Board of Supervisors Highlights - June 5

Boy Scouts Achieve Eagle Scout Rank
Thomas Rash
Supervisors recognized Thomas Rash for earning the rank of Eagle Scout in  the Boy Scouts of America. As a member of Troop 198, Thomas earned 34 merit badges and accumulated over 232 combined service hours while serving in numerous troop leadership roles. For his Eagle Scout project, Thomas worked a total of 131 man-hours to improve the Fleur de Lune garden at Robin Hill Park by removing invasive trees and replacing them with mountain laurel trees, as well as raking leaves, spreading mulch and building two flower boxes.
Derek Mann
Supervisors also recognized Derek Mann for earning the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Also a member of Troop 198, Derek earned 38 merit badges and accumulated over 181 combined service hours while serving in numerous troop leadership roles. For his Eagle Scout project, Derek worked 90 man-hours to renovate the Riverdale Presbyterian Church pavilion by sanding and staining all the picnic tables and pavilion posts, installing new wires and a new light switch, and constructing gravel basins around the perimeter for water runoff.

Moon Township Achieves Chamber of Commerce Milestone
CEO Chris Heck and Ambassador Bobby Catley of the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce presented a certificate to Moon Township Manager Dawn Lane recognizing the township's 20-year membership. Moon Township supports the PAACC in strengthening business vitality in our community through advocacy, informational events and other programs. 

Make It Moon Voice Activated App Now Available
If you have a digital assistant like the Google Home or Amazon Alexa, a new app will make it easier for you to access township information. Download the Make It Moon app to ask verbal questions such as "When is trick-or-treat?" or "When is tree limb pickup?" and the system will provide you with the information.  Users can even submit a concern through the app which will automatically be directed to  the appropriate department .

Watch the Board of Supervisors Meeting
The Board of Supervisors regular public meeting is held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Municipal Building. Watch live on M AG-TV, Comcast channel 18 or Verizon channel 37. The meetings are rebroadcast throughout the month on MAG-TV.  Check the website for times. You can also watch a recording online . View the meeting agendas in advance here .
Hiring Seasonal Laborer Positions

Moon Township is accepting  applications for seasonal laborers with the Public Works Department. Employees in this classification are asked to perform various tasks including grass mowing, trash collecting and building, road and parks maintenance. Work hours will be from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Weekend and holiday work may be required. For more information, please visit

Document Shredding and Prescription Drug Take Back
Saturday, June 15
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Moon Area Middle School
Parking Lot on Tiger Trail

State Representative Valerie Gaydos and Moon Township invite you to attend a document shredding event. An industrial shredder will be on site to securely shred any documents. Phonebooks, newspapers and bound books can not be accepted. Please limit your shredding materials to three small boxes per car. This event is for individuals only. 

Deputy Sherriff Cirigliano from the Allegheny County Sheriff's Department will be onsite collecting unused medication for project DUMP ( Disposal of Unused/Expired Medications Properly) . For additional information, please contact Representative Valerie Gaydos Moon District Office at 412.262.3780.
Waste Management At Your Door Recycling Program

Waste Management offers a residential  curbside special materials pickup.  The  "At Your Door Special Collection" program allows most Moon Township residents to easily and safely dispose of household materials.  There are three ways to schedule a collection:

     1. Online at
     2. Call 800.449.7587
     3. Email

After scheduling your collection date and time, a Waste Management representative will provide you with information and instructions for preparing your collection. More information on the program and a list of accepted materials can be found through the At Your Door website or by calling a representative at 800.449.7587.
New Resident Meeting
Tuesday, June 11
6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Municipal Building

New to Moon Township? You're invited to
join  us at the next New Resident Meeting. Come meet our supervisors and staff, learn about the township, ask questions, and share your ideas. Not-so-new residents who want to become more familiar with township services are also welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be provided. Please call 412.262.1700 to RSVP.

Farmers' Market is Open!
3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Municipal Building

The Moon Township Farmers' Market offers fresh produce, baked goods, hot prepared foods, and more. The market accepts cash, debit and credit cards, and SNAP benefits. Be sure to visit the West Aircomm booth for sustainable giveaways and learn about their program that gives children, youth and teens a free coupon to spend on fruits and vegetables. The market will be open every Wednesday through September 25.
Coffee with a Cop
Tuesday, June 11
10:00 a.m.
Moon Township McDonald's

Moon police invite residents to learn more about the police department, talk about township issues or simply enjoy some good conversation. Stop over and meet the men and women who keep Moon Township safe. This is a monthly event so watch for information about future dates.

Friday Fun Nights Start June 14

Moon Parks and Recreation offers free Friday activities including concerts, movies and special programs at the Moon Park amphitheater throughout the summer. First up is the West Hills Symphonic Band on Friday, June 14 at 7:30 p.m. For a full list of Friday Fun Night entertainment, visit .

Moon Rocks Saturday Nights

Enjoy more live music at the Moon Park amphitheater with this special Saturday night series! Concerts start at 7:30 p.m.

