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Town of Weaverville

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Monthly News & Updates

Water System Development Fee

As allowed by law, the Town of Weaverville began charging water system development fees on July 1, 2018, and has undertaken an analysis in order to continue to assess those fees on new development.



A system development fee includes any charge or assessment for services imposed on new development to fund costs of capital improvements necessitated by and attributable to such new development (incremental costs), to recoup costs of existing facilities which serve such new development (buy-in costs), or a combination of those costs (combination costs).


Article 8 of Chapter 162A of the NC General Statutes, entitled "System Development Fees," provides legal authority for municipalities to charge system development fees for its water systems as long as conditions are met and statutory procedures are followed.

There are five steps that the Town must follow in order to comply with the procedural requirements to establish a water system development fee:

  • Step 1: Supporting Analysis and Fee Calculation
  • Step 2: 45-Day Public Comment Period
  • Step 3: Public Hearing
  • Step 4: Town Adoption
  • Step 5: Publication of Adopted Fee


A supporting analysis must be undertaken by a qualified professional firm to determine the maximum system development fee that the Town can charge new development for water system development fees. The Town engaged the firm of Willdan Financial Services (“Willdan”) to perform this work. That analysis has been completed and the Willdan System Development Fee Draft Report was presented to Town Council on February 27, 2023, and is now available for public inspection at Town Hall and on the Town’s website.


This draft report provides calculations of the maximum allowable system development fees that the Town could charge under each of the following methods: buy-in cost method, incremental cost method, and combination method. It should be noted that the Town can set system development fees that are lower than the maximum fee calculated in the report.


Town Council and Willdan request the public’s input on the system development fees as established in the Willdan System Development Fee Draft Report. Comments can be made via email to public-comment@weavervillenc.org from March 1, 2023 through April 24, 2023, at 5:00 pm. Comments received after that date may not be taken into consideration when the final draft of the report is completed by Willdan.

TO MAKE A COMMENT PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO: public-comment@weavervillenc.org



The Town has scheduled a public hearing on the Willdan System Development Fee Draft Report and water system development fees for the Town of Weaverville to be held in the Community Room and Council Chambers at Town Hall, 30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC, on April 24, 2023, at 6 p.m., or as soon thereafter as Council can reach the matter. The public is requested to attend the public hearing and submit comments during the hearing if they haven’t already done so.


Town Council anticipates taking action to establish water system development fees at its regular meeting on June 26, 2023. Any system development fee adopted by Town Council will be effective on July 1, 2023, and will be published, along with other fees, in the Town’s Fee Schedule.

Weaverville Bike & Pedestrian Plan

Many of you are aware that a group of involved citizens, town staff and council members have been hard at work for over a year to help Weaverville become an easier place to walk and cycle. Future trends point toward Americans becoming less dependent upon automobiles, but this doesn't happen without long range planning. Utilizing a State of NC grant program, the Town contracted with Rachael Bronson and Kristy Carter of Traffic Planning & Design Inc., to conduct a study of available sidewalks and bikeways. Rachael happens to be a Weaverville resident, and has firsthand knowledge of both our opportunities and challenges. 

Rachael gave the team's final presentation at the regular town council workshop on February 21st. Their presentation and complete draft report may be accessed here, and you may watch the meeting recording on the town's YouTube channel here. Through a number of public workshops and focus groups, the team identified (10) priority "Catalyst Projects" for future development, which may be seen in the presentation. Town staff will be communicating to the NC Department of Transportation our desire to incorporate these recommendations into our strategic plan. We will then get their feedback on what funding sources are available to begin working on this plan. 

Jeff McKenna

Vice Mayor and Town Council

Interested In Working For The Town of Weaverville?

We currently have openings in Town Hall Administration, Public Works, and the Fire Department. Please click here more information and instructions on how to apply. We offer competitive wages, an excellent benefit package and a great team environment!

Click Here to Buy a Brick!

