e-Focus Monthly Newsletter

Town of Weaverville

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 Weaverville's 911 Observance

Weaverville will hold its annual 9/11 observance at 11am on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 at Lake Louise. In case of inclement weather the event will take place at the Community Center above the lake. Our speaker will be Joe Krebbs, a retired decorated battalion chief of the NYFD. Mr. Krebbs spent three days at Ground Zero, and in addition counseled many surviving firefighters.

Rev. Richard Blount of Weaverville United Methodist Church will provide our Invocation and music will be provided by the popular Reuter Center Singers. Also participating will be the Weaverville Police and Fire Departments as well as Howard Dusenbery on the bagpipes.

Message from Mayor Patrick Fitzsimmons

Click here for a video message from Mayor Fitzsimmons

Descriptions of the Town's Volunteer Boards & Committees:  

Learn more about the Town's Volunteer Boards & Committees

Boards & Committees Application:  Download Boards & Committees Application

A Message from Weaverville's Police Department

The Weaverville Police Department continues to focus on ways to encourage drivers to maintain a safe speed and practice other safe driving behaviors. The Town of Weaverville has been dedicated to creating safer walking environments for you, your loved ones, and others in the community. At one time or another, though, we all are pedestrians and must be mindful of a few walking safety practices. The following are tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:


  1. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.
  2. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. (*Stay on the walking trail when you are at Lake Louise.)
  3. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.
  4. Cross streets at crosswalks or intersections. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right. Watch for drivers turning right on red.
  5. If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; continue watching for traffic as you cross.
  6. Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways, or backing up in parking lots.
  7. Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and judgment.
  8. Turn your whole body – not just your neck- to scan for traffic.
  9. Be safe, be seen. Wearing brightly colored clothing anytime of day or night makes it easier for drivers to see you. At night, use a flashlight or wear reflective material.
  10.  Pedestrians listening to music, texting, talking, and otherwise absorbed in their phones can make themselves more vulnerable by tuning out the traffic around them. When walking, get your head up and put your phone down before crossing the road. Try to make eye contact with the driver before stepping out.


Let’s continue to work together. Walking safety requires the focused attention of both drivers and pedestrians.

Please DO NOT Feed the Ducks & Geese at Lake Louise Park

The Town of Weaverville takes great pride in providing recreational opportunities for our citizens and visitors at Lake Louise Park and the Main Street Nature Park. Our Public Works staff are constantly working to mow, weed-eat, collect trash, and maintain the parks but there is one job that we cannot do without help from our guests. The amount of duck and goose poop at Lake Louise is becoming a nuisance and a health hazard, and we cannot keep up with the need to pressure wash and clean the picnic shelters and playground areas. Also, children are becoming dirty and covered in poop as they walk and play in the park, especially around the playground and swings.  The attached picture was taken on July 25 and shows part of a flock of 76 geese that were making their way through the playground area, and the geese leave their “calling cards” everywhere they go.

The number of waterfowl that is consistently within the park is much higher than the natural carrying capacity of this 5-acre lake. It appears to Town staff that the artificial feeding of the ducks and geese by visitors is contributing to the unusually high number of birds. These waterfowl seem to have learned to rely on the bread and other processed food being fed to them at Lake Louise instead of traveling to surrounding ponds and fields to forage in their natural manner. Signs around the lake clearly state “NO FEEDING OR HARASSING OF WILDLIFE, INCLUDING WILD OR DOMESTIC WATER FOWL”. New signs will be going up soon at the picnic shelters and playground to further emphasize this rule, which is in fact a Town Ordinance that can cause violators to be fined $30 per day. Additional enforcement by the Town will begin in August to help resolve this continuing problem. You can contact Public Works at 828-645-0606 if you have any questions.

Contributed by the Weaverville Public Works Department

Notice for Weaverville's e-Statement Water Bill Customers


Several of our customers utilize the e-statement option for receiving their water bills electronically. This service is provided through SouthData who prints and mails/emails our bills. Over the last few months, SouthData has been experiencing an issue sending emails to our customers who use Gmail addresses. The Google servers are rejecting all emails that SouthData sends out, so customers have not been receiving their monthly email stating that their bills are ready to be viewed. SouthData is actively working on finding a permanent solution to resolve this issue. In the meantime, you can still view your bill at the first of each month (you just won’t receive an email letting you know it is ready). The link to view your e-statement is: . We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused our customers.  

