April 2020
Not Everything Is On Pause
Much has changed in our daily lives since our last monthly update. Non-essential businesses have closed, non-essential workers have been mandated to work from home, school is in session from living rooms across the area, athletic fields and parks are empty and the hustle and bustle of our normal lives is on pause. While this has without a doubt been one of the most challenging times in the history of not only the Town of Monroe, but New York and our nation as a whole, we have seen an abundance of good in recent days! Looking around our community, it is evident that kindness is not on pause, appreciation for all of our essential workers is not on pause, support for our local businesses is not on pause, the strengthening of emotional ties to those who mean the most to us is not on pause...everything that makes this Town a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family is not on pause!

As we continue to move forward and navigate these unchartered waters, we remain hopeful of our return to a new normal in the near future. On Wednesday, April 22nd at
11 a.m., Orange County, along with our local municipalities will honor our Medical Workers, First Responders and others on the frontlines of COVID -19 with a parade of vehicles through and around the Town of Monroe, Village of Monroe and Village of Harriman. It is our small way of acknowledging their efforts and saying thank you! Staying positive, helping a neighbor in need, showing our gratitude...that is the spirit of Monroe and why we will always be Monroe strong!

Best wishes for the safety and health of all our residents and their families.


Tony Cardone
Supervisor, Town of Monroe
"We Rise By Lifting Others"
The Town of Monroe Dial-A-Bus service was pleased to recently assist Sacred Heart Parish Outreach to provide 7 buses and a team of drivers under the direction of Head Bus Driver, Dom Pascullo for the delivery of fresh groceries to 185 families in need through the program's mobile food pantry operation.
Concerned for the safety of our nurses and doctors, Town of Monroe Finance Department employee Roberta McBride began hand sewing masks for Orange Regional Medical Center in March. We applaud Roberta for taking the initiative early on in this crisis and asking what was needed and how she could help!

Quarantined Birthdays Made Special!
Thank you to our local first responders and residents that have joined together to recognize the birthdays of several local children in the Town with a "birthday parade!" We thank them for going above and beyond to create a special celebration under unique circumstances!

Important Resources and Information
COVID-19 Information Resources

Orange County Department of Health

New York State Department of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Orange County Health Hotline is available to residents at 291-2330. (open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
*The opening of the Town of Monroe Compost Facility on Lakes Road will be delayed until further notice. Information regarding a revised opening date will be communicated as soon as it becomes available.*

Town Emergency Numbers
General Town Business: 637-6031
Highway Department: 742-8943/590-3162
Water Emergency Hotline: 782-3553
State Police: 782-8311
Upcoming Town Meetings

Town Board:
4/20/2020, 7 p.m.

Password: 442373

Dial-in by Telephone: (929) 205-6099
Webinar ID: 885 810 135
Password: 442373

Planning Board:
4/21/2020, 7 p.m.
*Information for Participation is forthcoming

Zoning Board of Appeals:
4/28/2020, 7:30 p.m.

Meeting ID: 918 860 4097
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Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 918 860 4097