Safety by definition; the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.

Does luck count?

April 12th on Project ASAP we experienced a near miss, and if not for luck or a higher power it could have changed our project and people forever. During the investigation, we found that it occurred in front of 2 different video cameras, and I have watched the video numerous times. Each time I count my blessings that the district and project leadership didn’t have to go and notify a family that a family member was not coming home. This is every safety and project leaders biggest fear.

Everyday in our Play Of the Day (POD) meeting we talk about what we need to do to work safe. We talk about Life Changing Conditions and observations. We talk about barricades, best practices and how we are going to work together. We emphasize Start Cards, hazard recognition and many more different safety topics. A lot of talking about SAFETY.

After this event occurred there were so many different talks, meetings, calls and interviews. I found myself sitting back listening and thinking about how something like this could happen. I have heard and said that the easiest thing to do in Kiewit and TIC is to work safe, but we didn’t. It wasn’t on purpose or planned. We simply had a few small errors that lined up just right and almost changed our lives forever. I listened to a leader say that we have so many great words about safety but it's our actions that separate us. Our actions? Let us all see if we can have a passion for action and protect our most important resource our people. 

Josh Norman
Nathan Landry

First a little bit about me:
Since being hired by TIC Wyoming as a Field Engineer in 2013, I have been given many opportunities to move around the nation and progress my career. Almost immediately after hiring on I was given an “opportunity” to step into a Quality role for “a few months”. With no background or previous desire to be a Quality professional I took on this role as challenge to develop my code and procedural knowledge. Little did I know this challenge would take me on a nearly nine-year ride as a quality professional to four different projects, two of which being Kiewit’s largest projects in company history (Cove Point & Calcasieu Pass). Last month, I completed my assignment at Calcasieu Pass and look forward to the new challenges and opportunities I will be faced with as the Big 5 Coordinator on Enviva Epes.

Challenge – Opportunity – Stability
When asked why I have stayed with TIC for nearly 9 years my response can typically be summarized by the below themes:

CHALLENGE – Growing up in a small ranching community I learned quickly that I thrived on a good challenge. Every single day I come to work with TIC I am presented with new challenges that keep me on my toes. 
OPPORTUNITY – TIC is a meritocracy meaning my success is up to me. There are no cookie cutter career paths with TIC. Although it may take some patience and lot of hard work YOU are the only thing that can limit your career in this organization.
STABILITY – Let’s face it we all work to make a paycheck. Even in down times when work is not abundant, if you remain flexible TIC will find a position for you.  

The countdown has begun for TIC Denver to move our headquarters into the Denver Regional Headquarters!

Construction on K2 is being completed and TIC Denver's first day in the office will be June 6, 2022.

The new address is:
10055 Trainstation Circle
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Our Fourth Leadership Safety Summit occurred on April 21st, 2022. This was our first forward-looking, proactive meeting instead of reactive.

Our entire Leadership Team spent the day running through best practices, lessons learned, improvement-planning, innovation, ownership and expectations.

We have our roadmap to the Peter Kiewit Award!
Get up to speed with OUR WORK
Get up to speed with Work we are PURSUING
Curious about where all TIC Denver staff are located? (Note: If you are not a Power BI user please download the application from the software center to be able to open the interactive map.)

Thank you to the following TIC-Denver Personnel Facilitating at Kiewit University:
Jennifer Ontiveros, Document Control at Operations Quality Management
Tyler Roark,
Quality Planning and Execution and ITP’s at Operations Quality Management
Nick Beck,
Welding Technical School
Happy birthday to all our employees celebrating an April birthday!
Our Employee Spotlight on the homepage features individuals from our district. Each of these employees has provided a little information about themselves both in and outside of work. Our goal is to foster getting to know each other and connecting, despite being spread across the country. Check out the three featured employees here.

If you have a life milestone you'd like to share in the newsletter, please send it to Karen Gallagher
New Referral Process!

We are rolling out our new Referral Process for Kiewit. This new updated process allows for easier referral submissions from operations, simplified referral review and improved reporting.

Two of our TIC Denver Projects are in the heat of, or entering, the structural steel phase. We have posted five new toolbox talks for any project to use for field crews or general training purposes.

Click on the links below to access the PDF documents:

If you identify any additional Quality training material needed on your project, and it is not available in the Industrial Tier 2 Library, please contact Mariah Maifarth.