Volume 5, No. 6 • July 2022


Glen Arbor Bed & Breakfast

and Cottages

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Call: (231) 334-6789

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It's a good morning in the County! 

The Leelanau Ticker posted an intriguing article featuring Innkeeper Laura. They share what takes place here from various perspectives of people who call it home. 

Read the Article

#leelanaucounty #GlenArborBnB

Rare Friday night July 1st  opening

Reservations can be made calling our Innkeeper (231)334-6789 or online: Glenarborlodging.com

Book Now!

Traverse Magazine Red Hot Best of 2022

We thrive on accolades, and this one was a real winner! Much to our delight, the Glen Arbor Bed & Breakfast was prominently featured again.

Among places to stay, there is so much more for you to find: golf courses, breweries, fishing charter companies, locally-made hard beverages, places to buy jewelry, u-pick farms, salons, chiropractors, and gyms. It is all here. As the magazine boasts: “It’s the ultimate ticket to insider-dom…celebrating everything local…chosen by more than 22,000 voters who know and love Northern Michigan inside and out.”

#redhotbest #traversecity 

Red Hot Best Winners

Leelanau Farmers Markets

Find an abundance of local food and artisan goods at the farm market located behind Glen Arbor Town Hall each Tuesday from 9am-1pm (June to Mid- Sept.)

Farmers are harvesting first crops including delicious local strawberries, greens galore and beautiful flowers. Asparagus season has already passed at Norconk’s Farm south of Empire. Summer is here.

Plan to shop the best organic fruits, flowers and vegetables to enjoy.

glen arbor farm market
Farmers Markets

#eatlocal #shopsmall

The Dune Dash returns on August 20th. Just dune it!

Join the 4 mile run – fit for all ages -- past rolling dunes and beautiful forests. One of the most picturesque runs in the state, beginning and ending at the Dune Climb. It benefits the construction and maintenance of the Sleeping Bear Heritage Trail. What could be better?

heritage trail dune dash
Event Website

#dunedash #sleepingbeardunes

Community Spotlight:

Key donations for Ukraine

sunflower field

You may know that we created a Community Support Fund, specifically making donations benefitting non-profits that keep our region vibrant. 

But this time we were called to make donations half a world away to raise funds to sustain the struggle of the Ukrainian people.

Randy Chamberlain at our neighboring restaurant Blu asked us to contribute to World Central Kitchen, feeding the displaced in that heroic country, and the entire Traverse City community staged a classical concert drawing an impressive collection in support of victory in that torn country.

Sunflowers are the symbol of that country, as the eagle is for ours. Proud to have added our share.

From Laura's Kitchen...

Summer Panzanella uses fresh tomatoes, basil, and a vinaigrette, making this Tuscan-inspired dish perfect for summer entertaining.

Summer Panzanella Recipe
The Queen's Room at Glen Arbor BnB

Check Availability

coffee station

Laura's Breakfasts


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6548 Western Ave.

Glen Arbor, MI 49636

P: (231) 334-6789

[email protected]