With the holidays upon us, now is a good time to think about the people and things we’re most grateful for, as well as the things that bring us the most joy.
One simple way to bring more joy to ourselves is to be kind to other people.
In an article on the Mayo Clinic Health System, The Art of Kindness, Steve Siegle (Psy. D) writes, "Physiologically, kindness can positively change your brain by boosting levels of serotonin and dopamine.”
These neurotransmitters produce feelings of satisfaction and well-being, and cause the pleasure and reward centers in your brain to light up. Endorphins, your body's natural painkiller, also may be released when you show kindness."
So, this new year, let’s remember to perform more acts of random kindness to help ourselves and others. Open a door for someone, say hello to a stranger, allow someone to go ahead of you in line at the store.