All presentations made by Michael John Neill--genealogist with 40 years of research experience and local records expert.

More About ChatGPT webinar

Recording Released!

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This session will review the basic concepts for ChatGPT we covered in our earlier session and will also talk about creating document summaries and research plans, transcribing script documents, files that can be exported and where copy/paste is the option, creating presentation outlines, creating maps, and more. Our focus will be on using ChatGPT to augment research and serve as a research assistant--not just to use AI to automatically create content.

There is so much you can do with ChatGPT that does not involve obviously fake images or stories that sound fake.

Recordings Released!!

Full-Text Searching at FamilySearch

This presentation will discuss the full text search at FamilySearch Labs of US land, US probate, and other records. The following will be included:

·       Search techniques and strategies.

·       Tracking your searches—this is crucial.

·       Organizing and tracking results and located items.

·       Determining exactly what it is you found.

·       Downloading images.

·       Essentials for citation.


Order for immediate download--$20--handout and media file included

Using Land Deeds on FamilySearch

FamilySearch has local land records from a variety of locations in the United States. In this presentation, we will see how to determine what land deeds are available for a specific location, how to access and search those records (including full-text searches, searching using original indexes, and manual searches), making certain you have downloaded all the images comprising a specific record, downloading the title card/book cover, determining what you really are looking at, and general research strategies.

We will also talk about navigating the images on FamilySearch as well.

Using Probate Records on FamilySearch

recording delayed--1 day left to pre-order

FamilySearch has probate records from a variety of locations in the United States. In this presentation, we will see how to determine what probate materials are available for a specific location, how to access and search those records (including full-text searches, searching using original indexes, and manual searches), making certain you have downloaded all the images comprising a specific record, downloading the title card/book cover, determining what you really are looking at, and general research strategies.

We will also talk about navigating the images on FamilySearch as well.