More than just a story...

I hope all is well with you. It’s hard to believe my first newsletter went out this time two years ago! The reason I wrote my stories seems even more relevant today. My books encompass the values we are trying to teach our kids: the importance of family; helping and respecting others; being kind to one another; that race and other differences between us shouldn’t matter. Everyone, especially children, needs to find their moral compass, which today so many are losing.

Prizes for Best Idea/Celebrity Access: As you know a significant portion of book sales proceeds go to children’s charities. I need your help to spread the word to help me help others. I will be reaching out to many of you personally to catch up and discuss how you might be able to help drive interest in my books. I would love to get your help to promote the books and their important messages. All suggestions are welcome.

Do you have access to interesting outlets? Influencers? Celebrities? Do you know any journalists who might be interested in writing a story about the books and the values they include? The best two ideas/celebrity access will be rewarded with a case of fine wines. Winners will be revealed in the February, 2022 newsletter.

I give sets of books to children’s hospitals and special needs schools, so if you are affiliated with any, please let me know and I would be happy to send them books.

This Month's Featured Book:
This month’s featured book is Moonlight Puppies. This is a heart-warming Halloween story of love between kids and puppies, and the power of believing in your dreams. In this book, the Colby family moves into an old house. Three stone puppies sit in a stone box by the big fireplace in the Great Hall. During each full moon, zombies, vampires, and witches try to enter the house. When the full moon shines on the puppies, they come to life and scare off the attackers. The children try to convince their parents the puppies are real, but only when everyone in the house truly believes in them will they stay alive as puppies, forever.
The great Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “I have a dream.” We as parents and guardians should encourage our kids to dream and to dream big. We have a moral responsibility to help give our children the educational, emotional, and spiritual tools to help them achieve those dreams. Let’s spend the time to encourage our kids to make this a better world for everyone. Let’s help them become the greatest generation ever!

Please visit my website: As a reminder, a portion of the proceeds from sales of my children’s books is given to a foundation I have established to support children’s charities.

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Best wishes
Paul J. Collins