In the interests of keeping you up-to-date on what's available to help our members during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. The Chamber has compiled some resources, as well as obtained some clarifying details on those resources. Click on the buttons below to see the details.

As always, reach out to us if you need anything. Email me at or call 740-649-6372.
US Chamber breaks down CARES Act details; Ohio Legislature passes Coronavirus response bill
Last evening, the U.S. Senate voted to pass the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which will provide emergency relief for American workers and businesses that have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The highlights for small business include:
  • Eligible businesses include food service and accommodation sectors, as well as 501(c)3 non-profits.
  • Coverage for sole proprietors, the self-employed, and independent contractors
  • SBA's standard "no credit elsewhere" test is waived.
  • No personal guarantee or collateral required.

In addition to reviewing the U.S. Chamber CEO Tom Donohue's   full  statement   on the passage of this legislation, please see below for a legislative analysis of the package, in addition to several other important updates, reminders, and resources. Please note: The document will continue to be updated as U.S. Chamber staff analyzes the bill.

In addition, the Ohio Legislature passed a bill Wednesday addressing a variety of issues related to COVID-19 matters. This article breaks down nicely what was addressed by the Legislature.
SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan
process still a great resource
We did a video with SBA's Alex Kohls last week that explained a bit of that agency's Economic Injury Disaster Loan process. But we've also obtained a document that explains the process step-by-step. Download it today! If you have questions, email Alex and he can walk you through the process.
REMINDER: 'Essential' businesses still need to comply with social distancing protocols
The Ross County Health District is tasked with handling complaints about businesses who are currently open, but not complying with the social distancing requirements as specified in the state's Public Order (page 8, number 15) and issued information and a checklist (page 8, number 18).

The health district assures me they are indeed getting complaints, but does not want to take action against businesses who don't comply with the requirements. The best practice is to have a written policy in place detailing how your business qualifies and how you intend to be compliant.  

As Lt. Gov. Jon Husted said in today's press conference, even after the stay-at-home order is lifted, businesses will still need to comply with the social distancing requirements for an unspecified period of time. Also, from the state:

These are complex times and there is no one answer to most questions. The Governor and Director of Health want to promote and protect the health of Ohioans. To that end, it is important to keep the following in mind:
The Governor’s and Director’s Orders establish the spirit and parameters of Ohio’s response.

  • It impossible to anticipate all possible situations.
  • The Orders are meant to be adaptable.
  • It is important you consider the Orders in the spirit with which they are written.
  • The LHDs are empowered to interpret the Orders and enforce those interpretations.
  • As the needs of each situation vary across the state, so will the response.
Keeping within the spirit of the Orders when considering the business’ situation.

  • The list of essential businesses and operations in the March 22, 2020 “Stay at Home” Order is extensive.
  • The business needs to engage and discuss matters with its team, including its lawyer and any trade associations.
  • Each business needs to make a good-faith determination of whether the business or operation, in whole or in part, is essential.
  • Regardless of whether the business is essential or not, if work can be done from home, then have it done from home.
  • Each business needs to make a good-faith effort to reduce its on-site staff to the minimum necessary to keep the location operational.
  • If work needs to be done on-site, businesses need take all precautions to protect employees (6 foot distance from one another, frequent sanitation, etc.)
In this unprecedented time, management decisions will have serious consequences for all.
Quick hits on COVID-19
Nonprofits can get emergency funds
The Chillicothe Ross Community Foundation has established the Coronavirus Emergency Fund in order to make immediate, emergency grant awards to local nonprofits who are on the front lines helping people.

To apply for an emergency grant visit our grants and scholarship portal , create an account and fill out the Coronavirus Emergency Fund application. To qualify for a grant your project must address the humanitarian needs of people who are affected as a result of the COVID-19 Crisis. 100% of the grant award must go directly to people's needs.  We’ve streamlined our grant process to make the application and our decision as quick as possible.

Help us help others who are affected as a result of the COVID-19 Crisis. Help spread the word concerning the fund to raise funds. We are committed that 100% of funds raised will support people needs in Ross County. Please give today at this site . For a limited time all donations will be matched until the fund reaches $30,000.
Stivers hosts small business call Friday
U.S. Rep. Steve Stivers, who represents a portion of Ross County, will host a conference call to hear from small businesses about how Congress can help small business. If you'd like to listen in, please RSVP here .
Yes, scammers are still jerks!
Attorney General Dave Yost is warning the public, and business owners, about scammers. He's also warning about price gouging. Click here to read the warning.
Unemployment site issues
With an overwhelming number of Ohioans trying to file for unemployment and checking on their claims, the system is overwhelmed. The state recommends going to the site in off-peak times to file or check on your claim. The site is available 24/7/365
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce | Email Mike Throne |