Dear Residents & Community Members,
With the first month of the new year wrapping up, it seems Mother Nature has recently decided that Winter should make its debut! As we all know, with wintry weather often comes treacherous road conditions. I believe I speak for many of our residents in commending our Highway Department for an exceptional job in ensuring our roads are cleared and maintained in a timely manner so that our residents and first responders can travel as safely as possible. Under the direction of Highway Superintendent Pat Patterson, the Highway Department continues to work hard while finding ways to improve procedures, all with the best interests of our residents in mind. A special thank you to this great department for keeping our roads passable and our residents safe during the unpredictable weather we've experienced over the past few weeks.
As we head into February, some of our elected officials will be attending the New York State Association of Towns Annual Training & Meeting in New York City. As always, it is our goal to continue to educate ourselves on best practices and new initiatives for the benefit of our taxpayers.
Enjoy the sunshine that's heading our way this week and let's see what the groundhog has to say about Spring's arrival!
All the best,
Tony Cardone
Supervisor, Town of Monroe
Pictured above is Eric Kowalski and Rob Marsh of the Highway Department working to repair two hydraulic lines that blew while plowing during the storm on January 6th.