A Message From Weaverville's Police Department:

Improved community relations, cost savings, maneuverability in congested areas, and environmental benefits are just some of the reasons to put public safety officers on bikes. That is why we are excited to announce that two Weaverville police officers have been trained as the town’s first bicycle response team. Senior Officer Ervin and Officer Toms attended a week of education that included classroom topics about bicycle safety and education, law, the positives of bike patrol, uniforms and equipment, and maintenance. They also had hours of practical application to learn valuable skills such as stair ascension, how to navigate difficult terrain, and a wide range of other tactics. The riding portion of the class helped ensure that the officers had the physical fitness required to perform many various tasks.

Weaverville Police Department plans to use bicycle patrols to enhance our service-oriented work. Studies show that people find police bikes less intimidating than police cars. Bicycle patrols result in more than twice as many contacts with the public than vehicle patrols. These positive contacts help counter stereotypes of police officers as "out to get you" and reinforce efforts to establish relationships of trust between the community and our department.

Pay Water Bills Online


Have you created an account through our payment portal (MyGovHub) to be able to view and pay your water bills online with ease? This site allows you to easily create an account giving you the ability to view your current & past water bills, usages, previous payments, etc. and pay your water bill all in one place! All you need to get started is your water account number along with the first three characters in your service address as it appears on your bill. Payments made through MyGovHub will also be real-time in our accounting software so we will be able to see your payment on your water account shortly after it is processed. You can make a payment by credit card (the card company does charge a $3.50 service fee) or by e-check (no fee for this service).

The link for MyGovHub is: https://weavervillenc.mygovhub.com or you can access the site from our website under our “Quick Links” tab and then choosing the option for “Paying Town Bills.” We strongly encourage all our customers to create an account even if you do not plan to use it to make a payment as it is a great tool to keep tabs on your water account status. If you have any questions regarding this payment portal, please give our office a call at (828) 645-7116.

The Music On Main 2023 Songwriting Contest Is Now Open:

The Music on Main 2023 Planning Committee is looking for an original song *about Weaverville* to be performed at our annual event on Saturday, June 10, 2023. The winner (and their band) will perform the song – and a whole set – as this year’s opening act. This is a great opportunity for musicians of any genre to write and perform at Weaverville’s Music on Main. Deadline to submit is May 3rd, and more information is available here. In addition to an opening set, the winning songwriter will walk with $500 prize money.

Spring Litter Sweep

The 2023 Spring Litter Sweep is just around the corner, and we need your help keeping North Carolina beautiful! The sweep will run from April 15-29. Click here for information about how to get involved.

Water Conservation Tips For Residents:

For Every Room in the House With Plumbing:

  • Repair leaky faucets, indoors and out.
  • Consider replacing old equipment (like toilets, dishwashers and laundry machines)

“Water Conservation Tips for Residents.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, https://www3.epa.gov/region1/eco/drinkwater/water_conservation_residents.html. 

Mark Your Calendar

March Meetings:

  • March 7th: Planning Board Meeting

  • March 13th: Board of Adjustment Meeting

  • March 21st: Town Council Workshop

  • March 27th: Town Council Meeting

For more information on these meetings click here.

