International Institute's Anti-Trafficking in Person's Program (ATIP) Helps Protect the Most Vulnerable
January represents Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Since 2006, the ATIP program at the International Institute has worked across all industries and agencies to help intervene and advocate for those who are victims of trafficking.
"Human Trafficking is the exploitation of an individual for the purpose of commercial sex or forced labor through means of force, fraud, or coercion."
Because of the nature of trafficking, it is difficult to estimate how many people are being trafficked in and around the U.S. Trafficking victims have their rights violated and stripped away from them. That's why through the end of January, IISTL is collecting Visa gift cards for clients served through our ATIP program. Visa Gift Cards help rebuild individuals' financial rights.
Interested in learning more, finding more resources, and advocating for trafficking victims? Visit the Eastern District of Missouri Human Trafficking Task Force Website.