A Message from the Weaverville Fire Department

It’s hard to believe now, but cooler weather is on the way! Here’s a few tips from the Fire Department to help everyone be safe.

  1. Replace the batteries in your smoke alarms.
  2. Locate and inspect fire extinguishers.
  3. Check your heating system:        
  • Regularly replace furnace filters
  • Keep areas around the furnace clean and unobstructed.
  • Keep all combustible items away from the vent pipe.
  • Never close off more than 20% of heat registers.
  • Keep your fireplace clear of debris and have it inspected.

If there are any issues with your heating system, contact a professional immediately. Have your central heating system cleaned and serviced by a certified HVAC contactor once annually.

News from Curbie

The Town contracts with Curbside Management (“Curbie”) to handle our recycling collection every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. They visit approximately 2,230 locations each week and collected 40.95 tons of recyclables in June. Our town’s average collection of recyclables has been steadily increasing during the pandemic. This has caused Curbie to make a change in their schedule to complete their collection efforts during each of the 3 garbage days. The town begins its garbage collection each day with its 3-man crew at 8:00 am in order to finish by 4:30 pm, including a trip to the landfill or transfer station. Curbie runs the same daily route as the town crew, except they only have a 2-man crew, therefore taking longer to complete their route. They now are starting their daily route at 7:00 am, in order to complete their collections during daylight hours. This means that town residents now need to place their blue recycling carts at the street by 7:00 am on garbage day or the night before. As long as residents wash out their containers prior to recycling, this should not create a problem by attracting our local bear population since there will no food to attract them.

Also, Curbie will soon begin to place yellow tags (see attached picture) on recycling carts in which their employees find non-recycling items. The Public Works staff recently visited the Curbie facility and saw first hand the amount of non-recyclable items that are collected every day. This means that Curbie has sort the garbage from the recycling and then send a tractor trailer load of the garbage each day to the landfill each day, averaging 18 tons per day. In order to address this problem, they will be increasing their efforts to limit the amount of prohibited materials from the recycling stream. This includes such items as scrap metal, plastic bags (as well as the blue recycling bags which are not allowed), food waste, styrofoam, shredded paper, wood, medical waste, clothes, tanglers (cords, hoses, wires), and pizza boxes. If you find a yellow tag has been placed on your blue cart, then your recycling has not be picked up and will have to wait until next week’s garbage day, and will be picked up after you remove the improper items. You can contact Public Works at 828-645-0606 if you have any questions.

Mark your calendars

Volunteers Needed for Art in Autumn

The 15th Annual Art in Autumn returns September 17th, 2022 from 10am - 6pm. This event is hosted by the Weaverville Business Association, and brings over 100 juried artists from across the Southeast to Main Street. It is free and open to the public. Booths will line Main Street from Weaver House to Maggie B's. Regional musicians will play beginning at 10:30 a.m. in front of Rodney’s. Local restaurants will be open.

The Art in Autumn Committee is seeking a few more volunteers for the show. Volunteers help with a variety of tasks, including booth relief for the artists, parking, and staffing the information booth. Each volunteer gets a free t-shirt and a super fun day working with great people. More information is available here

Weaverville Center for Creative & Healthy Living News

Dear Friends of WCCHL,

For those of you who missed the Storytellers’ Concert on August 19th, you missed a magical moment at the Community Center. A full capacity room of 130+ attendees witnessed four amazing storytellers performing at the top of their craft. To those in attendance, thank you. To those who were busy that evening, we have more Storytellers’ Concert and Plays planned for October, November, and December. We look forward to seeing you then. (Details below.)

New Classes for September 2022

Yoga (Iyengar): Gabe Picard will be teaching this new addition on the 2nd Monday of each month from 5:15 – 6:30 PM. Bring your own Yoga mat or blanket. Info at:

Ecstatic Dance: Audree Halasz will lead this free form dance event starting up on September 20th, from 6;30-10:00 PM and continuing on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. All events will take place in the Albert Weaver Room of the Community Center. Info at:

Chi Gong & Meditation: David Ezra will begin teaching this meditative exercise class on Mondays from 2:00-3:30 PM. Bring your own Yoga mat or blanket. Info at:

Creative Writing: We want to thank Connie Gray for being the Group Champion of the Creative Writing class all these months. Connie is stepping down, but Sandy Mariaskin will be stepping up to teach.  Thank you, Connie for starting this class and Sandy for keeping it alive.