Weaverville Center for Creative & Healthy Living News

Weaverville Center for Creative & Healthy Living: Blog – 1 March 2023

UPCOMING EVENTS – Free Admission

  • Artisan Players Present: RUMORS by Neil Simon. Sunday, March 26th, 7:00-8:30 PM. At a large, tastefully-appointed NYC townhouse, the Deputy Mayor of New York has just shot himself! Though it's only a flesh wound, Ken Gorman's self-inflicted injury sets off a series of events causing four couples to experience a severe attack of Farce! As their tenth wedding anniversary party commences, Ken lies bleeding in another room, and his wife Chris is nowhere in sight. Chris and their lawyer, Ken, scramble to get “the story” straight before the other guests arrive. As the confusions and miscommunications mount, the evening spins off into classic farcical hilarity. Auditions are February 21st, from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. Anyone interested in joining the Artisan Players or auditioning for this Readers’ Theater event, please contact Janice Vertucci Schreiber at janatucci31@gmail.com
  • “Blooming Self” Women’s Yoga Workshop: Sunday, April 16th, 2:00-4:00 PM. Free and open to all women - teens and up. “No prior yoga experience necessary as this workshop will be a beautiful opportunity to reflect on the significant passages of our lives as women. We will embrace who we are and who we are blooming into, no matter what our age, through mindful and fun yoga practices, a powerful circle of connection, journaling, and a tea ceremony.” Because space is limited in the Albert Weaver Room, pre-registration is required. For additional information about what to wear and what to bring, please contact Wendy Lantis at: bloomingself@gmail.com.
  • Homespun Stories & Music of the Blueridge featuring Renown Appalachian Storytellers/Musicians Michael Reno Harrell & Josh Goforth. Thursday, April 20th, 7:00-8:30 PM. Note: Due to the popularity of these renown performers, this concert will be a “ticketed event”. Tickets will be FREE and will assure you will have a seat in the Albert Weaver Room for this performance. WCCHL will send out instructions on how to apply for these tickets online, in our March 15th Blog.
  • Harrell: His natural knack for storytelling has earned him praise from not only the music community but from the storytelling world as well, being asked to perform at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesborough, TN, numerous times. Michael’s unique artistic craft and ability to affect his audiences viscerally have taken him to folk festivals, fiddlers’ conventions, and bluegrass festivals here and abroad. His humor and wit as well as the emotional depth of his work keep his fan base growing and staying tuned in for whatever comes next. Michael has gathered a lifetime of facts, fabrications, and fibs which have seeped into his stories and songs like Appalachian rain. Humor was what “helped get those old timers through a hard existence” and it is a big part of Michael’s performances today.
  • Goforth: Goforth, a native of Madison County, is a highly accomplished storyteller and acoustic musician. A graduate of East Tennessee State University he was a member of ETSU’s famous Bluegrass and Country Music Program. In 2000, he played fiddle for the movie Songcatcher, both onscreen and on the soundtrack. He has toured extensively performing in all 50 US states, all over Europe, Asia, and Australia. In 2000, 2003, and 2005, he was named Fiddler of the Festival at Fiddler’s Grove acquiring the designation of “Master Fiddler”. He has performed at the Grand Ole Opry, the Lincoln Center, as well as Carnegie Hall and in 2009 he was nominated for a Grammy. He currently is on faculty at the Academy for the Arts in Asheville and continues performing worldwide.
  • Thanks to their mentor and colleague, David Holt for encouraging these two powerhouse storytellers to perform at The Weaverville Community Center on April 20th. Save the date and please remember to register for your Free tickets once we send out registration instructions on March 15th.
  • New Concert Collaboration: Save the date, Friday, May 5th, 7:00-8:30 PM.
  • The Wilma Dykeman Legacy organization has chosen to partner with WCCHL to bring to the Community Center their “Mountain Strong” Series that celebrates traditional mountain life. Their inaugural event will feature the White Rock Revival for an evening of Bluegrass music and stories of life on the farm across several generations. For more information contact: www.wilmadykemanlegacy.org.

Highlights of Ongoing Activities:

  • Ballroom Dancing: Sunday, March 19th. Lesson: 5:30-6:00 PM. Dance: 6:00-8:00 PM. These Sunday evening events continue to draw a large and enthusiastic crowd. Come early for lessons or just show up for the dance itself. As usual, we'll have bottled water and light snacks. The entire event is open to the public, and FREE! Hope to see y'all there and bring a friend or two. For more information contact: reneetwilley@gmail.com
  • Genealogy Group: Tuesday, March 7th at 5:30 PM. Group Champion Carla Mitchell will be taking it back to the basics reviewing how to begin your ancestry research. We will have experienced researchers on hand who can share how to get started as well as share resources for organizing your family tree. Anyone who has an interest in getting started is welcome to attend. For more information contact Carla Mitchell at: carladeam@gmail.com.
  • Line Dancing: The nomenclature of each class has been modified to better define the level of instruction for each class.
  • Beginner-Plus Line Dance Lessons: Thursdays / 11:00 AM-Noon Instructor: Bonnie Russolillio / Register at: bonnieruss1@icloud.com 8 Week Class begins on April 6th
  • Improver Line Dance Lessons: Thursdays / 10:00-11:00AM Instructor: Nina Denninger / Register at: nina.denninger@gmail.com 8 Weeks Class begins on April 6th
  • Intermediate Line Dance Lessons: Mondays / 7:00-9:00 PM Instructor: Bonnie Russolillio / Register at: bonnieruss1@icloud.com 5 Week Class begins on May 1st

