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Employee Spotlight
Kelly Jakubowski
Staff Accountant
Sherburne (now known as Killington) - I grew up here on family land.

My husband, Matt, and two crazy dogs: Coale and Belle

Favorite Food:
French fries and chocolate chip cookies

Guilty Pleasure:
Hallmark movies

Pet Peeves:
People who chew loudly!

First Job:
I worked as a waitress at The Homestead in Woodstock, a senior housing center after school in high school.

Most green vegetables (or really any green food)

Who do you most look up to?
My mom, she always puts my brother and myself first so she could always be there for us.
I love to craft. I have a cricut machine and have been using it to make all kinds of things, it helped me through my furlough this past Spring.

Favorite Color:

Something everyone should know about you:
I am active on the Clarendon Fire Auxiliary - we help with fundraising for the fire department and provide assistance (usually food and water) to the department on their bigger calls (mostly fires) and drills. I was an active firefighter when I lived in Killington, which is how I met my husband.

Best thing about your job:
The people - everyone is friendly and helpful whenever I need anything or have any questions (which is a lot as I came from health care...and that is completely different!)
Flu Clinic for Casella Construction Employees
Don't forget, if you want to get a flu shot, nurses from VNA will be at the log cabin in Mendon tomorrow, Friday, November 13 from 2-4 pm.

This clinic is open to Casella Construction employees and their families. Bring your insurance card with you.

Cost is $38.00 for those who do not have insurance.
And remember, for those of you who cannot travel to Mendon, here is a list of pharmacies where you and your family can go to get a flu shot:

Walmart – 8am – 7pm, except from 1:00pm – 2:30pm
($38 for those who do not have insurance)

Walgreens – 9am – 9pm, except from 1:30pm – 2:00pm
($41 for those who do not have insurance)

CVS – 8:00am – 8:30pm Monday - Friday;
9:00am-6:00pm Saturday, 9:00am – 5:00pm Sunday
($38 for those who do not have insurance)

Flu Shots are covered by your health insurance.
Remember to bring your insurance card with you when you go!
2021 Open Enrollment
Please watch the quick video below for a message from HR:
Please join HR for a zoom meeting to help answer any questions you may have
Zoom drop-in meetings (open to join, no appointment necessary) are for employees, spouses, families, can invite anyone who is helping you with open enrollment this year to join with you.
REMINDER: you will need an email address for open enrollment.

Please click here for the Zoom link
If you have any questions, or need to get in touch with HR, please contact Melissa and Kim:
Melissa Coltey
Kim Lewis
Good Catch / Near Miss WINNERS of the Month
We have been receiving an increased number of good catches in the past couple of months - and would like to thank you all for your continued participation.

It was very difficult to decide on just one Good Catch winner of the month… so we have decided to present two awards for the month of October!

The two award winners have been part of Casella Construction for a long time and are doing their part to keep driving our company’s safety program forward. Everyone’s willingness to participate in the program is what helps to make it a success and improve our culture of safety.
Check out our two October Good Catch winners of the month below!
Congrats, Howard Biathrow!
Howard observed a bubble on one of the hoses on a set of torches in the Mendon repair shop. The bubble was due to fatigue in the torch hoses just below the crimp.

He tagged out the torches and got what was needed to replace the hose. The bubble would have made the torches susceptible to leaking gas and ignition.
Great work Howard, thank you for your diligence!
[Howard (C) receives his $100 gift card from Joe Matteri (L) and Dan Caputo (R)]
Congrats, Rodney Watkins!
Brian Rossier and Rodney Watkins were moving a piece of pipe while an excavator operator was digging to the side of them. The excavator came up with a big bucket of dirt on their blind side, and Rodney sounded the horn immediately to alert the operator, which helped avoid an accident.
Great catch Rodney! Thank you for acting so quickly.
[Rodney (L) receives his $100 gift card from Isaiah Coltey (R)]
Referral Program
Don't miss out on a great bonus!
Are you familiar with our employee referral program? Check it out!
Thank You Don - Great Job!
Don Crowe referred Glen Northrup and earned a 2k bonus!
[Don receives his employee referral bonus check from Joseph Casella]
Don wasn't the only one! Congrats also go out to:

  • Tyler Baraw
  • Steve Vance
  • Thad Omand

for referring employees to Casella Construction

Thank you for your efforts in helping us build our industry-leading team!
Shop Talk: Winter Maintenance
Winter Maintenance Tips
The winter season brings its own set of safety and maintenance challenges. Please see the winter maintenance tips below to stay safe this winter.

  1. Shovel tracks daily to prevent material freezing and damaging components.
  2. Keep equipment fuel tanks full after each shift.
  3. Do not let DEF freeze.  Keep it stored above 32 degrees.
  4. Plug in block heaters if equipped.
  5. Drain jobsite water pumps and tanks daily to prevent freezing damage.
Halloween Costume Photo Contest Results!

And the winner is....

Forrest Gump
My Pillow Guy
Allstate Mayhem
Kevin Chamberlain!
Congrats to Kevin for winning the Halloween costume photo contest!

Thanks to everyone who submitted costume photos - every entry received votes, and it was a close contest!

Kevin, enjoy your Casella Construction Yeti Mug!
Casella Construction Sweatshirt Winner!
Everyone who submitted a Halloween costume photo was automatically entered into a drawing to win an L.L. Bean sweatshirt.

Click the video below to see the winner!
Congrats to our winners, thanks for playing along!
Jobsite Photos
Early Morning in Coventry
[Submitted by Kim Lewis]
Jacob Omand's daughter proudly wearing her Casella Construction onesie!
[Submitted by Thad Omand]
Scenes from Moran Demo
[Submitted by Charlie Wadleigh]
[Photos submitted by Kim Lewis]
[Video & photos submitted by Dan Caputo]
Click below to see what you missed:
LNG Install & Costume Vote!
Fire in the Hole!
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Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992