Judge Roy Moore
Tops U.S. Senate Poll
A recent poll of Alabama citizens expected to vote in the upcoming race for United States Senate in 2020 revealed that most Alabamian voters were NOT fooled by Washington Post's fictitious story about Judge Roy Moore. The poll declared that Judge Moore has a commanding lead over likely contenders for that position.

In fact, the poll by Mason-Dixon polling and Strategy showed that 27% of Alabama Republicans would vote for Judge Moore if the GOP primary was held today. Judge Moore’s lead includes the majority of support from women at 31% in support.
came as a shock to the Washington D.C. Republican establishment
But this revelation came as no surprise to over 651,000 voters who cast their ballot for Judge Moore in 2017.
You are part of Judge Moore's success, as you have assisted us with your faithful donations throughout this process. Judge Roy Moore Defense Fund relies solely on your donations to continue this battle.
In 2017, Republicans and Democrats alike conspired to defeat Judge Moore in the U.S. Senate special election. Groups spent upwards of $50 million dollars to spread falsehoods and deceit among Alabama voters.
Then There was Kavanaugh..
It was no strange coincidence that only 10 months later these same false and scurrilous tactics would again be used in the midst of a very important Supreme Court nomination process of Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. Judge Kavanaugh would survive to be appointed to that high court.
The people have seen through the corrupt tactics of the Washington D.C. establishment out to steal their vote!
While very few politicians could survive such vicious attacks, Judge Moore is not only fighting back in court against those who conspired to destroy his political career, but is also seriously considering another run for the United States Senate!
Lawyers and Washington D.C.'s powerful political forces who are using the court system to delay justice and inhibit his future plans for public office WILL NOT STOP!
A contribution of $50, $100, $500, or even $1000 will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to fight these falicious cases!

Judge Moore has fought many battles for us! It is time that we defend Judge Moore!
From the Display of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Court rotunda to his opposition to same- sex marriage , Judge Moore has fought to uphold the enduring principles of our Constitution and the moral foundation of our Republic.
And he will NOT be stopped!
This journey has not been easy and has cost us over $200,000 in legal fees and court filings. That is why we are asking for your help!

As Patrick Henry once stated, “the battle is not to the strong alone, but to the vigilant, the active, and the brave.”

Our Country is at a crossroad, and some have lost hope that we can survive but then there is God with Whom all things are possible.
Patrick Henry
May He who holds our destiny in His hands grant you guidance and wisdom. And we thank you for all you have done to support us in this battle.

Every donation to the Judge Roy Moore Defense Fund will go toward paying legal fees and court filings to see Judge Roy Moore fully exonerated!
Thank you for your faithful support of my husband,