June 15 - George Cocran & Dave Iglar Band
July 27  - Pink Noise (Pink Floyd tribute band)
August 17 - Moonstock, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Woodstock with 8th Street Rox, The Gillie Brothers Band, Granati Brothers and Dave Granati's School of Rock

Lunchtime Concerts at Robin Hill

Bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy some live music at Robin Hill Park every month. There is no charge to attend.  Hot dogs, snacks and water will be available for purchase.  Upcoming musicians include:

June 19 - Dick Tady Orchestra
July 17 - Doo Wop All-Stars
August 21 - Gypsy Stringz
September 18 - Hermie Granati Duo Unplugged

Firecracker 5K Glow Run & Walk
Wednesday, July 3
8:00 p.m. - Race night registration, packet pickup and pre-party
9:15 p.m. - Start time, followed by the after-party
Moon Township Public Library

Let's light up Moon Township! Runners and walkers are invited to join in for an evening filled with glow sticks, neon face painting, a black light photo booth and great music!  Once you cross the finish line, be sure to stick around for the after-party featuring music, dancing, entertainment, food and the awards presentation.  Download a brochure and registration form at  or register online at .

Independence Day Celebration
Thursday, July 4
4:00 p.m.
Moon Park

This year's celebration features a bunch of kid-friendly activities including inflatables, a magician, balloon artists, a train ride, a dunk tank and more!  Get a bite from the many food trucks and have a great time listening to oldies from the Doo-Wop All-Stars, country sounds from Michael Christopher and retro 80's music from Totally 80's! Fireworks by Pyrotechnico cap off the night. This is a free family-friendly event.

Senior Connection Socials
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Carriage House at Robin Hill

Come and enjoy fun and friendship every Wednesda y! Open to anyone 55 and older. Join us for complimentary beverages, coffee, snacks, popcorn and conversation. Many activities to suit many in t erests. Lunch is also available for purchase. No registration is required. Drop by and stay all day! Visit  to see a listing of all seniors events.

Senior Connection Bus Trip: Flight 93 Memorial
Thursday, June 17
7:30 a.m. Depart  Carriage House at Robin Hill

The next seniors bus trip is to the Flight 93 National Memorial in Shanksville, PA followed by a buffet lunch and shopping at the Seven Springs Resort. The bus leaves the Carriage House at Robin Hill at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 27 and will return around 5:30 p.m. The cost is $50 per person. Please be sure to register by Thursday, June 20 by calling 412.262.1703 or visiting .
Add Your Child's Artwork to the Moon Park Playground
Deadline: Monday, July 1

Support the Moon Park playground by purchasing a children's ExpressionArt tile. Preserve your child's artwork on a 4x4" ceramic tile that will be set into a wall being built on the playground. Tiles are warrantied for 50 years!

The cost is $100 each, and the deadline to submit orders and artwork is Monday, July 1.  Visit the Moon Township website to download the order form and art submission form or pick up a copy at the Moon Parks & Recreation office at Moon Park, the Municipal Building lobby kiosk, the Moon Township Public Library, or Robin Hill. Please contact Amy Ottaviani with any questions at 412.262.1703 ext. 402 or .
MCA-TV Film Fest
Saturday, June 15
9:00 a.m.

The Kenny Ross Toyota of Moon Township Film  Festival returns in June, marking the eighth year for the competition. Local filmmakers compete in the following categories to win a share of the $3,600 purse: Best Feature Film, Best Documentary Feature Film, Best Narrative Feature Film, Best Short Film, Best Documentary Short Film, and Best Narrative Short Film. Watch the event live on MCA-TV! Films will be judged by a panel of film experts from the Pittsburgh area.
In This Issue ...
Supervisors Meeting Highlights
Hiring Seasonal Laborers
Document Shredding
WM at Your Door Program
New Resident Meeting
Farmers' Market is Open
Coffee with a Cop
Friday Fun Nights
Moon Rocks Saturday Nights
Lunchtime Concerts
5K Glow Run & Walk
Independence Day
Senior Connection Social
Children's Artwork Wall
Kenny Ross Film Fest
Quick Links
Community Calendar
Board of
Workshop Meeting
Wed., June 26
6 p.m.
Municipal Building

Board of Supervisors 
Regular Public Meeting
Wed., July 10
7 p.m.
Municipal Building

Find Moon Township public meeting times, township events and parks programs on the  calendar page of the Moon Township website.

Don't forget to like us on Facebook for more township updates!

Like us on Facebook
Submit a Question or Concern Online
Submit a question, comment or concern to Moon Township officials through the  Citizen Request System.  

The system allows residents to submit their concern and track its resolution through ongoing updates, ensuring a timely response from Moon Township staff. 

A link to the system can be found under the Residents tab of the  M oon Township
  home page .
Tune Into Moon

Moon Community Access Television
Comcast channel 14
Verizon  channel 35
Moon Area Government Television
Comcast channel 18
Verizon  channel 37
Swift Reach 911
Stay informed of community emergencies or important information with Moon Township Police Department's
Swift 911  phone outreach system.

Sign up at
Home Alone Monitoring

Never feel alone with Moon Township Police Department's Home Alone Monitoring.

This system automatically telephones a resident once or twice a day depending on their needs.  


Any citizen in need may contact the police at 


Questions About Moon Township?

Send your
questions or comments to Christine Ree, Communications Director, at
Moon Township

Stay updated on seasonal township news with the latest edition of the Moon Township Messenger quarterly magazine, available in any township office or online at