Ongoing Class Updates

Line Dance with Kae Mance: The Beginner’s Class remains full at this time but there are still a few openings for the Intermediate Class where moderate dance experience is required. Classes resume on Thursday, September 8th and will run for 8 consecutive classes. Info at:

Ageless Grace & Heart-Based Living: Karen Benson’s Ageless Grace Chair Exercise now has a new name. Same class structure and focus. Wanted there to be no confusion when you look at this month’s schedule.


Future Activities

Genealogy Group: We have heard from three of you so far. Anyone interested in joining a monthly group please email your name and phone number to and we will pass it along to who we hope will be our newest Group Champion.


Oral History Project: I recently met with Mrs. Judy Craggs, President of the Board of Directors for the Dry Ridge Museum. We discussed collaborating on the Oral History Project. Previously, I had reached out to the former principal at North Buncombe High School to try and have this be a collaborative project with students and instructors at the high school. There is a new principal at NBHS, so we will soon reach out to Mr. Kevin Yontz. Anyone with contacts at the high school who can help us open doors - we would appreciate your help. Anyone with interviewing skills – your skills would greatly help our effort. We are hoping the students and staff at NBHS can assist with the technology end of this project as we digitize the recordings and work with the Dry Ridge Museum to add photos to make these audio/visual projects both enlightening and entertaining. Contact us at if you would like to get involved in this multigenerational project. We look to kick off this project on October 1st.

Women’s Group: Lisa Mateboer is looking to start a “Women’s Group” soon. She is meeting this week with a few folks to formulate a plan for future meetings and activities. If you think you might be interested in participating, Lisa can be reached at


Mark your calendars

Storytellers’ Concert: Friday, October 14th, 7:00-8:30 PM. The theme of our next concert is still under development but expect some wonderfully mysterious stories for the Halloween Season. Stories will be suitable for children over 10 so bring the family. 

Love, Loss , & What I Wore: This all female cast will present Nora and Delia Ephron’s play on Sunday, November 13th, 7:00-8:30 PM. The subject matter of the monologues focuses on women’s relationships and wardrobes as a time capsule of their lives. 

Ancestral Voices: A Family Story: The Artisan Players will present the work of playwright A. R. Gurney, on Sunday, December 18th, 7:00-8:30 PM. This beautiful play is in the great tradition of family as the key theme of American drama.

Storytellers’ Concert: December: Date/Time to be determined. Theme: Holiday Traditions

More details to follow via the Town’s E-Focus Newsletter, WCCHL email, and our WCCHL Facebook page.

Health Fair: Tuesday, September 20th, Humana, Alignment, United Health Care-AARP, Aetna, Blue Cross-Blue Shield of NC, YMCA, and the VA will be at the Community Center throughout the day to provide information on upcoming changes in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Affordable Care Act programs. Personnel will be available to provided general health information and screenings. Contact the Community Center for times.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

We look forward to seeing you soon at the Community Center taking part in these wonderful activities. Please remember that all events and classes are free of charge and led by our wonderful volunteers. As always, should you need further information, please reach out to us at:



Thomas M. Balestrieri

Board Chairperson

Weaverville Center for Creative & Healthy Living

26 Whitetail Drive

Weaverville, NC 28787


Town Elected Officials & Contact Information

Mayor & Town Council

Patrick Fitzsimmons, Mayor


Jeff McKenna, Vice Mayor


Doug Jackson, Councilman


Andrew Nagle, Councilman


John Chase, Councilman


Michele Wood, Councilwoman


Catherine Cordell, Councilwoman


Town Manager Selena Coffey


Town Hall Physical Location:

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 338, Weaverville, NC 28787


(828) 645-7116

Town Hall Business Hours:

8:30am - 5:00pm

(closed from 12:30-1:30pm)

Town Council Meetings:

4th Monday of each month at 6:00pm

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Town Council Agendas & Minutes
30 South Main Street, P.O. Box 338,
Weaverville, NC 28787
Phone: (828) 645-7116
Contact Our Team
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