Coming in April:

  • Chess Club: Drew Carter has offered to be our Group Champion for leading a group of Chess enthusiasts. We are planning on setting up our first Chess Club meeting in April. Look for further details in our future Blogs.
  • Poetry Group: We have had an individual come forward to volunteer as the Group Champion for the Poetry Group. We will be working to set up the first meeting in April. In the meantime, let us hear from you as to day of week and time of day that works best for you.

Exploring New Offerings:

If anyone is interested in the following classes, we would be willing to try and add them to our WCCHL Schedule come this April. Send your replies to: wcchl@weavervillenc.org.

Zumba Gold: We have a volunteer Instructor for this low impact Zumba exercise class that is music driven and dance based. All ages are welcome. If you think you might be interested in participating, let us know what days of the week and what times are best for you. While we received some feedback from you after our last Blog (Feb 15th) we did not get enough of a response to form a class as yet. If you are interested, please send your email reply to wcchl@weavervillenc.org.

Parents and Toddlers Group: We are still eager to identify a Group Champion for this activity as we have had several inquiries from parents with pre-school toddlers who would like to meet with other parents and their tots. Is there anyone out there with specific skills in leading a group of parents and toddlers in a one-hour, midday activity that would include exercise, music, creative play, and storytelling? Note: Parents - What days and times of the week might work best for you and your toddlers. What ages do you feel are most appropriate for a toddlers’ get together? We need your feedback to make this work.

What You Missed in February:

Artisan Players presented, A. R. Gurney’s Love Letters This moving theatrical production was performed by local professional actors Melissa Stone & Robert Dale Walker as directed by our own Janice Vertucci Schreiber. Photos provided by Paul King, Photography.

Storytellers’ Concert: Love Stories as performed by local storytellers - Chuck & Cindy Fink, Sherry Lovett, and Pat Whitson explored love in all it glorious, complicated facets. Photos provided by Paul King, Photography.

Thomas M. Balestrieri 

Board Chairperson 

Weaverville Center for Creative & Healthy Living 

26 Whitetail Drive 

Weaverville, NC 28787 




Town Elected Officials & Contact Information

Mayor & Town Council

Patrick Fitzsimmons, Mayor

e-mail: pfitzsimmons@weavervillenc.org

Jeff McKenna, Vice Mayor

email: jmckenna@weavervillenc.org

Doug Jackson, Councilman

email: djackson@weavervillenc.org

Andrew Nagle, Councilman

email: anagle@weavervillenc.org

John Chase, Councilman

email: jchase@weavervillenc.org

Michele Wood, Councilwoman

email: mwood@weavervillenc.org

Catherine Cordell, Councilwoman

email: ccordell@weavervillenc.org

Town Manager Selena Coffey

e-mail: scoffey@weavervillenc.org

Town Hall Physical Location:

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 338, Weaverville, NC 28787


(828) 645-7116

Town Hall Business Hours:

8:30am - 5:00pm

(closed from 12:30-1:30pm)

Town Council Meetings:

4th Monday of each month at 6:00pm

30 South Main Street, Weaverville, NC

Town Council Agendas & Minutes



Calendar Of Events


Weaverville Town Hall

30 South Main Street, P.O. Box 338,

Weaverville, NC 28787

Phone: (828) 645-7116

Contact Our Team
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