2017 Property Tax Information
Township of Moon Property Tax
The Moon Township property tax office is now collecting the 10% penalty amount which is collected through December 31, 2017. Any Township of Moon property taxes that remain outstanding after December 31 will be turned over to the delinquent tax collector as appointed by the Township of Moon.
Moon Area School District Property Tax
The property tax office is collecting the the 10% penalty amount through December 31, 2017. After December 31, all unpaid Moon Area School District property taxes will be turned over to the Law Offices of Weiss Burkardt Kramer, 412.391.0160.
Change of Address?
If you have any changes in mailing address or ownership, you must notify the Moon property tax office at 412.299.7446 as well as Allegheny County Treasurer John Weinstein at 412.350.4100.
Please contact the Moon property tax office at 412.299.7446 with any questions or concerns, or for any assistance.
Catherine L. Tress, PQMC